And Now The Madam Of Decadence Has Dived In.…

Is it just me or does any­one recall when the aver­age per­son who used patios^ (pat­wa) was looked down upon by the peo­ple who live above Cross Roads?
Remember when that part of Jamaica, the bor­jouise, sneered at the fact that the vast major­i­ty of the Jamaican peo­ple were unable to speak flu­ent English, and were only able to express them­selves in their native pat­wa?
I don’t know about you, but I recall full well how those infi­dels dis­re­spect­ed the aver­age per­son for being what they char­ac­ter­ized as dunce, because they were only able to speak the dialect.
As a young police offi­cer, I recall their dis­dain for the cops who they deemeed beneath them because they spoke Patwa.
In their fake uptown accents, they would ask me some­times “where were you trained”? Because I some­times humored them by speak­ing the so-called queen’s English. Little did they know how repulsed I was by their attempts to pan­der to me.
Now if you remem­ber how they hat­ed pat­wa, then focus now on their utter dis­dain when we cut a few[bombo claat].

Image result for university of the west indies carolyn cooper

The worst trans­gres­sors were the ones who had tread the cor­ri­dors of acad­e­mia, the UWI in par­tic­u­lar. That most left­ist clique which had just emerged from the dor­man­cy of their sta­tus as the Lumpen pro­le­tari­at and was now the new face of the intel­li­gentsia, pro­gres­sive and in charge. Flushed with their new­found pow­er and free­dom from the shack­les of colo­nial dom­i­na­tion, they were the new sher­iff in town, they would decide stan­dards, good and bad.
If you ever won­dered what that face looked like, look no fur­ther than the Jezebel Carolyn Cooper.
But it is far from Cooper the icon­o­clast alone, who have been hell-bent on the destruc­tion of our revered cul­ture.
There is now a whole slew of oth­ers who also have tra­versed those same cor­ri­dors, who were sup­posed to come out edu­cat­ed in the true sense of the word, but for all intents and pur­pos­es seem to have gone in like john­ny cake and came out like dumpling.

So pat­wa was the lan­guage spo­ken by the under­class, une­d­u­cat­ed peas­antry, and for a while, that was the sta­tus quo because the bour­geoise said so.
Until they decid­ed that since the Jamaican cul­ture had become a thing, a thing of inter­est to oth­er peo­ple in oth­er parts of the world all of a sud­den like wild hors­es the UWI crowd is now in a dead race to be seen as a cat­a­lyst for all things patwa.Collouquiolism and coarse­ness is sup­posed to be the new stan­dard, sim­ply because they say so, because they are now com­fort­able for it to be so.
But we know that these frauds were the very ones turn­ing up their noses at this dialect and the peo­ple who speak it, not out of desire, but because it was all they could muster.


Yesterday I wrote about the young upstart Senator Andrea Haughton of the PNP who had his feel­ings hurt because the police had appro­pri­ate­ly pulled the plug on a reg­gae show in which exple­tives were being used. Obviously this lit­tle emper­or in the mak­ing, must have been at the show when it was stopped and felt pow­er­less that his sta­tus as an esteemed sen­a­tor and a Doctor to boot, were not enough to cause the police to cow­er at his very pres­ence.
And, know­ing the Jamaican police they prob­a­bly would have cow­ered had he inter­vened, if past is pro­logue.
He now tells local media that he wants to revis­it the (town and com­mu­ni­ty act), because our sup­posed bad words are not bad words at all.
As if he does­n’t know that the words them­selves are not bad, but the neg­a­tive con­no­ta­tions we attach to them which deter­mines their inap­pro­pri­ate­ness and coarse­ness.
(Or does he)?
True to form, UWI Professor Emerita Carolyn Cooper, has thrown her sup­port behind the Haughton idea, claim­ing (“Jamaican bad words have a quite respectable pedi­gree. They usu­al­ly refer to per­fect­ly good female body parts and func­tions. But the lan­guage of these bad words is often of African ori­gin. So it’s almost impos­si­ble for some of us to ful­ly appre­ci­ate the explo­sive pow­er of a big, fat, bad word. It’s pos­i­tive ener­gy, not just neg­a­tive. But we can’t see that. We’re still trapped in damn­ing stereo­types about our cul­ture.” )

Reverting to my own col­lo­qui­al school­ing, I am tempt­ed to point out just how flies tend to fol­low shit wher­ev­er it is?
This was the same woman who brought now con­vict­ed mur­der­er Vybz Kartel into the sup­posed epic-cen­ter of high­er learn­ing [sic], the UWI to give lec­tures.
These are the very same sup­posed experts and cul­tur­al icons who want to turn over our chil­dren to the teach­ings of homo­sex­u­al­i­ty and oth­er acts of immoral­i­ty under a faux canopy of cul­tur­al pro­gres­siveism .
Instead of being lead­ers of intel­lec­tu­al thought, these char­la­tans have posi­tioned them­selves as infi­dels and instru­ments of degen­er­a­cy. They are dan­ger­ous, and a detri­ment to our soci­ety and its exis­tence as a func­tion­ing place for peo­ple to live and raise their fam­i­lies.
And all for the sake of cheap thrills and a for­ward as the dance-hall would say.
Look for this to gath­er steam as Jamaica has decid­ed­ly embarked on a path toward degen­er­a­cy. Its lead­ers have con­vinced them­selves that cheap pop­u­lar­i­ty is far more valu­able than main­tain­ing cul­tur­al norms which have made us unique­ly Jamaica.
Further advanc­ing the hedo­nis­tic, and las­civ­i­ous shell of our for­mer selves that we have become.

Mike Beckles is a for­mer Jamaican police Detective cor­po­ral, a busi­ness own­er, avid researcher, and blog­ger. 
He is a black achiev­er hon­oree, and pub­lish­er of the blog chatt​-​a​-box​.com. 
He’s also a con­trib­u­tor to sev­er­al web­sites.
You may sub­scribe to his blogs free of charge, or sub­scribe to his Youtube chan­nel @chatt-a-box, for the lat­est pod­cast all free to you of course.