The PNP’s Contribution, Divisiveness, Envy ‚racial Animus…


Progress for whom ?
Over the years the People’s National Party has had Jamaicans fooled using catchy phras­es and jingles.
Which leads us to ask just how stu­pid are Jamaicans really?
Michael Manley’s cam­paign against Edward Seaga was one of the most divi­sive cam­paigns waged in the his­to­ry of our young Nation. In fact it could rea­son­ably be argued that it was dur­ing Michael Manley’s divi­sive for­ay into Jamaican pol­i­tics that the chasm which exist today developed.

Edward Seaga..
Edward Seaga..

Michael Manley waged a vis­cous and vis­cer­al cam­paign against the JLP’s Edward Seaga who was born on 28 May 1930, in Boston, Massachusetts, to Philip George Seaga and Erna (née Maxwell), Seaga’s par­ents returned to Jamaica with Edward when the boy was three months old. [wikipedia].
George Nooks a reg­gae singer and PNP sup­port­er penned and made pop­u­lar a song titled ‘my father born ya’ which became the National anthem for the PNP in it’s racist cam­paign against Edward Seaga.
Never mind that Michael Manley’s grand­fa­ther T.A.S. Manley was the son of a white Anglo-Saxon trad­er who migrat­ed from Yorkshire England.

There was noth­ing in the Jamaican Constitution which pre­clud­ed or barred Seaga from rep­re­sen­ta­tion­al pol­i­tics because of his American birth. Remember Seaga’s par­ents returned to their native Jamaica when their son was a mere three months old.
The Constitution appro­pri­ate­ly bars a for­eign nation­al with alle­giance to a for­eign Country from hold­ing polit­i­cal office in Jamaica.
This did not apply to Edward Seaga a Jamaica. Yet Michael Manley and his Party did not care they divid­ed the coun­try along par­ty lines, racial lines and along eco­nom­ic lines.

Jamaica's coat of arms. Out of many one people.
Jamaica’s coat of arms.
Out of many one people.

Jamaica has always been a melt­ing pot of dif­fer­ent peo­ple of all dif­fer­ent back­grounds. One of the defin­ing char­ac­ter­is­tics of Jamaicans regard­less of eth­nic­i­ty , is our vehe­mence about our Jamaican-ness.
None of the unique­ness of our vehe­ment Jamaican-ness mat­tered to Michael Manley he was pre­pared to win at all cost.
Edward Phillip George Seaga was paint­ed and depict­ed as an un-Jamaican inter­lop­er who should not be trusted.
Every neg­a­tive con­no­ta­tion was attached to Seaga with a view to mak­ing him less Jamaican than the major­i­ty black African pop­u­la­tion, or not Jamaican at all.

The PNP dis­sem­i­nat­ed lies and pro­pa­gan­da which claimed that Seaga was a tool of the Central Intelligence Agency . He was spo­ken of pejo­ra­tive­ly as ‘Spyaga’, despite the fact that Seaga had invest­ed more time and effort toward the devel­op­ment of Jamaica and it’s cul­ture in ways Manley could only dream of .

The char­ac­ter assas­si­na­tion lev­eled against Bruce Golding and lit­er­al­ly every oth­er mem­ber of the JLP deserv­ing or not, has always been the ‘modus operan­di’ of the People’s National Party.
When a par­ty has noth­ing sub­stan­tive to offer it cre­ates diver­sions intend­ed to inflame passions.

It is with­ing that con­text that we must assim­i­late this brouha­ha sur­round­ing Andrew Holness’s home. Recently I wrote that Jamaica is head­ed in the direc­tion of the 70’s .

It was that very same spir­it of envy which char­ac­ter­ized Manley’s reign which Andrew Holness is being forced to address.
This notion that peo­ple who work hard , plan and suc­ceed are wicked cap­i­tal­ists is still alive in Jamaica. The idea is that those who suc­ceed should give half of what they have to lazy peo­ple who look to Government for hand­outs, is alive and well. In fact they no longer want half they sim­ply kill and take what they want.
Hence the mur­der sta­tis­tics to a cer­tain degree.
The idea of cast­ing doubt on suc­cess, or that suc­cess­ful peo­ple derived what they have through less than hon­est means is reprehensible.
Either way the PNP is not the par­ty to be point­ing fingers.
It’s Integrity Commission a mis­nomer is in need of an integri­ty overall.

Now that Holness have revealed his sources of fund­ing for his project, let see if Portia Simpson Miller Percival Patterson , Peter Phillips and oth­ers will divulge the source of their incred­i­ble wealth.
Either way it may not mat­ter to an une­d­u­cat­ed elec­torate whose inter­est is focused large­ly on the very next meal .
This is the lega­cy of the People’s National Party. This is the endur­ing and indeli­ble stink this Party has on embed­ded in Jamaica.

2 thoughts on “The PNP’s Contribution, Divisiveness, Envy ‚racial Animus…

  1. For years the PNP par­ty always been a cham­pi­on for this can­cer­ous rhetoric of hat­ing suc­cess­ful peo­ple. Honestly, I don’t know how peo­ple grav­i­tate to those ideas, think­ing, philoso­phies, and down­right cov­etous behavior? 

    The PNP gov­ern­ment have noth­ing to offer its licky, licky, beg­gy, beg­gy, social­ist con­stituents but Andrew Holness house? So, let­ting them hat­ing the man’s fam­i­ly suc­cess is going to make their lives bet­ter? What utter mad­ness and distraction!

    The PNP par­ty is the par­ty that envy oth­ers for their suc­cess, because if they were inter­est­ed in mak­ing progress and peo­ple’s lives bet­ter. They could have used Andrew Holness as a hard work­ing Jamaican who have been suc­cess­ful under their gov­er­nance, because his new found wealth hap­pen dur­ing their years of being the gov­ern­ment of the day!

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