What Is The Strategy Of Republicans In Their Treatment Of President Obama?

President Obama found him­self at odds with repub­li­cans again when the White House indi­cat­ed to Speaker of the House John Boehner that he would like to address a joint ses­sion of con­gress on Wednesday September 7th.

Here’s the report­ing from Reuters news agency.

Reuters) — Top con­gres­sion­al Republican John Boehner on Wednesday urged President Barack Obama to delay a planned jobs speech to a joint ses­sion of Congress by a day in order to avoid “imped­i­ments.”

Democrat Obama had asked to address Congress at 8 p.m. next Wednesday, a time that over­lapped with a sched­uled tele­vised debate among Republican pres­i­den­tial con­tenders seek­ing their par­ty’s nom­i­na­tion to face Obama in the 2012 election.

It is my rec­om­men­da­tion that your address be held on the fol­low­ing evening, when we can ensure there will be no par­lia­men­tary or logis­ti­cal imped­i­ments that might detract from your remarks,” Boehner, the speak­er of the Republican-con­trolled House of Representatives, said in a let­ter to the pres­i­dent.“I respect­ful­ly invite you to address a Joint Session of Congress on Thursday, September 8, 2011 in the House Chamber, at a time that works best for your sched­ule,” he said.(Reporting by Alister Bull; edit­ing by Will Dunham.

I am per­plexed at the strat­e­gy of Republicans in their treat­ment of President Obama. Republicans argue America is a cen­ter right coun­try, yet this coun­try has sound­ly reject­ed most poli­cies that are dis­crim­i­na­to­ry. We’ll get back to this though.

Ever since pres­i­dent Obama took office the strat­e­gy of Republicans have been one of obstruc­tion, obfus­ca­tion, and try­ing to embar­rass the pres­i­dent. The rea­son I am per­plexed is this , I won­der whwther they have stud­ied his­to­ry ? Have they seen the way Bull Oconnor, George Wallace, Strom Thurmond and the oth­ers of their ilk are judged by history? 

This leads us to con­clude that Republicans are either absolute morons , or they are deter­mined to make America a one par­ty state.

Republicans suf­fer­ing from racist myopia, fail to take note of the fact that minori­ties now make up the major­i­ty in America. President Obama is the first pres­i­dent to lose the white vote and win the elec­tion, and not just win, but win by a landslide.

Minorities tend to vote Democratic, Republican treat­ment of racial minori­ties in America does not argue well for their chances going for­ward. From the ques­tion of Immigration and their non­sen­si­cal stance regard­ing what some esti­mates say is twen­ty mil­lion undoc­u­ment­ed peo­ple liv­ing here, (not to men­tion the kids they are hav­ing) , to their posi­tion on enti­tle­ments that affect poor minori­ties and a large swath of poor whites, they are tread­ing on dan­ger­ous grounds.

The genius of Republicans on stay­ing viable as a par­ty, is their abil­i­ty to get poor whites to vote against their own self-inter­est. Racism has been the tool with which they have been able to accom­plish this so far. 

They have man­aged to paint Obama as “oth­er” con­vinc­ing them that the President is about to take their way of life . Granted some of them should be hap­py to be rid of their way of life.

It is com­mon to see them at tea par­ty ral­lies with signs warn­ing the pres­i­dent to keep his hands off their social secu­ri­ty . News flash to racist tea par­ty nit-wits , social secu­ri­ty is actu­al­ly from Government, that enti­ty you pur­port to hate. Or is it that you hate a fed­er­al Government head­ed by the black guy? Then say so, we on this side of the track already under­stand this. 

They actu­al­ly feel if they put a few black com­i­cal uncle tom court jesters in the mix they would be able to pull the wool over our eyes, fool­ing us into think­ing that their move­ment is one that is gen­e­sis in fis­cal pru­dence, and not in racial hatred.

The truth is, those black clowns , whether they were wear­ing zoot or busi­ness suits, were always going to be there . Harriet Tubman report­ed­ly car­ried a pis­tol not nec­es­sar­i­ly for the white man she was hid­ing from , but from the Uncle Tom Negroes that she feared would run back at nights and tell Massa where to find her and her charges. She report­ed­ly slept with one eye opened.

Malcolm X asked a well dressed black antag­o­nist with him on a tele­vi­sion inter­view if he was aware of what whites called a Harvard Educated Negro? Without wait­ing for an answer Malcolm told him N*****r

Today there are more than enough of the suit wear­ing uncle Toms being trolled on Television who are all too hap­py to demo­nize pres­i­dent Obama for their white mas­ters in the repub­li­can party.

Republicans have spent the last 212 years mak­ing ass­es of them­selves, from their stat­ed goals of see­ing President Obama fail , to fight­ing the stim­u­lus need­ed to jump-start the econ­o­my, to the man­u­fac­tured debate about increas­ing the nation­al debt ceil­ing, and allow­ing the down­grade, to the racist car­i­ca­tures of the pres­i­dent at their tea par­ty meet­ings (mod­ern-day clan ral­lies). All of the above have reduced the office of the pres­i­dent to a lev­el of dis­re­spect that is now a genie that will not be put back into the bot­tle , but will be the new nor­mal way of treat­ing future pres­i­dents, and yes, that includes white male repub­li­can presidents.

One won­ders about the think­ing of a par­ty that glo­ri­fies and advanced George Bush as their stan­dard-bear­er ‚argu­ing that he seem like a guy you would want to have a beer with. .….……Really?

Since Bush they have den­i­grat­ed to new lows push­ing to the fore the likes of Sarah Palin, Christine Odonell, and the lat­est C stu­dent to appear on the scene Texas Governor Rick per­ry. This my dear friends is a par­ty search­ing for an iden­ti­ty , unsure of the direc­tion it should take , whilst unable to relin­quish it’s racist past.

Democrats on the oth­er hand have alien­at­ed a lot of Americans by push­ing an agen­da that is alien to many ordi­nary peo­ple, Gay mar­riage, among them . This President is on record as being the first President to say that mar­riage is not nec­es­sar­i­ly con­fined to tra­di­tion­al norms of between a man and woman. I would imag­ine those actions also have consequences.

mike beck­les:

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