Two Republican Yahoos Tried To Do Trump’s Bidding In Michigan…

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President-elect Joe Biden leads by near­ly 148,000 votes in Michigan; nev­er­the­less, two Republican Yahoos who drank from the bit­ter cup of Donald Trump’s deceit, decid­ed to hold the largest coun­ty in the state, [which includes Detroit], the heav­i­ly African-American strong­hold hostage.

Monica Palmer & William Hartmann

Monica Palmer & William Hartmann.

Monica Palmer and William Hartmann are the two Trump syco­phants who make up the four-mem­ber pan­el of can­vassers and two Democrats. The four had the respon­si­bil­i­ty to cer­ti­fy the vote in Wayne County, includ­ing the heav­i­ly African-American city of Detroit.
The two Democrats vot­ed to cer­ti­fy the vote but not Palmer and Hartmann, who claimed that impro­pri­ety alle­ga­tions made it impos­si­ble to cer­ti­fy the vote.
According to The Detroit News, the ini­tial dead­lock came after “absen­tee bal­lot poll books at 70% of Detroit’s 134 absen­tee count­ing boards were found to be out of bal­ance with­out expla­na­tion. The mis­match­es var­ied any­where from one to more than four votes.” But the Secretary of State said that wasn’t an indi­ca­tion of fraud.

After a zoom con­fer­ence dur­ing which pub­lic offi­cials and cit­i­zens made it clear that not cer­ti­fy­ing the vote would not be tol­er­at­ed, Hartman and Palmer went back and vot­ed to cer­ti­fy the vote.
It is remark­able the lengths that Republican bureau­crats are will­ing to go to demon­strate their loy­al­ty to a lying, dem­a­gogue, instead of demon­strat­ing fideli­ty to the United States Constitution.
However, no one should be sur­prised by this; over 71 mil­lion of them turned out to reelect the very same immoral and amoral creature.
If there is any good that can be sal­vaged after that real­i­ty check, it is the fact that almost 79 mil­lion stood up and said, “not on our watch.”






Mike Beckles is a for­mer Police Detective, busi­ness­man, free­lance writer, a black achiev­er hon­oree, and pub­lish­er of the blog mike​beck​les​.com. 
He’s con­tributed to sev­er­al websites.
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