Why Are Cops Responsible For The Video-release Of Ahmaud Arbery’s Encounter Not Prosecuted?

A sin­gle instance where a cit­i­zen stands up to police against unlaw­ful assaults and arrest can get that per­son a long stretch in jail & even prison.
It is a neat­ly com­plic­it arrange­ment between police, pros­e­cu­tors & the judi­cia­ry, autho­rized by state and local leg­is­la­tors, gov­er­nors, and may­ors.
Now, as a for­mer police offi­cer myself, I, too, want to see some lev­el of pro­tec­tion for agents of the law while they are car­ry­ing out their duties. On the oth­er hand, I am also con­ver­sant with the need to keep a tight rein on those pow­ers that pro­tect police because of the actions of unscrupu­lous police actors.



These actions by police are despi­ca­ble & should be prosecuted.

We have got­ten to the place where police offi­cers’ words mean noth­ing. They com­mit all kinds of crimes, fur­ther­ing the break­down of social order and the rule of law.
The gov­ern­ing author­i­ties have decid­ed that rather than hold police account­able, they rather pro­tect cor­rupt & abu­sive offi­cers at all costs, includ­ing the total break­down in the rule of law.
This myopic strat­e­gy may help indi­vid­ual police offi­cers but at what cost?
How do the author­i­ties expect cit­i­zens to react to police offi­cers they know unlaw­ful­ly mur­dered their loved ones?
How are cit­i­zens expect­ed to react to police offi­cers who steal drugs from drug deal­ers and then turn around and sell the drugs right back in the very same neigh­bor­hoods?
How are cit­i­zens sup­posed to respect police offi­cers who demon­strate noth­ing but hos­tile con­tempt for them by their abu­sive actions and utter­ances?
Many police depart­ments have become a law unto them­selves, dri­ving the fear of God in even the polit­i­cal direc­torate. Take. Look at the New York City Police Department, a huge gang, which has the may­or shak­ing in his boots.

The police offi­cer who sees the peo­ple he is sworn to pro­tect as ene­mies to be con­quered and sub­ju­gat­ed is not only a dan­ger to the com­mu­ni­ty in which he works. He is a dan­ger to his col­leagues.
By exten­sion, police depart­ments that are con­temp­tu­ous of the res­i­dents they are sup­posed to serve are even greater threats to that com­mu­ni­ty.
Some police depart­ments don’t even both­er con­ceal­ing the fact that they no longer serve the peo­ple. They have become tax-pay­er-fund­ed organs of gov­ern­men­tal tyran­ny.
Despite over­whelm­ing evi­dence that many police depart­ments have become cesspools of cor­rup­tion, crim­i­nal­i­ty, and graft, a large part of the pop­u­la­tion con­tin­ues to heap adu­la­tion and praise on them, essen­tial­ly ele­vat­ing them to Gods.

Jackie Johnson

Police depart­ments leak mate­r­i­al they believe will aid in tar­nish­ing the rep­u­ta­tion of peo­ple they despise, even if it aids mur­der­ers who no longer serve police offi­cers.
These actions ought to send a chill down the col­lec­tive spine of the nation.
However, when it comes to police crimes, the white com­mu­ni­ty across America is duplic­i­tous­ly silent as long as the vic­tims are black.
Take, for instance, the new­ly released video of a Glynn County police encounter with the now mur­dered Ahmaud Arbery at the hands of a for­mer Glynn County cop Gregory McMichael & his song Travis McMichael.
Even after police & pros­e­cu­tors mucked up the inves­ti­ga­tions and refused to arrest Gregory McMichael because of his work his­to­ry as a cop & inves­ti­ga­tor in the office of the County Prosecutor Jackie Johnson, they were not done with their ille­gal activities.

Even after the McMichaels have been arrest­ed and are cool­ing their heels in jail after a nation­al out­cry, cor­rupt police offi­cials are arguably still work­ing behind the scenes to aid the defense of the two mur­der­ers by releas­ing the video encounter of Glynn Country cops and Ahmaud Arbery.
The video’s intent can only be inter­pret­ed as an attempt to com­mit anoth­er mur­der of the deceased, this time on his char­ac­ter.
The prac­tice by police of releas­ing the record of peo­ple they assault and mur­der, par­tic­u­lar­ly in the black com­mu­ni­ty, is not only a com­mon prac­tice; it is a strate­gic pol­i­cy aimed at pulling out the stops to make the vio­lat­ed par­ty guilty for their own demise.
Even though these encoun­ters are record­ed on police body cam­eras and there­fore can only be released by the police them­selves, it is clear that these ille­gal activ­i­ties are not being car­ried out by indi­vid­ual rogue cops but by entire rogue depart­ments.
Based on the com­ments in response to this video, this tac­tic back­fired on the police. Viewers of the video were out­raged at the abuse of pow­er and the cor­rupt intent in releas­ing it to smear Ahmaud Arbery.


Mike Beckles is a for­mer Police Detective, busi­ness­man, free­lance writer, black achiev­er hon­oree, and cre­ator of the blog mike​beck​les​.com.