We Have Every Right To Police Body Cams That Are Paid For With Our Tax Dollars…

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The more you get a chance to look at the American crim­i­nal jus­tice sys­tem, the more you see just how slant­ed it is against peo­ple of col­or. A clos­er look opens up a bird’s eye view of the col­lu­sion between police, dis­trict attor­neys, judges, and all of the play­ers through­out the sec­tor. It gives a clear­er view of how the sys­tem col­ludes to pro­tect police, the foot sol­diers of white supremacy.
Why would a leg­is­la­ture decide that police body cam­era footage is not pub­lic record? The cam­eras are pur­chased with tax dol­lars. Those dol­lars come from the pub­lic. The police are paid and retained by the pub­lic. Tax dol­lars finance those salaries and benefits.
A leg­is­la­ture in North Carolina decid­ed that the very devices that were agreed upon as a nec­es­sary tool to hold police account­able are not a pub­lic record is direct evi­dence that the states will do any­thing to cov­er up police crimes.
Never mind what they tell you about com­pro­mis­ing investigations.
There are times that it may be impor­tant to pre­serve the iden­ti­ty of peo­ple who may be caught up in those record­ings; how­ev­er, the idea that the pub­lic has no right as a blan­ket pol­i­cy to what they paid for is an attempt at pro­tect­ing police, even when they have bro­ken the law.
The gov­ern­ment should not be in the busi­ness of pro­tect­ing rogue agents of the state, not just police offi­cers, but all pub­lic employ­ees should be held up to the high­est standards.


(L‑R) Gregory McMichael, Travis McMichael, and William “Roddie” Bryan, Jr.

Federal pros­e­cu­tors indict­ed the three men accused of killing Ahmaud Arbery on hate crime and attempt­ed kid­nap­ping charges, the Department of Justice announced Wednesday.
Arbery, a 25-year-old Black man, was out for a jog near Brunswick, Georgia, on February 23, 2020, when he was chased down in a truck by three men and fatal­ly shot. Two of the three men — Gregory and Travis McMichael — claimed to be con­duct­ing a cit­i­zen’s arrest and act­ed in self-defense. A third man, William “Roddie” Bryan Jr., who record­ed a video of Arbery’s death, alleged­ly hit Arbery with his truck after he joined the McMichaels in the chase. All three men were charged with one count of inter­fer­ence with rights and with one count of attempt­ed kid­nap­ping, accord­ing to a news release from the Justice Department.

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