Wait — Did Mr. All-American Tom Brady Tell Oprah He Has ‘Respect’ For Players Taking A Knee?

Wait — Did Mr. All-American Tom Brady Tell Oprah He Has ‘Respect’ for Players Taking a Knee?

I begrudg­ing­ly have to admit that Tom Brady, the QB I love to hate, is now less hat­ed in the cock­les of my heart because of a recent com­ment Mr. All-American made about the NFL protests.

The pret­ty boy who was at least one time friend­ly with President Trump—but who has also crit­i­cized our Dotard-in-Chief (Kim Jong-un’s words, not mine) — told Oprah Winfrey that he has “respect” for the play­ers who chose to take a knee dur­ing the nation­al anthem last sea­son in protest of the deaths of African Americans by law enforce­ment, many times the car­nage cap­tured on video; often­times with no reper­cus­sion for the death-eaters save a pension.

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Brady began by say­ing that foot­ball has afford­ed him the rare-in-America expe­ri­ence of being able to inter­act with play­ers from all “all dif­fer­ent parts of the coun­try. Every col­or, race, belief, background.”

He con­tin­ues, “I respect why peo­ple are doing what they are doing. And they’re doing it for dif­fer­ent rea­sons, and that’s okay. You know, you can do things for your rea­son. They can do things for their rea­son, and you have respect for that. But, I thought it was great,” Brady told Winfrey in an upcom­ing inter­view on OWN’s “Super Soul Sunday” air­ing this weekend.

Brady said that the team had a lot of meet­ings after prac­tice, dis­cussing how they want­ed to act as a team with “a lot of good healthy con­ver­sa­tions … in our lock­er room.”

Brady also dis­cussed his teams’ action last sea­son, when the Patriots locked arms as they walked onto the field.

We sup­port what peo­ple are going through,” he said, adding, “I’ve been play­ing sports long enough [to know] every­one comes from some­thing dif­fer­ent, and I think show­ing respect for every­body, in a lock­er room, with a team of guys try­ing to go in the same direc­tion — you bet­ter have that empa­thy for every­body. That’s what sports are about.”