Vultures Are Not Offended By The Stench Of Rotting Carcasses..

As the nation’s murder rate contine to gallop toward what could be unprecedented amounts of dead Jamaicans this year the security forces are trying to do the best they can.
They are placing their bodies between the marauding gunmen running around with the most sophisticated high powered weapons and the Jamaican people many of whom are totally undeserving of the risks they take.
It’s important that as the calls go out for a limited state of emergency we recognize that those calling for it from certain sectors of the country are only doing so because their bottom line is being threatened. Their concerns are not based on the loss of life but on the potential loss of dollars.

As more and more Jamaicans brave­ly raise their heads amidst the con­stant bar­rage of igno­rant bark­ing and obfus­ca­tion in sup­port of INDECOM, sup­port­ers of the irra­tional ‚poor­ly thought-out law are get­ting more des­per­ate as they seek to find legit­i­ma­cy for this irra­tional crim­i­nal sup­port­ing law.
Amidst the noise is a TRUMPIAN[sic] refusal on the part of the Island’s most stri­dent anti-police sup­port­ers to see facts as facts .
An Orwellian refusal to face the bleak real­i­ty that this bad law and it’s lead­er­ship’s media whor­ing is embold­en­ing the Island’s killers.

As we look on in hor­ror at the unchecked mur­der and may­hem, the streets reduced to wild west shootouts with­out fear of the police it becomes clear by the day that those who stand in stub­born oppo­si­tion to facts are indeed part of the problem.
At some point in time dur­ing this dis­course we have to begin the unsa­vory task of extrap­o­lat­ing from the smoke-screen and igno­rant push-back that many Jamaicans who pass as decent peo­ple are sup­port­ers of criminals.
This is true of Jamaicans both at home and abroad.

I can­not imag­ine any­one who would rea­son­ably be opposed to police oversight .
As a Jamaican who love my coun­try, not because of what I can derive from it but because I have already giv­en to it I sup­port over­sight of the Police department.
Oversight how­ev­er can­not be adver­sar­i­al to the point that offi­cers are exposed to finan­cial ruin , the loss of their careers, or being set up by man­u­fac­tured wit­ness­es which invari­ably lands them in prison.

These mercenaries are not even concerned about showing their faces with these weapons. Why would they not care except that they know they are protected?
These mer­ce­nar­ies are not even con­cerned about show­ing their faces with these weapons.
Why would they not care except that they know they are protected?

This is not about just sup­port of police which we must do in a demo­c­ra­t­ic safe soci­ety. It is about the future direc­tion of the country,.
Will we stand silent­ly by and allow those who would ben­e­fit from a failed crim­i­nal state to shout us down.
For my part I will not spend a sin­gle minute of my time mak­ing a dis­tinc­tion between the false par­al­lel of stand­ing up for the rule of law and cor­rup­tion in the police department.

I stand with the rule of law because there is a bina­ry choice between sid­ing with the rule of law and our police officers(even in their imper­fec­tion) and sup­port­ing the maraud­ing killers who are killing with impuni­ty with­out consequence.
The choice is clear , either one sup­port the police, and con­tin­ue to demand a real fix of the depart­ment or we throw our sup­port behind the killers in the old adage of join­ing them because we can­not beat them.

Every sec­ond wast­ed talk­ing about oth­er things allows the mur­der­ous killers to be more estab­lished , more emboldened.
There is strong well arrayed oppo­si­tion to Jamaica ever becom­ing a coun­try of laws.
They are not who you think they are , they are pow­er­ful, they are monied, and they wield incred­i­ble polit­i­cal power.
They do not all stand on the cor­ner Guinness under one armpit , pants down their back­sides crush­ing weed in their palm.
Many of them are dressed in suits , they live in upscale neigh­bor­hoods and you refer to them as sir and look up to them as leaders.

Lord knows the Jamaican police need over­sight like pret­ty much every police depart­ment any­where. Placing the pow­er of life and death in the hands of any human being must be sub­ject to rig­or­ous scruti­ny . Yet those who risk life and limb for our safe­ty deserve every bit of sup­port we can give and they deserve cer­tain lat­i­tude to do the job we ask them to do.

This is the rea­son I have sys­tem­at­i­cal­ly called for the repeal of the INDECOM act.
Re-Debating every aspect of the act then reau­tho­riz­ing a bet­ter law which pro­tects police from friv­o­lous pros­e­cu­tion. A bet­ter law which inves­ti­gates impar­tial­ly and with­out ran­cor abus­es of pow­er by mem­bers of the secu­ri­ty forces will ulti­mate­ly result in a regen­er­a­tion of trust between decent law-abid­ing cit­i­zens and their police.
In that Law should be civ­il reme­dies for mem­bers of the secu­ri­ty forces who have been wrong­ful­ly accused.
In that law should be clear crim­i­nal penal­ties for those who would seek to wrong­ful­ly incrim­i­nate hard work­ing officers.,%202010,.pdf

The INDECOM Act is a knee-jerk law thrown togeth­er to bring police to heel with zero con­sid­er­a­tion for the hard work­ing police offi­cers and mem­bers of the Island’s mil­i­tary who brave all for the country.
What kind of coun­try shows no respect for mem­bers of it’s secu­ri­ty forces but gives a National hon­or to a lying agi­ta­tor who open­ly sup­port and defend crime syn­di­cates and flood kinder­garten and grade schools with homo­sex­u­al porno­graph­ic literature?

This is an exis­ten­tial fight. Jamaicans bury their heads to their own detri­ment. For those of you who are able to see through the smoke and obfus­ca­tion, events of 2010 in which mer­ce­nar­ies chal­lenged the state will be a cake-walk com­pared to what’s to come if exist­ing trends are allowed to remain.
There are many who are quite sat­is­fied with things the way they are .
Sorry to say it but pigs will not argue about mud , and Vultures are not offend­ed by stench of rot­ting carcasses.
You decide.

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