Wipe ‘Em Off The Fucking Map’: 3 Cops Were Caught On Camera Fantasizing About Killing Black People

When they tell you just how great American cops are and that there are only a few bad apples.…..
Well, as I said in an arti­cle days ago if 50 cops are on scene and 10 are engaged in abus­ing mem­bers of the pub­lic and the oth­ers do noth­ing, please explain to me how the oth­er 40 can lay claim to being good cops? Unless of course, beat­ing up and killing mem­bers of the pub­lic is depart­ment pol­i­cy?
Well, you be the judge .……


Three police offi­cers in Wilmington, North Carolina were fired on Wednesday after a rou­tine audit of dash­cam footage caught them hav­ing vio­lent­ly racist con­ver­sa­tions, includ­ing one where an offi­cer said he “can’t wait” to “go out and start slaugh­ter­ing them fuck­ing [n — words]” in a poten­tial civ­il war. 
During an audit on June 4, a Wilmington PD Sgt. Heflin dis­cov­ered that the dash­cam on Officer Michael “Kevin” Piner’s car had been acci­den­tal­ly acti­vat­ed, and had cap­tured con­ver­sa­tions Piner had with Cpl. Jesse Moore and Officer James “Brian” Gilmore. In those two con­ver­sa­tions, the offi­cers antic­i­pat­ed and even glo­ri­fied the prospect of racial civ­il war and looked for­ward to indis­crim­i­nate­ly mur­der­ing Black peo­ple, among oth­er racist comments.

Piner tells Moore lat­er in the con­ver­sa­tion that he feels a civ­il war is com­ing and he is ‘ready,’” Piner said, accord­ing to doc­u­ments released by police Wednesday. “Piner advised he is going to buy a new assault rifle in the next cou­ple of weeks. A short time lat­er Officer Piner began to dis­cuss soci­ety being close to ‘mar­tial law’ and soon ‘we are just gonna go out and start slaugh­ter­ing them fuck­ing [n‑words]. I can’t wait. God, I can’t wait.’ Moore respond­ed that he would not do that. Piner stat­ed, ‘I am ready.’” 
Piner then told Moore that a civ­il war was need­ed to “wipe ’emoff the fuck­ing map. That’ll put them back four or five gen­er­a­tions.” Moore respond­ed, “You’re crazy.” Wilmington police chief Donny Williams, a Black vet­er­an of the depart­ment who had been named its per­ma­nent chief on the pre­vi­ous day, said at a press con­fer­ence that he would have no tol­er­ance for the behav­ior record­ed by the dash­cams, accord­ing to Wilmington’s Port City Daily. “This is the most excep­tion­al and dif­fi­cult case I have encoun­tered in my career,” Williams said. “We must estab­lish new reforms for polic­ing here at home and through­out this country.”

In addi­tion to fir­ing the three offi­cers, Williams said he would noti­fy the North Carolina Education and Training Standards Commission because “these indi­vid­u­als should not be allowed to prac­tice law enforce­ment again,” accord­ing to the report. Williams also said that the Wilmington police depart­ment would con­sult with the dis­trict attor­ney to review cas­es where the offi­cers had been called to tes­ti­fy as wit­ness­es, to deter­mine if they had been biased towards the defen­dants, as well as “if any crimes had been com­mit­ted by the offi­cers” them­selves.
The con­ver­sa­tions all show Piner, Gilmore, and Moore turn­ing their ire towards protests against the ongo­ing nation­al protests against police bru­tal­i­ty and racism, as well as Black peo­ple they’ve arrest­ed, Black judges, and Black fel­low officers.

During a con­ver­sa­tion about the protests, Gilmore and Piner voiced their dis­gust about videos of police offi­cers kneel­ing with pro­test­ers, what Gilmore refers to as “wor­ship­ping blacks.” Gilmore also told Piner that it’s “almost like [Black peo­ple] think they’re their own god.” The audio also caught Piner and Gilmore talk­ing about Black offi­cers in their depart­ment. “Let’s see how his boys take care of him when shit gets rough, see if they don’t put a bul­let in his head,” Piner said, refer­ring to one Black offi­cer, who Piner also called a “piece of shit.” 
Later, dash­cam video caught Piner and Moore’s phone call, which includ­ed Moore refer­ring to a Black woman he arrest­ed as an “[n‑word],” and a Black local judge as a “fuck­ing Negro mag­is­trate” and referred to her by a homo­pho­bic slur. 
“God has a spe­cial place in hell for peo­ple like that, man. Hate ‘em,” Moore told Piner. “It’s bad because not all Black peo­ple are like that.” After Piner respond­ed, “Most of ‘em,” Moore said: “90 per­cent of them, Kevin, 90 fuck­ing per­cent of them.” 

All three cops had been with the police depart­ment for more than twen­ty years, accord­ing to doc­u­ments pro­vid­ed by the Wilmington Police Department, and all three had spent sig­nif­i­cant amounts of time on the department’s Special Operations team through­out their careers.
When inter­viewed, “each offi­cer point­ed to the stress of today’s law enforce­ment envi­ron­ment” as the rea­son for the con­tent of the con­ver­sa­tions, accord­ing to the report. All three also denied being racist.
This arti­cle orig­i­nal­ly appeared on VICE US.