Palestine’s Dilema Part 1!

Yesterday President Obama went to the United Nations and offered up a stout defense of the state of Israel. At the heart of this year’s General assem­bly meet­ing is the desire by Palestinians to have a sep­a­rate state of their own, side by side with the Jewish state of Israel. The pres­i­dent went to great lengths to artic­u­late the com­mit­ment of the United States in defense of the state of Israel. Absent from the speech was any par­al­lel com­mit­ment to see the thorny issue of Israel’s con­tin­ued build­ing of set­tle­ments stopped, an issue many objec­tive observers see as a land grab. The Israelis for their part seem to argue that the con­tin­ued build­ing of set­tle­ment is in the inter­est of their own secu­ri­ty, this con­vo­lut­ed argu­ment is part of their response to this issue when they are not argu­ing they have no con­trol over the set­tlers. In fair­ness to Israel some set­tle­ments have been bull­dozed as a sign of good-will by a pre­vi­ous admin­is­tra­tion. This Administration of Benjamin Netanyahu is a less than ready to nego­ti­ate with the Palestinian Authority head­ed by Mahmoud Abbas aka Abu Mazen.

The prob­lems that exist between the Palestinians and Israelis are old and dates back to Biblical times, they were not fixed with any American pres­i­dent since the state of Israel was formed on con­test­ed lands in 1947. Those who pur­port to sup­port Israel on bib­li­cal grounds, argu­ing that God had promised the land to Israel, will find it dif­fi­cult to con­tin­ue to make that argu­ment in the face of Israel’s con­tin­ued occu­pa­tion of a sov­er­eign peo­ple, sub­ject­ing them to mul­ti­ple spot checks just to move or do ordi­nary things dur­ing the course of a day, some­thing we all take for grant­ed. The United States can­not be a cred­i­ble bro­ker for peace in light of its con­tin­ued and sus­tained sup­port for all things Israel even in light of her trans­gres­sions and sub­se­quent con­dem­na­tion by the inter­na­tion­al com­mu­ni­ty. Israel will con­tin­ue to find itself iso­lat­ed as long as she is pro­tect­ed by the United States, and does as she pleas­es out of the reach of nor­mal puni­tive sanc­tions that would have been attached to oth­er states. The sense of enti­tle­ment Israel feels is at the heart of the prob­lems and will not be addressed in our life­time if the process toward peace is the road present­ly being trav­elled. Israel can­not expect to flaunt inter­na­tion­al law and cry anti-Semitism when oth­ers speak out. Despite the noise by those on the cam­paign trail pros­trat­ing them­selves in front of Jewish vot­ers, there are some states­men who have a grasp of some sem­blance of fair­ness. Former pres­i­dent Clinton stat­ed in an inter­view with CNN.” The Israelis should state pub­licly that they do not want a two state solu­tion, let the Palestinian peo­ple get on with their lives, and live with the con­se­quences”. Once again pres­i­dent Obama has reneged on a stat­ed promise; he stat­ed he sup­port­ed a two state solu­tion between Israel and the Palestinian, yet yes­ter­day he explic­it­ly went to the United Nations with the intent to veto any move by Abbas to ask the Security Council for state­hood for the Palestinian peo­ple. Christian fun­da­men­tal­ists in America push for uncon­di­tion­al sup­port for Israel, They do so irre­spec­tive of Israel’s trans­gres­sions against the Palestinian peo­ple, if they are argu­ing from a reli­gious per­spec­tive that God has cho­sen Israel, are we to believe that God favors some peo­ple over oth­ers? Does God not care what his cho­sen peo­ple do unto oth­ers? The Palestinian peo­ple for their part must under­stand that they will, not win a bat­tle of might over Israel, they must approach their cause the way Doctor King and Gandhi approached their prob­lems, their cause as it relates to their oppres­sion and con­tin­ued occu­pa­tion is just . They must use moral per­sua­sion, they will be vin­di­cat­ed only through that path.

mike beck­les”

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