Who Is Paying Attention To The White Homegrown Terrorists?

Well over a decade ago, the FBI warned of the poten­tial con­se­quences — includ­ing bias — of white suprema­cist groups infil­trat­ing local and state law enforce­ment, indi­cat­ing it was a sig­nif­i­cant threat to nation­al secu­ri­ty.
According to (pbs​.org), in a 2006 bul­letin, the FBI detailed the threat of white nation­al­ists and skin­heads infil­trat­ing police to dis­rupt inves­ti­ga­tions against fel­low mem­bers and recruit oth­er suprema­cists.
The bul­letin was released dur­ing a peri­od of scan­dal for many law enforce­ment agen­cies through­out the coun­try, includ­ing a neo-Nazi gang formed by mem­bers of the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department who harassed black and Latino com­mu­ni­ties.
Similar inves­ti­ga­tions revealed offi­cers and entire agen­cies with hate group ties in IllinoisOhio, and Texas. (pbs​.org).

To date, I know of no real plan which has been put in place to deal effec­tive­ly with this dan­ger­ous scourge.
According to the (pbs​.org) arti­cle, the bul­letin, though heav­i­ly redact­ed, iden­ti­fied white suprema­cists in law enforce­ment as a con­cern, because of their access to both “restrict­ed areas vul­ner­a­ble to sab­o­tage” and elect­ed offi­cials or peo­ple who could be seen as “poten­tial tar­gets for vio­lence.” The memo also warned of “ghost skins,” hate group mem­bers who don’t overt­ly dis­play their beliefs to “blend into soci­ety and covert­ly advance white suprema­cist causes.”

Since that report has been issued, count­less peo­ple of col­or have been killed by American Police. The vast major­i­ty of those killed have been African-American, male though women are not exempt.
No one real­ly knows the exact num­ber of unarmed peo­ple who have been killed by so-called law enforce­ment because there are no require­ments for law enforce­ment to give an account­ing to the FBI when they have encoun­ters with mem­bers of the pub­lic, which ends with fatalities.

Despite those warn­ings, the then FBI Director, James Comey, told police offi­cers at a nation­al con­fer­ence that because of insuf­fi­cient data on the use of force, “Americans actu­al­ly have no idea” whether racial bias in polic­ing is real­ly an epi­dem­ic.
At the time Comey made those com­ments, a lot of things came full cir­cle in my mind.
For years before Comey’s state­ments, I won­dered, some­times aloud, why African-Americans were delight­ed when the Feds took over an inves­ti­ga­tion into abuse of black peo­ple.
The FBI — COINTELPRO, comes to mind when I see Black lead­ers delight at the Feds, tak­ing over an inves­ti­ga­tion. I nev­er under­stood why.
Pointing to pub­lic out­rage over police killings of African-Americans, Comey said “the absence of good infor­ma­tion” and data has aid­ed in the grow­ing belief that police offi­cers tar­get par­tic­u­lar com­mu­ni­ties.”
“That is the nar­ra­tive,” he told atten­dees of the International Association of Chiefs of Police. “It is a nar­ra­tive-dri­ven by video images of real mis­con­duct, pos­si­ble mis­con­duct, and per­ceived mis­con­duct.”
In oth­er words, the shock­ing video evi­dence which shocks our sen­si­bil­i­ties over and over again, is not enough to prove that cops do tar­get par­tic­u­lar com­mu­ni­ties. Or, in oth­er words, the black community.

Under Attorney General Eric Holder, the Obama Justice Department did what it could in the time they had to hold some of the police depart­ments with the most egre­gious com­plaints against them account­able.
Under Trump, the Justice Department, head­ed by Jefferson Beauregard Sessions 111, walked back many, if not most, of those gains.
So it came as no sur­prise when we learned this.

Coast Guard offi­cer arrest­ed, was plan­ning ‘to kill almost every last per­son on earth.

(Photo from U.S. District Court documents)

Prosecutors say Lt. Christopher Hasson, 49 aU.S. Coast Guard offi­cer, an avowed white nation­al­ist, and drug addict, has been arrest­ed and charged with being a domes­tic ter­ror­ist intend­ing to mur­der as many inno­cent civil­ians as pos­si­ble.
According to a motion to detain him pend­ing tri­al, agents of the FBI Baltimore Field Office and the Coast Guard Investigative Service on Friday, February 15, charged Hasson with firearms and drug charges.
Now, this guy is also a drug addict who author­i­ties say is on the drug Tramadol. He alleged­ly dreams of killing every­one on earth but was quite will­ing to start with jour­nal­ists like Chris Hayes and Ari Melber of (MSNBC)and Democrats he called trai­tors, includ­ing Virginia Senator Tim Kaine. Maxine Waters, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, and oth­ers. He also said he want­ed to gath­er and stock­pile guns, food, dis­guis­es, and sur­vival supplies.

That was not just a fan­ta­sy; he actu­al­ly gath­ered some of the things he said he want­ed to gath­er, so we have to pre­sume that he would have made good on his inten­tions if he was not stopped.
This brings us to the mil­lion-dol­lar ques­tion.
“If they are in the Sheriff’s depart­ments and oth­er police depart­ments in the armed forces, what exact­ly is the lev­el of threat they pose to the coun­try.
What exact­ly is the threat lev­el to peo­ple of col­or or peo­ple with whom they dis­agree polit­i­cal­ly or dif­fer racially?

Literally every week, there is a mass shoot­ing some­where in the United States. The vast major­i­ty of those shoot­ings are done by some white guy who has some beef with every­body else.
Never mind that, the empha­sis is on rip­ping babies from their par­ents because those par­ents are run­ning from vio­lent death.
The empha­sis is on crim­i­nal­iz­ing peo­ple for smok­ing or sell­ing pot and deport­ing them.
Others are swept up in mass raids, crim­i­nal­ized, and their lives ruined any­way.
In the mean­time, the mass hys­te­ria cre­at­ed around Muslim peo­ple is still ram­pant to the point, even an elect­ed US Representative is unable to speak out against Israel’s aggres­sion against the Palestinian peo­ple it has under its bootheels, with­out being brand­ed an anti-Semite. Who is pay­ing atten­tion to the threat posed by these white home­grown ter­ror­ists?
That’s the question.
