Violent White Terrorists Continue To Get A Pass, No Matter Haw Many They Slaughter…

The nation­al silence at the well-planned, well-exe­cut­ed Christmas Morning RV bomb­ing in Nashville, Tennessee, is strik­ing. The entire inci­dent and the com­plex­i­ty of the act itself, has fad­ed away with 2020 like a bad mem­o­ry as if it nev­er happened.
But the real­i­ty is that it did hap­pen. (Anthony Quinn Warner, a white male, did rig a vehi­cle with explo­sives, and he did det­o­nate it in a major metrop­o­lis, alleged­ly killing him­self in the process. That ought to dri­ve ter­ror into the hearts of the nation, but it has­n’t, because Anthony Quinn Warner just hap­pen to be a white male.
Stop just for a minute and think about the media feed­ing fren­zy that would be in high gear today, had the bomber being iden­ti­fied as Jamal Muhammed?
Forget about the gullible cor­po­rate media for a sec­ond and imag­ine the lan­guage that would be com­ing out of the House and Senate, Republicans and Democrats alike.
Many politi­cians would be call­ing for bomb­ings, and in all like­li­hood, war plans would have been on the table for airstrikes on the Nation to which the bomber may have had some ties, no evi­dence needed.
Think this state­ment is hyper­bol­ic? Please explain the ratio­nale for the attack on Iraq?

So how does a nation man­age this bi-polar response to actions that amount to the same thing? Sources famil­iar with the Nashville bomb inves­ti­ga­tion told the media that author­i­ties are look­ing into evi­dence that Anthony Quinn Warner was inter­est­ed in var­i­ous con­spir­a­cy the­o­ries, includ­ing some involv­ing “lizard peo­ple.” Authorities believe Warner also spent time hunt­ing for alien life forms in a near­by state park.
So there you have it, folks, the poor guy is just a para­noid whack-job with men­tal issues, that ought to put every­thing to rest, right?
Have you noticed that for the most part, when­ev­er these white ter­ror­ists exact harm on the nation using vio­lence, they all seem to have three names? Just a thought!
More shock­ing than the fact that there is silence from the White House to the lit­tle house on Main street, is the sad real­i­ty that these acts are not even seen as acts of terror.
Many in the Republican Party, includ­ing William Barr, Michael Flynn, and oth­ers, want­ed Demonstrators peace­ably demon­strat­ing against police vio­lence to be charged with Sedition against the United States. For these same clowns, the com­plex pre­med­i­tat­ed act of build­ing and det­o­nat­ing an explo­sive device in a major American City does not rise to sedition.
If Republicans believe that Anthony Quinn Warner is an American ter­ror­ist, we are yet to hear it from them.
In fair­ness, the Democrats are just as silent as their Republican and Media contemporaries.




Mike Beckles is a for­mer Police Detective, busi­ness­man, free­lance writer, a black achiev­er hon­oree, and pub­lish­er of the blog mike​beck​les​.com. 
He’s con­tributed to sev­er­al websites.
You may sub­scribe to his blogs, or sub­scribe to his Youtube chan­nel @chatt-a-box, for the lat­est videos.
