A Cornered Man With The Most Lethal Nuclear Arsenal Is A Dangerous Man…

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Was any­one sur­prised at the rev­e­la­tions by the New York Times, that Donald Trump paid $0 in tax­es in 10 of 15 years, or that he only paid $740 in fed­er­al tax­es in 2016 the year he was run­ning for president?
According to the report, Trump paid $750 in fed­er­al income tax, by that mea­sure, he would have to have earned $17,900 in order to pay that pal­try amount.
This leaves us with three assump­tions, (a) either Trump is real­ly nowhere as rich as he would like the world to believe, [by virtue of his tax pay­ments] (b) Trump is guilty of lying on the returns he does file, and there­fore guilty of defraud­ing the gov­ern­ment of much-need­ed rev­enue, & © the oth­er nov­el idea is that both of the two for­mer sce­nar­ios are true, and prob­a­bly the most plau­si­ble of the three
If I was a bet­ting man I would wager that Donald Trump, the life­long con-artist is lying about his wealth, has lied to avoid pay­ing his fair share of tax­es, lied in 2016 when con­front­ed by Hillary Clinton that he paid no tax­es, and is lying now with the worn-out malarky that he is under audit and there­fore can­not release his returns.
There is no truth to the idea that giv­en a sit­u­a­tion in which he is being audit­ed he would be pre­clud­ed from divulging his tax returns.
This has already been debunked by the IRS, even though the agency is con­strained from say­ing whether any American, includ­ing Trump, is under their audit micro­scope or not.

It makes a lot of sense now to some, [it made sense to this writer in 2016], that despite the ban­ter, when Hillary Clinton accused him of not pay­ing any fed­er­al income tax, he chimed in, “that’s because I’m smart”, that Hillary had nailed it.
Don the Con was not pay­ing any taxes.
Donald Trump’s entire life was one of lies and dis­tor­tions, a trust fund baby who was pushed by his father to be what he was not cut out for.
He cre­at­ed an image in New York, bur­nished and facil­i­tat­ed by New York Media.….The gold­en boy of suc­cess, tall, blond, the all-American sym­bol of suc­cess, the draft-dodg­ing Trump was allowed to main­tain a lie, all but­tressed by the media.
Donald Trump, who for all intents and pur­pos­es may have nev­er earned a degree, nev­er ran a suc­cess­ful busi­ness, was able to pass as a sym­bol of American suc­cess, and not the pam­pered, racist, con artist, that he tru­ly is.
Donald Trump conned his way into the most pow­er­ful office in the world, has access to the world’s most lethal nuclear arse­nal, and poten­tial­ly places the American Democracy in a per­ilous posi­tion from which it may nev­er recover.
For his life of lies, there can be noth­ing but recog­ni­tion for Trump, he has shown the world that a man devoid of hon­or, morals, con­science, or con­vic­tion can lie his way through life and acquire the great­est prize, the American presidency.

That may speak vol­umes about Donald Trump, but the real tragedy is what it says about the syco­phants who wor­ship at his feet, even as he express­es dis­gust, at the mere thought of hav­ing to shake their hands.
It’s real­ly not too dif­fi­cult to under­stand why Donald Trump can­not, and will not say he will accept the out­come of the upcom­ing elec­tions in my estimation.
Trump’s gam­bit to use the pres­i­den­cy to save him­self may be back­fir­ing. By some reports that we have not val­i­dat­ed, Donald Trump holds $421 mil­lion in debt, much of which becomes due in the next four years, addi­tion­al­ly, he may owe the IRS $100 mil­lion accord­ing to the Huffington Post.
The fact that he will not say that he will con­cede if he los­es in November may speak to his fear of impris­on­ment. He was alleged­ly named by the Southern District of New York, an unin­dict­ed co-con­spir­a­tor with his for­mer lawyer and fix­er Michael Cohen with whom he is now estranged. Cohen was impris­oned and is still under the con­trol of the state’s cor­rec­tion­al juris­dic­tion and control.

Donald Trump is seem­ing­ly will­ing to do any­thing to hold on to the pow­er of the pres­i­den­cy. He is deter­mined to ride out what he obvi­ous­ly believes is the statute of lim­i­ta­tions on any charges that may be pend­ing, ‑await­ing his exit from office.
One more rea­son for the jus­tice depart­ment pol­i­cy not to indict a sit­ting pres­i­dent should be dis­card­ed. The idea that a sit­ting pres­i­dent should not be indict­ed because it dis­tracts them from being pres­i­dent, does sev­er­al things, not the least of which is to (a) embold­en pres­i­dents to com­mit crimes, and (b) sets pres­i­dents above the laws.
Based on his finan­cial and poten­tial legal woes Trump may be pre­pared to burn the whole house down in order to save himself.
The thing to watch is whether those poten­tial charges may be made to dis­ap­pear by William Barr. If Barr inter­feres with those pro­ceed­ings he should be pros­e­cut­ed along with Trump.
A cor­nered man is a dan­ger­ous man, a man with the codes to the most lethal nuclear arse­nal .…well.…..

Mike Beckles is a for­mer police Detective cor­po­ral, busi­ness­man, free­lance writer, he is a black achiev­er hon­oree, and pub­lish­er of the blog mike​beck​les​.com. 
He’s also a con­trib­u­tor to sev­er­al websites.
You may sub­scribe to his blogs free of charge, or sub­scribe to his Youtube chan­nel @chatt-a-box, for the lat­est pod­cast all free to you of course.
