Two Intellectually-challenged Racists Who Set America On A Collision Course With Itself…

The last four years have been a stress-test on the foun­da­tion of American Democracy.
The Trump Administration has arguably pushed the enve­lope on every square inch­ing of the process, to see what rule he could breach, what law he could break to enrich and fur­ther empow­er him­self and his children.
It is aston­ish­ing how he planned the whole thing and exe­cut­ed it to a “T.” When it became clear that there was one both­er­some lit­tle detail he had not thought through, (the pow­er of the vot­ers), he out­right pushed every square inch of the process to throw out two hun­dred and fifty years of process and make him­self a King.
It was a mas­ter­piece of a plan that seemed designed to upend the American process that has been in exis­tence for well over two hun­dred years, counter it with a Monarchistic sys­tem that the first set­tlers here, and the first pres­i­dent eschewed as anti­thet­i­cal to their ideals.

Donald Trump may not be bright, but if he devised the plan he exe­cut­ed over the last four years, I would rethink my assess­ment of his intel­lec­tu­al capabilities.
♦Leveling racist invec­tives at peo­ple of col­or, unearthing and incit­ing old racist attitudes.
♦Galvanizing a cult fol­low­ing that allowed him to do any­thing he want­ed by doing the first.
♦Weaponizing the cult-fol­low­ing against any­one who dared to oppose him.
♦Chasing dis­senters from the Republican par­ty, neu­ter­ing those who chose to stay.
♦Packing the courts with polit­i­cal lack­eys, many of who have been deemed gross­ly unqual­i­fied by the ABA.
♦Politicizing Government Agencies that ought to oper­ate out­side polit­i­cal inter­fer­ence, à la the Justice Department.
♦Refusing to have Senate appoint­ed cab­i­net, and oth­er picks, opt­ing for act­ing heads instead, more eas­i­ly manipulated.
♦Supporting and encour­ag­ing vio­lent white Nationalist Militias.
♦Continuing to sow dis­cord and divi­sion across racial groups.
♦Encouraging the Police, who are already hat­ed for their bru­tal­i­ty, to bru­tal­ize fur­ther and kill peo­ple of color.
♦Preaching America first, play­ing into American’s arro­gance about their exceptionalism.
♦Isolating America from tra­di­tion­al allies that believe in the rule of law and justice.
♦Cozying up to strong­men and dictators.

Sarah Palin

If you believe that Donald Trump devised these strate­gies inde­pen­dent­ly, you may need to rethink your assess­ment of him.
Whether these strate­gies were giv­en to him after he was ele­vat­ed to the Presidency or whether they were giv­en to him after­ward is cer­tain­ly not a ques­tion that may be answered at my pay grade.
What is clear, is that these strate­gies have been designed cat­e­gor­i­cal­ly to tear down the estab­lished order and replace it with some­thing else.
Speaking at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in 2017, White House chief strate­gist Steve Bannon said that Trump’s cab­i­net picks were intend­ed to “decon­struct the admin­is­tra­tive state,” mean­ing weak­en­ing reg­u­la­to­ry agen­cies and oth­er bureau­crat­ic entities.
When peo­ple speak, we need to pay atten­tion and take them seri­ous­ly. If Government Agencies are weak­ened, it makes it eas­i­er for a total takeover by a chief exec­u­tive that does not believe in the rule of law, and that is exact­ly what Donald Trump did.
Battered, bruised, and bleed­ing, the coun­try’s checks and bal­ances seem to be hold­ing against the onslaught, but just barely.
In Pennsylvania, cer­ti­fy­ing offi­cers loy­al to the Republican par­ty were on the brink of vio­lat­ing their oaths to the con­sti­tu­tion by refus­ing to cer­ti­fy the vote, to cur­ry favor with a dan­ger­ous would-be wannabe dictator.
Members of the Republican Party in the US House and Senate have tak­en steps to help Donald Trump per­pet­u­ate the lie that the elec­tion was rigged even though all of them knew damn well that the elec­tions were prob­a­bly the fairest one in the his­to­ry of the nation. Even though over a month has passed since the National elec­tions were held, many of those Republicans have stead­fast­ly refused to refer to Joe Biden as President-elect.

Donald Trump

Others have made them­selves par­ty to friv­o­lous law­suits that have been filed on Trump’s behalf with the sole intent of over­turn­ing the will of the peo­ple and installing in pow­er; instead, a dement­ed, nar­cis­sis­tic sociopath.
His sup­port­ers have called for the exe­cu­tion of the duly elect­ed Democratic Governor of Michigan. They have called for the quar­ter­ing and mur­der of the cyber­se­cu­ri­ty Tzar who over­saw elec­tion secu­ri­ty; his only crime has been to do his job well.
Other elec­tion offi­cials, includ­ing Georgia’s Republican Secretary of State, have been threat­ened with death for not throw­ing out votes and giv­ing Trump the election.
There have been more than enough Republicans who are more than will­ing to destroy the coun­try’s very foun­da­tions to gain and hold polit­i­cal pow­er by and large.
And so we must ask our­selves, why has it been so easy for Trump to har­ness the pow­er of that griev­ance class?
What is the gal­va­niz­ing pow­er that made Donald Trump, Racist, fake bil­lion­aire, con-artiste, wom­an­iz­ing phi­lan­der, a misog­y­nis­tic xeno­phobe, so effec­tive in con­trol­ling almost a hun­dred mil­lion peo­ple who are will­ing to allow him to steal what­ev­er he wants, destroy what­ev­er he wants, and even kill whomev­er he wants, and remain in power?
The next Dictator that the Republican par­ty throws at the coun­try will not fail. Already they are busy decon­struct­ing the most fun­da­men­tal ele­ment of Democracy, the right of cit­i­zens to vote freely and with­out intimidation.
They have sys­tem­at­i­cal­ly put judges on the high­est courts who do not believe that all peo­ple should have the right to vote.
Republican Governors have set about clos­ing down ear­ly vot­ing sites across their states, and lim­it­ing vot­ing to only a few sites in places that have large black and brown populations.
Additionally, they engage in out­ra­geous­ly grotesque ger­ry­man­dered con­gres­sion­al dis­tricts, some­thing they will be back at, hav­ing won a major­i­ty of state­hous­es across the country.
At the high­est court, the Republican major­i­ty in Shelby County VS Holder, all but evis­cer­at­ed the 1965 vot­ing rights Act, on the premise that it has out­lived its usefulness.
The assault against the demo­c­ra­t­ic process has been unprece­dent­ed in my life­time. It is shock­ing to see the lev­el of assault being lev­eled at the process.
The next Republican that comes along and decides to become king will be successful.

In the next arti­cle, we will exam­ine how racial set-asides have char­ac­ter­ized every aspect of American life and has now result­ed in the illog­i­cal griev­ances in some whites that gave rise to the likes of Sarah Palin and Donald Trump. The two intel­lec­tu­al­ly-chal­lenged pop­ulists have man­aged to ignite and har­ness white griev­ance in a way that scares even Republicans.






Mike Beckles is a for­mer Police Detective, busi­ness­man, free­lance writer, a black achiev­er hon­oree, and pub­lish­er of the blog mike​beck​les​.com. 
He’s con­tributed to sev­er­al websites.
You may sub­scribe to his blogs, or sub­scribe to his Youtube chan­nel @chatt-a-box, for the lat­est videos.
