Cops Deserve Our Praise As They Continue To Work Under Terrible Conditions…

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As vio­lent crimes con­tin­ue to esca­late unabat­ed, some fac­tions of the media elites con­tin­ue to call for greater pres­sure on our police offi­cers and a greater degree of restraint on their abil­i­ty to keep our coun­try safe.
The Jamaica Gleaner Editorial board seems to have a greater vendet­ta against our police than INDECOM’s com­mis­sion­er Terrence Williams did.
Terrence Williams is gone, but his enablers in the Glass Tower on North Street have not giv­en up on their cru­sade against the police. In its November 15th Editorial, the Board con­tin­ues to call for the Government to give INDECOM the pow­er to arrest and pros­e­cute cops, sol­diers, and cor­rec­tions offi­cers accused of crimes or exces­sive force.

The Kingston Western Police seized an RPK rifle with four­teen 7.62 rounds of ammu­ni­tion in Drecketts Place, Tivoli Gardens, about 8:10 this morn­ing. The rifle was out­fit­ted with a bipod stand.

These new pow­ers would mean that in addi­tion to con­duct­ing its own inves­ti­ga­tions as part of its over­sight func­tions, the agency would also have the pow­er of arrest and, just for good mea­sure, would also pros­e­cute its own investigations.
Given that pow­er, INDECOM would be able to go after police offi­cers arbi­trar­i­ly. It would be open sea­son on the police as it was under Terrence Williams.
Terrence Williams went after police offi­cers with the flim­si­est of evi­dence man­u­fac­tured in Jamaica’s super­charged polit­i­cal and crim­i­nal sup­port­ing inner-city communities.
Williams is no longer there, but the ran­cid and cor­ro­sive envi­ron­ment he cre­at­ed is still there.

Even as the Gleaner com­pa­ny’s crim­i­nal sup­port­ers call for more pow­er for their friends at INDECOM, our police offi­cers con­tin­ue to do their jobs in ser­vice to Jamaica, in many cas­es pay­ing with their very lives.

I do not wish to speak for the police; they are quite capa­ble of speak­ing for them­selves; after all, the police depart­ment is chock-full of lawyers and oth­ers edu­cat­ed in var­i­ous oth­er dis­ci­plines. Nevertheless, with the two polit­i­cal par­ties that con­trol our coun­try, we have zero con­fi­dence that the intel­lec­tu­al fore­sight is there to fore­see the exis­ten­tial harm that is being forced upon Jamaica by the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom.
It is for these very rea­sons that Jamaica must throw out its con­sti­tu­tion that makes it a sup­pli­cant to Great Britain and, for the first time, set a course that is Jamaica for Jamaicans.
Neither of the coun­tries that would lec­ture Jamaica on human rights allows any­one to dic­tate how to uphold their laws.

As our police con­tin­ue to fight to ensure the safe­ty of the coun­try, the know-noth­ing shit-heads con­tin­ue to demo­nize them as if they know something…

No one is advo­cat­ing that police be giv­en Carte Balche to vio­late the cit­i­zens’ rights they are sworn to pro­tect. Still, we must be damn cer­tain that when we try to apply pres­sure to the police, we are, to some degree, empow­er­ing criminals.
There are those in their ivory tow­ers that are heav­i­ly invest­ed in the sta­tus quo; they will have found ways to influ­ence policy.…..







Mike Beckles is a for­mer Police Detective, busi­ness­man, free­lance writer, a black achiev­er hon­oree, and pub­lish­er of the blog mike​beck​les​.com. 
He’s con­tributed to sev­er­al websites.
You may sub­scribe to his blogs, or sub­scribe to his Youtube chan­nel @chatt-a-box, for the lat­est videos.
