Andrew Holness New Prime Minister ?

On the front page of this site I com­ment­ed that Jamaica is at a crossroads,at no time is this state­ment more pro­found than at this moment in time in our coun­try’s history.

The reason/​s behind Prime Minister Bruce Golding’s deci­sion to step down is a mon­u­men­tal one , he is not the first Prime Minister to do so, but he may be the first to do so under total­ly unclear moti­va­tions. In the short peri­od since 1962 there have been cas­es where prime min­is­ters have demit­ted office for one rea­son or anoth­er, Donald Sangster died in office, Michael Manley stepped aside due to ill-health and made way for Patterson, who in turn stepped aside mak­ing way for Simpson Miller before his term expired.

None of these chief exec­u­tives have demit­ted office under the cloud Golding has been under, ever since the débâ­cle involv­ing his alleged bungling of the Christopher Coke extra­di­tion . There has been a sus­tained cho­rus-call for his res­ig­na­tion, we on these blogs has also called for his res­ig­na­tion, not for polit­i­cal rea­sons, but because we val­ue coun­try over all else.

There has also been a sus­tained call from oth­er quar­ters for pure­ly polit­i­cal rea­sons, rea­sons that have noth­ing to do with our coun­try’s well-being, but are genised in a desire to see Jamaica return to the days of crash pro­gramme social­ist hand outs. We are less inclined than oth­ers to sug­gest ulte­ri­or motives for the Prime Minister’s res­ig­na­tion , what we do know is that he just lost his moth­er, a loss which must weigh heav­i­ly on him, we wish mis­ter Golding well and hope that heir appar­ent Andrew Holness will check any ego he has at the door .

We are well aware of the nar­cis­sis­tic ego­ma­nia that is a sta­ple of Jamaica’s politi­cians, Holness would be well advised not to take this to Jamaica House. As we have called on Golding to tran­scend pol­i­tics and be a dif­fer­ent kind of polit­i­cal leader, we also call on young Holness to shed the bag­gage of trib­al pol­i­tics and put coun­try first, oth­er­wise his demise will be assured as is the case with Golding.

We will await fur­ther devel­op­ments before com­ment­ing further.

mike beck­les.

heve your say.