What The Hell Is Taking Lifeless Joe Biden So Long To Pick A Black Woman Already?

I have asked this ques­tion before, I am ask­ing again after I ran across this in one of the black pub­li­ca­tions that I read each day.
First, where the hell is Joe Biden?
Secondly, what the hell is he wait­ing for to select a black woman as a run­ning mate?
I have heard all kinds of malarky com­ments about the need to vet white women and oth­er women in order to come up with not just a good Vice President but the best female can­di­date.
Wait just a minute, with all due respects to Senators Elizabeth Warren, and Tammy Duckworth, with all of the def­er­ence to Michigan’s Governor Gretchen Whitmer, were they in South Carolina to save Joe Biden’s sor­ry weak and inde­ci­sive ass when he was about to be tossed out of pol­i­tics like the pre­vi­ous times he was reject­ed by Democratic vot­ers?
No, it was Black women who reached down and pulled his sor­ry behind up, Potentially mak­ing him some­thing he has nev­er been, that is a nation­al leader.

Some peo­ple are born great, oth­ers have great­ness thrust upon them.
Joe Biden was nev­er great, at best he has been vanil­la ice cream, the kind you revert to with a sigh after dis­cov­er­ing that the choco­late swirl is all gone and the rum & raisin box only has ice par­ti­cles left in it.
In fact, we are talk­ing about Joe Biden today because of a (choco­late swirl) named Barack Obama who ele­vat­ed him from Delaware lev­el obscu­ri­ty to inter­na­tion­al promi­nence.
On that alone, Joe Biden should have already select­ed a black woman as his run­ning mate. (How about you start off by repay­ing the damn favor)?
When you con­sid­er the fact that Joe Biden’s sor­ry ass was done before Black women reached down and plucked his defeat­ed list­less behind out of humil­i­a­tion, some­one please explain to me what is there for Joe Biden to think about. What is tak­ing this dimwit this long to select a black woman as his run­ning mate

In a more just world, Joe Biden would­n’t even qual­i­fy to be on the VP short­list of any of those black women as pres­i­den­tial can­di­dates.
Now Joe Biden is act­ing as if he would be doing the black com­mu­ni­ty a huge favor if he choos­es a black woman. Selecting a black woman, all of whom are emi­nent­ly more qual­i­fied than he is to be pres­i­dent of the United States of America is a must for dimwit old Joe.
When asked why she removed her­self from con­sid­er­a­tion Minnesota’s US Senator, and for­mer pres­i­den­tial can­di­date Amy Klobuchar, stat­ed that she believes that the pick should be a black woman.
What is Joe Biden doing act­ing as if he wants to be begged to pick a black woman? Is it so that when he throws this elec­tion away he will have a scape­goat to blame?
I am way to mad to con­tin­ue, so I’ll defer to the great StephenA. Crockett Jr

100 Black Entertainers and Celebrities Send Letter to Biden Urging Him to Pick Black Woman as VP. Biden Is Going to Mess This Up

By Stephen A. Crockett.Jr

This wasn’t sup­posed to be remote­ly hard; in fact, the ground­work had already been laid down. It works like this: Black women are the back­bone of the Democratic par­ty and they need­ed to be reward­ed with a vice-pres­i­den­tial pick in this upcom­ing elec­tion.
And the pre­sump­tive Democratic nom­i­nee for pres­i­dent still hasn’t made his pick, which has me think­ing two things: 1) Joe Biden is going to fuck this up and 2) Joe Biden is going to fuck this up. 
I’m not alone in these feel­ings, as some 100 Black celebri­ties and lead­ers have called for Biden to pick a Black woman as his run­ning mate, a deci­sion that was sup­posed to be made a week ago and as of Aug. 10 still hasn’t been made. 

Yahoo news reports:

Entertainment mogul Sean “Diddy” Combs, radio per­son­al­i­ty and “The Breakfast Club” co-host Lenard “Charlamagne Tha God” McKelvey, for­mer NFL defen­sive end Michael Bennett, civ­il rights lawyer Benjamin Crump and many oth­ers signed the open let­ter to Biden.

As some­one who has said through­out the cam­paign that VP Joe Biden needs to choose a Black woman VP, the urgency for that pick has gone from some­thing that SHOULD hap­pen to some­thing that HAS to hap­pen,” the let­ter said.

The let­ter denounced the treat­ment of some of Biden’s poten­tial picks, includ­ing Sen. Kamala Harris over her per­ceived ambi­tion and her debate attacks on Biden’s civ­il rights record when she was a rival can­di­date for the Democratic pres­i­den­tial nomination.

It dis­gusts us that Black women are not just being vet­ted in this VP process but unfair­ly crit­i­cized and scru­ti­nized,” the let­ter said. “Was Joe Biden ever labeled ‘too ambi­tious’ because he ran for pres­i­dent three times? … Why does Senator Kamala Harris [D‑Calif.] have to show remorse for ques­tion­ing Biden’s pre­vi­ous stance on inte­grat­ed bus­ing dur­ing a Democratic pri­ma­ry debate?”

Wait, look­ing through some of the names of the men that have signed this let­ter is just as prob­lem­at­ic, con­sid­er­ing that “Charlamagne Tha God,” fre­quent doo-doo hat-wear­ing Nick Cannon, and CNN polit­i­cal con­trib­u­tor and pos­si­bly one of Trump’s Blacks Van Jones have all signed.

Managing Editor Genetta Adams: So, I’m con­fused, because just over the week­end, Nick Cannon endorsed Kanye.

Me: You know who else is con­fused? Nick Cannon.

Diddy and Charlamagne Tha God have pushed this whole thing of hold­ing the Black vote for ran­som, basi­cal­ly claim­ing that they’d need an agen­da of how Biden plans to improve the lives of Black and brown peo­ple if he wants the “Black vote,” Black Enterprise report­ed. But, much like politi­cians, we don’t hear much from these nig­gas until elec­tion time. 

Harris is report­ed­ly lead­ing the pack along with for­mer Obama admin­is­tra­tion nation­al secu­ri­ty advis­er Susan Rice. Other promi­nent names include Rep. Karen Bass of California, Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts, Rep. Val Demings of Florida, Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, and Sen. Tammy Duckworth of Illinois, USA Today report­ed. Harris, Rice, Bass, and Demings are Black. And Biden is total­ly going to fuck this up. Why is he even enter­tain­ing these oth­er names when he clear­ly knows what he needs to do — and what the fuck is tak­ing so long?
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