Mitch McConnell Issues Threats To Company CEO’s Backing Voting Rights Advocates…

No oth­er indi­vid­ual has harmed the coun­try and its insti­tu­tions a‑la the US Senate, The US Supreme Court, civil­i­ty and hon­esty, than Mitch McConnell, the US Senator from Kentucky.
The truth is that Mitch McConnell was nev­er close to being bet­ter than Trent Lott or any oth­er Republican that ever held the office of Senate Majority/​Minority leader.
Mitch McConnell is, in fact, an old racist rel­ic of the old order, noth­ing more, noth­ing less.
And so here we are with Mitch McConnell, the old cur­mud­geon warn­ing cor­po­rate lead­ers to quote, ‘Stay out of pol­i­tics or there will be consequences.
His threats were aimed at cor­po­rate lead­ers who spoke out in oppo­si­tion to the state of Georgia Republican roll-out of Jim Crow 2.0 in new leg­is­la­tions after they lost the state to Joe Biden and lost the two US Senate seats to the Democrats.
Can’t win?

Mitch McConnell

Cheating is some­thing Mitch McConnell has no prob­lem with; you know, nine months before the 2016 Presidential elec­tions was too close for President Obama to appoint Merrick Garland to the US Supreme Court, but 30-days out from the 2020 elec­tions was just fine to ram Amy Coney Barret through.….
The idea that this despi­ca­bly rep­re­hen­si­ble indi­vid­ual would dare to threat­en cor­po­rate lead­ers as if he is a King,or that the pow­er he wields comes from him­self and not them is galling.
But Mitch McConnell loves to issue threats… he issues them to the Democratic par­ty as a mat­ter of course.
“You try to reform the Senate fil­i­buster, and when we return to pow­er, we will ram through our racist agen­da, and you will have no say in the matter.
Mitch McConnell’s galling arro­gance is a clas­sic white male attitude,they believe the coun­try is theirs and theirs to rule the way they see fit.
Take it or leave it.
Who does this guy think he is? Here is a guy that spent all his life on the pub­lic’s pay­roll that he now thinks he is some king or some­thing, to tell peo­ple what they are allowed to do and not do.
Coca-Cola Co-Chief Executive James Quincey called the law “unac­cept­able” and a “step backward.”
Delta Air Lines CEO Ed Bastian said: “The entire ratio­nale for this bill was based on a lie: that there was wide­spread vot­er fraud in Georgia in the 2020 election.”
Major League Baseball pulled the 2021 All-Star Game out of the state over the law strength­en­ing iden­ti­fi­ca­tion require­ments for absen­tee bal­lots and mak­ing it a crime to offer food or water to vot­ers wait­ing in line.
Corporations will invite seri­ous con­se­quences if they become a vehi­cle for far-left mobs to hijack our coun­try from out­side the con­sti­tu­tion­al order,” McConnell told a news con­fer­ence in his home state of Kentucky.
Someone should tell old tur­tle face that decent, intel­li­gent peo­ple, includ­ing com­pa­ny exec­u­tives, will not sit idly by while old racist nean­derthals like him and his kind take us back to the George Wallace Bull O’Connor era.
These old crus­taceans, includ­ing Donald Trump, their dear leader, would like noth­ing bet­ter than to send Black peo­ple back to the cot­ton fields.
It will not hap­pen; he can bet on it.
