Where Is The Democratic Party And Groups, As Republicans & Supreme Court Deconstruct The Republic?

Republicans have used Trump’s lie that he lost the elec­tions of 2020 to accel­er­ate a cru­sade they have long waged, that is, to lim­it the rights of Black and brown peo­ple to vote.
Behind this fias­co is the hard truth that the Republicans have lost the pop­u­lar vote in the last four straight pres­i­den­tial cycles.
Saved only by the unde­mo­c­ra­t­ic mech­a­nism called the Electoral col­lege, Republicans have also lost the pop­u­lar vote in the last sev­en of the last eight elections.
As I have point­ed out in pre­vi­ous arti­cles, the United States is gov­erned by a white minor­i­ty because of the débâ­cle known as the elec­toral col­lege and the two sen­a­tors per state.
The idea of can­cel­ing out the voic­es of black and brown Americans was already long enshrined in the two United States Senators’ rule…
So, North Dakota, with few­er than a mil­lion cit­i­zens, 770,026, and Alaska, with 724,357 cit­i­zens respec­tive­ly, has the same rep­re­sen­ta­tion in the United States Senate as California’s 40 mil­lion or New York’s 20 mil­lion citizens.
By this met­ric, the voic­es of 39 mil­lion cit­i­zens in California get drowned out, and in New York, the voic­es of 19 mil­lion peo­ple are silenced by a small, almost lily-white minor­i­ty in small rur­al states that con­tributes next to noth­ing to the greater good.
South Carolina US Senator Lindsay Graham said that his par­ty can­not extri­cate itself, can­not move for­ward with­out Donald Trump.

Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden at the first presidential debate on Sept. 29, 2020, in Cleveland.
Democrat President Joe Biden, seem­ing­ly delu­sion­al about what’s at play, as he Joe Manchin and oth­ers con­tin­ue on the fool’s errand called bi-par­ti­san­ship with Republicans.

The con­ven­tion­al think­ing is that Trump has gal­va­nized Republican sup­port into an impen­e­tra­ble block that the par­ty can ill-afford to agi­tate or offend.
Donald Trump’s con­tri­bu­tion to America has been self-serv­ing attempts to enrich him­self at the expense of tax­pay­ers, graft, theft, divi­sion, lies, trea­so­nous activ­i­ties in ser­vice to Vladimir Putin, and racism.
The sin­gle com­po­nent that gal­va­nizes white sup­port around the grifter Donald Trump is Trump’s obvi­ous sup­port and encour­age­ment of white supremacy.
After the Robert’s Supreme Court evis­cer­at­ed sec­tion 4 (b) of the 1965 Voting Rights law in Shelby County Alabama vs. Holder, many states embarked on a mas­sive leg­isla­tive attack on vot­ing rights, in Republican-run states, in par­tic­u­lar, hun­dreds of bills have been tabled that would dras­ti­cal­ly cur­tail or lim­it the right to vote.
In Michigan, Georgia, Florida, Texas, Arizona, and many oth­er states, there are all-out assaults on the right to vote; in many states with Republican-con­trolled leg­is­la­tures and Republican Governors, those bills have already become law.
At the Federal lev­el, Democrats have a razor-thin mar­gin in the US House and the thinnest of majori­ties in the even­ly divid­ed US Senate. Consequently, Republican Senators are solid­ly opposed to pass­ing a new vot­ing rights bill passed by the US House that would pro­tect the votes of all Americans.

Where is the Democratic par­ty in all of this?
A Democracy can only sur­vive when both sides agree that this is the sys­tem they both want. Based on the dynam­ics of fad­ing white numer­i­cal strength, we know that issues of Immigration and Abortion have already tak­en cen­ter stage in Republican’s war to main­tain white hegemony.
America has been gov­erned by two polit­i­cal par­ties since the ear­ly 1850s; how­ev­er, the Democratic par­ty is the old­er of the two, and so for this writer, the ques­tion remains; “what is the senior polit­i­cal orga­ni­za­tion doing about the junior par­ty’s attempt to dis­man­tle the republic”?
Democrats are con­di­tioned to be vic­tims; all they do is com­plain about Republican’s unde­mo­c­ra­t­ic actions. Even when they hold pow­er, that is con­trol of the white house and both hous­es of con­gress, they com­plain, not act.
Afraid of what Republicans will do in response to what they do, Democrats are frozen in fear of tak­ing bold actions to end the fil­i­buster, pass­ing vot­ing rights, and the pres­i­den­t’s infra­struc­ture bill.
No leg­is­la­tion is as impor­tant as pro­tect­ing the right to vote. The Republic’s future depends on whether Joe Biden and the Democrats will grow the balls nec­es­sary to end the fil­i­buster and pass the bills the vot­ers sent them to Washington to pass and pro­tect the future of the republic.
At the very least, it would demon­strate to the trea­so­nous Republican par­ty that they are seri­ous about defend­ing the United States against trea­son and Fascism.

There is no secret to Republican’s inten­tions; we already know what they will do, they are pre­pared to over­throw this democ­ra­cy to retain white con­trol. Why would Democrats not get rid of the fil­i­buster to pass a fed­er­al vot­ing rights bill?
If and when Republicans get con­trol of the exec­u­tive and the con­gress, this repub­lic will cease to exist as it has for hun­dreds of years. Republicans can­not win the pop­u­lar vote any longer, and so they have decid­ed that they will walk away from the way this coun­try operated.
End the fil­i­buster now; if the Democrats do not end it now, they will be com­plic­it in what Trump, McConnel, & McCarthy are doing to decon­struct the world’s old­est democracy.
After all, the Democratic Party is made up of whites too, so could that be why they are doing noth­ing in the face of the assault against vot­ing rights all across the country?
In June of 2019, (Alex Pareene) writ­ing for the New Republic said the following.
“Even when Democrats deign to declare that they are opposed to Republican rule, it fre­quent­ly seems forced, as if they’re pan­der­ing to their sup­port­ers while secret­ly hop­ing their non­sup­port­ers won’t get offend­ed. At the heart of this predilec­tion for the flight over the fight is a tac­it ide­ol­o­gy that is wild­ly out of step with the polit­i­cal real­i­ty of Trump’s America, where vil­lains abound with almost com­ic ubiquity.
And it is an ide­ol­o­gy that, for the first time in liv­ing mem­o­ry, is being chal­lenged by an invig­o­rat­ed pop­ulist left, not only out of prin­ci­ple but also out of a sense that the old way is naïve and ulti­mate­ly self-defeat­ing. The future of the Democratic Party, and by exten­sion the coun­try, may well depend on whether the par­ty is final­ly will­ing to ditch its fret­ful pos­ture of peace­mak­ing and give war a chance.

I agree!!!

Mike Beckles is a for­mer Police Detective, busi­ness­man, free­lance writer, black achiev­er hon­oree, and cre­ator of the blog mike​beck​les​.com.