We Allowed A Small Group Uptown To Tell Us What To Do About Vicious Criminals.…

Come back and Invest in JAMAICA.“
That is the cry we hear repeat­ed­ly, almost dai­ly.
Yet what has Jamaica done for its part? Is it sup­posed to be a one-way street, or is there a fee that Jamaicans in the dias­po­ra owe to Jamaica for hav­ing left the Island?
An old Jamaica proverb, “one hand can­not clap.“
Jamaicans liv­ing in the Diaspora invest in Jamaica each and every day in a litany of dif­fer­ent ways.
I own and oper­ate a small busi­ness in New York State and dai­ly I see peo­ple come in to send Digicel and Flow cred­its back home to their loved ones. Usually at great sac­ri­fice to them­selves and their fam­i­lies
I also see them send much mon­ey back dur­ing the years through Jamaica National when I oper­at­ed as an agent for that com­pa­ny. They send mon­ey back through Western Union and Money Gram and oth­ers.
They send back bar­rels and box­es and con­tain­er loads of goods in sup­port of their friends and fam­i­ly back home.
If we elim­i­nate from this equa­tion the crim­i­nals who send back guns ammu­ni­tion and oth­er con­tra­band, we can­not but agree that this is high­ly commendable.

Many of these Institutions thrive because of the dias­po­ra’s money

Jamaicans send back hun­dreds of mil­lions each year into sav­ings accounts main­tained in Banks and Credit Unions and oth­er finan­cial Institutions. Jamaicans send back all kinds of sup­port to indi­vid­u­als and orga­ni­za­tions as well.
I too have let­ters in my office thank­ing me for the small help I could per­son­al­ly give.
Jamaicans have returned and built homes, they pur­chase prop­er­ty and start busi­ness­es.
For those peo­ple, Jamaica has failed them, lawyers rip them off, they are robbed and even mur­dered.
What has Jamaica done in bring­ing crim­i­nals under con­trol?
They stopped hang­ing the scum­bags, then they refuse to let the police go after them, and on the rare occa­sion one of the pieces of garage gets con­vict­ed in the lib­er­al crim­i­nal col­lud­ing court sys­tem the appel­late courts get paid off to release them on con­coct­ed tech­ni­cal­i­ties.

Supreme Court build­ing , King street Kingston

Ask your­selves, why is there such a high attri­tion rate in the police depart­ment?
Ask your­selves, why the ones who stay do the bare min­i­mum?
They know that the sys­tem is a fraud­u­lent sys­tem which does noth­ing to stop crim­i­nals but sits with its hands out beg­ging and ask­ing peo­ple who work their ass­es off in hos­tile envi­ron­ments to keep giv­ing more.
Well guess what peo­ple are begin­ning to wise up, they have one life and they are care­ful how they han­dle that one life. 

Marching for peace as this one in August town, is an acknowl­edg­ment that we are at war and a sign of sur­ren­der to the crim­i­nals who hold the state to ran­som.(file pho­to)

We may dis­agree with how some of us speak on this issue for sure. We all know that in our lit­tle Jamaica patri­o­tism is reduced to any­one who nev­er left the Island, or worse case any­one who left but returned to live.
Nowadays those who have giv­en the least in ser­vice to nation build­ing have the most talk about patri­o­tism.
Patriotism is reduced to those who chat the most and the loud­est on social media.
Many Jamaicans liv­ing abroad would like to return to their home to spend the rest of their lives in peace, maybe pro­vide some employ­ment to one or more peo­ple.
What they tell me is that they would rather stay put where they are despite the less than ide­al weath­er some­times and of course the tox­ic Racism which per­me­ates the air you can some­times cut it with a knife.
All in all, they would rather remain where they are than end up back in their home­land dead in some bush­es with their throats slashed.
Generally, because they just hap­pened to own a lit­tle house and have a cou­ple of dol­lars with which to pur­chase food.

Both polit­i­cal par­ties, in con­junc­tion with the dumb pre­ten­tious class(those with the most for­mal edu­ca­tion), have embarked on a path ema­nat­ing out of pre­tense, which says we should not kill vicious mur­der­ers.
You real­ly bright edu­cat­ed Elitists will quick­ly vol­un­teer ‘Oh that was the deci­sion of the British Privy Council to place a mora­to­ri­um on cap­i­tal pun­ish­ment.
Guess what, save me the bull­shit. Jamaica has had more than enough time to write a new Constitution, or amend the one we have and ful­ly depart from the British skirt-tails. It has been well over half a cen­tu­ry since they uncer­e­mo­ni­ous­ly dumped us in 1962.
Oh, you thought we had won Independence?

Kingston Jamaica dur­ing the 1900’s

England could eas­i­ly bear to declare an end to cap­i­tal pun­ish­ment. Their soci­ety is not flood­ed with vio­lent mur­der­ers who wan­ton­ly gun down inno­cent men women and chil­dren sim­ply because they can.
Their soci­ety isn’t flood­ed with high pow­ered weapons. Their soci­ety isn’t even flood­ed with hand­guns.
In 2018 England and Wales thought they were hav­ing a major event in their coun­try of 49.5 mil­lion they expe­ri­enced a mur­der rate which crept over 130 for the year.
If England had 300 mur­ders annu­al­ly they would return to cap­i­tal pun­ish­ment.
We have well over 1600 annu­al­ly with a pop­u­la­tion of 2.8 mil­lion and we have stu­pid­ly fol­lowed a devel­oped soci­ety’s pol­i­cy by not putting down vicious killers.
In addi­tion to that, England con­tin­ues to purge from its soci­ety, any per­son of col­or who may have com­mit­ted an infrac­tion, much less seri­ous crimes, in its lat­est iter­a­tion of eth­nic cleansing.

Parts of down­town Kingston Jamaica today

How did we become such stu­pid peo­ple?
How could a peo­ple who rose up and took over the reins of edu­ca­tion after 1962 and did such a damn good job of it sud­den­ly lose focus in the ’70s and have now become the laugh­ing stock of the CARICOM region and one of the most vio­lent places on plan­et Earth?
There was a rea­son we were pro­gress­ing before we changed course in 1972.
Criminals knew where they stood and we were build­ing Schools and Hospitals at a record pace.
Our econ­o­my was flour­ish­ing through Bauxite, Agriculture, Tourism and new Investments as a result of high Investor con­fi­dence fueled by our then rather low crime rate.
Most impor­tant­ly Hugh Lawson Shearer was Prime Minister and Criminals knew that they had no sanctuary.
