As Of Two Days Ago, 1,360 Murders On Holness, Chang, & Tony’s Watch…

A for­mer col­league of mine, a staunch oppo­nent of the Andrew Holness admin­is­tra­tion, unloaded on Holness recent­ly on a social media thread.” I thought his tirade would have been more cred­i­ble if, as a for­mer police offi­cer and Jamaican, he was more bal­anced and objec­tive in his crit­i­cism of the Prime Minister and his admin­is­tra­tion on the issue of crime.
I am sure he will dis­agree with even this attempt to move him to the mid­dle of ratio­nal­i­ty because of his some­what jaun­diced attach­ment to the People’s National Party.
Shout out to my ‘friend’ up there clos­er to the north pole.


Despite my friend’s lack of objec­tiv­i­ty in acknowl­edg­ing that both polit­i­cal par­ties are respon­si­ble for crime and vio­lence, either by omis­sion or com­mis­sion, it does not mean he is wrong on the mer­its. His char­ac­ter­i­za­tion of the Government’s response as cor­rupt and incom­pe­tent are spot on. His asser­tion that SOEs and ZOSOs are not cred­i­ble crime-fight­ing strate­gies is correct.
That has been this writer’s posi­tion from day one. Why? Because we know the streets and what it takes to fix the prob­lem. We also know that this is not a prob­lem that will be fixed by either a for­mer head of the JDF or some paper cops trained by the intel­lec­tu­al ghetto.
If only [my friend] would acknowl­edge that not only are the PNP more cor­rupt and incom­pe­tent, the par­ty is more aligned to the crim­i­nal gangs and there­fore inca­pable of help­ing to for­mu­late a crime reduc­tion pol­i­cy to erad­i­cate the vio­lence in our coun­try effectively.
The PNP has not only encour­aged crime and vio­lence in our coun­try, but as a par­ty, they have been active cheer­lead­ers for the law­less­ness with­in the dance­hall cul­ture and encour­aged peo­ple to stand up to police who attempt to turn off loud music that dis­turbs the peace in communities.
Consequently, the PNP is ill-equipped and should not be allowed near pow­er until the par­ty goes through a com­plete metamorphosis.

https://​mike​beck​les​.com/​3​4​8​825 – 2/?fbclid=IwAR3MWshkojVl-dCTzQMis_PsJ4Ftiv4bXHU5gVVWCJUtU5oTscW6GZ2nbEM

That aside, there is no excuse for the Andrew Holness admin­is­tra­tion’s incom­pre­hen­si­ble incom­pe­tence on crime. From the start of Holness’ tenure as Prime Minister, I sound­ed the alarm that, based on his utter­ances and under­stand­ing of what it takes to fix the crime prob­lem in Jamaica, he would be a dis­mal failure.
Andrew Holness’ fail­ure to seek coun­sel from peo­ple who know and his desire to accept the coun­sel of those who don’t have been sig­nif­i­cant dri­vers of crime.
For starters, how can the prime min­is­ter con­vince any­one that he is inter­est­ed in stem­ming the blood­let­ting when his admin­is­tra­tion, whose respon­si­bil­i­ty it is for the safe­ty of the peo­ple, has not passed the laws nec­es­sary to put crim­i­nals in jail and keep them there?
This ques­tion encap­su­lates the entire debate on crime and vio­lence in Jamaica!

And so the Prime min­is­ter is back at it on Tuesday morn­ing, talk­ing about States of emer­gen­cies in Saint Catherine, Clarendon, parts of Kingston and Saint Andrew, as well as the parish­es of St James, Westmoreland, and Hanover… Essentially rear­rang­ing the deckchairs on the sink­ing Titanic. Mister Prime min­is­ter, sor­ry for the lan­guage, but the fuck­ing crim­i­nals are win­ning.
Whose idea was it that this guy was bright?
No rea­son­able per­son expect­ed that peo­ple would be able to sleep with their win­dows or doors open in Jamaica as Holness promised. Not with pover­ty, greed, envy, and bad mind ram­pant in our coun­try. But folks expect­ed that Holness, who brags about being from a dif­fer­ent gen­er­a­tion, would be a lit­tle savvi­er.….… or should I say a lit­tle less dunce.
Look.….. I get it. The crim­i­nal cabal that is the PNP will not lift a fin­ger to join the Government in writ­ing and pass­ing leg­is­la­tion into laws that will pull Jamaican back from the brink. The PNP is inter­est­ed in burn­ing the place down and pre­sid­ing over the ash­es for their self­ish gains. We also know that a crime-rid­den Jamaica is the dream of the com­rades, their route back to power.
But where is the leg­is­la­tion from the Andrew Holness admin­is­tra­tion that would effec­tive­ly put the PNP on record oppos­ing crime-fight­ing measures?
Write the Laws and let them oppose them.
The JLP gov­ern­ment can­not con­tin­ue to do any­thing but resort to old failed mea­sures. If the gov­ern­ment can­not fix this, its most impor­tant oblig­a­tion, then it’s time that the peo­ple rea­son­ably look else­where for leadership.

In try­ing to jus­ti­fy his actions, Holness said, “The gov­ern­ment, after care­ful con­sid­er­a­tion on the advice of the secu­ri­ty chiefs, have decid­ed to advise the Governor General that it was nec­es­sary and indeed appro­pri­ate to declare States of Public Emergency in these areas. We have seen an increase in crim­i­nal activ­i­ty in these areas and, indeed, a threat to prop­er­ty and, in some instances, pub­lic dis­or­der.
There was nev­er any decrease in crime in any of these parish­es, mis­ter prime min­is­ter. As is the case in so many oth­er places, what has hap­pened are fluc­tu­a­tions in crime sta­tis­tics based on sev­er­al fac­tors, none of which may be attrib­uted to effec­tive polic­ing. Most laugh­able is the Prime Minister’s ref­er­ence to the [quote] ‘secu­ri­ty chiefs’; this is where I burst out laugh­ing. Who exact­ly are these guys and gals“?
As of November 13th, a total of 1,360 Jamaicans were report­ed mur­dered, accord­ing to the police. A 6.8 per­cent increase over last year. Let us be clear-eyed about this fig­ure; it only rep­re­sents what the police know about, not the scores of peo­ple report­ed miss­ing who have not been heard from or found.
It does not rep­re­sent peo­ple shot, stabbed, chopped, and oth­er­wise injured who will die but haven’t yet passed due to those injuries.
Mister prime min­is­ter, the crim­i­nals, are fuck­ing winning!!!!





Mike Beckles is a for­mer Police Detective, busi­ness­man, free­lance writer, black achiev­er hon­oree, and cre­ator of the blog mike​beck​les​.com.