Video Shows Orange County Deputy Wearing Militia Symbols During Protests…

We talk about the KKK, white suprema­cists, and all kinds of white iden­ti­ty extrem­ists that are in law enforce­ment across America in our writ­ings on this site and on our youtube chan­nel @ chart-a-box.
The cen­tral issue of white iden­ti­ty extrem­ists in American law enforce­ment is one that has not received the focusEd spot­light it needs, and is one of the casu­al­ties of the move­ment against police vio­lence ignit­ed anew by the police lynch­ing of George Floyd in Minneapolis.
Politicians on both sides have failed and refused to acknowl­edge that there are seri­ous issues in American law enforce­ment as a result of white suprema­cists that have infil­trat­ed depart­ments, some­thing the Federal Bureau of Investigations warned about well over a decade ago.

Even after the death of George Floyd and oth­ers lynched by men wear­ing police depart­ments uni­forms and oper­at­ing under the col­or of law. Two black half broth­ers lost their lives, one was found hang­ing from a tree whose death was ruled a sui­cide by police, and the oth­er shot to death in Orange County California by police under the murki­est of cir­cum­stances.
We know that the police was always against the black com­mu­ni­ty, we also know that the FBI warned that this was hap­pen­ing because we have seen their com­ments in chat rooms…we have seen the way they allow armed white mili­tia mem­bers to walk over the rights of peace­able demon­stra­tors opposed to police vio­lence.…. And we have seen how they vio­lent­ly assault those who dare stand up for jus­tice.
It comes as no sur­prise that they would wear their gang patch­es at a time when the streets are in chaos and the coun­try is look­ing more and more like a pow­der keg.

A video sur­faced on social media tak­en dur­ing a George Floyd protest in Costa Mesa on Monday.Friday, June 5, 2020

The Orange County Sheriff’s Department has received calls and com­plaints about a deputy seen wear­ing sym­bols asso­ci­at­ed with far-right, anti-gov­ern­ment extrem­ist groups. ORANGE COUNTY, Calif. (KABC) — The Orange County Sheriff’s Department has received calls and com­plaints about a deputy seen wear­ing sym­bols asso­ci­at­ed with far-right, anti-gov­ern­ment extrem­ist groups.
Video sur­faced on social media tak­en dur­ing a George Floyd protest in Costa Mesa on Monday. The deputy was wear­ing sewn on patch­es for “OathKeepers” and “Three Percenters.”

Internal Affairs is inves­ti­gat­ing and the deputy is on paid admin­is­tra­tive leave. Orange County Sheriff Don Barnes says such patch­es are pro­hib­it­ed and the tim­ing could­n’t be worse. “The pub­lic sees that as a sym­bol or sym­bol­ic of oppres­sion or racism or extrem­ist views. That is not okay with me. I do not tol­er­ate that behav­ior. My hope is that the pub­lic real­izes that act of this one indi­vid­ual is not rep­re­sen­ta­tive of not only the rest of the sher­if­f’s depart­ment, but it’s not rep­re­sen­ta­tive of law enforce­ment,” Barnes said.
The name of the sher­if­f’s deputy seen in the video has not been made public.
