Turns Out The Grand Jury Heard No Evidence On Which To Consider Charging Cops In Breonna Taylor’s Case

We all saw and heard Kentucky Attorney General Daniel Cameron announce to the world that there would be no charges against the cops who went to the Home of 26-year-old Breonna Taylor to serve a no-knock war­rant and end­ed up putting eight (8) bul­lets in her.
The only offi­cer to face any charge in the case has been an endan­ger­ment charge against Detective Brett Hankison for­mer­ly of the Louisville Police Department.
Hankison was fired as protest erupt­ed sur­round­ing the case.

Breonna Taylor

Here is the skin-folk Attorney General detail­ing the sequence of events as the Police report­ed to him, not as an inde­pen­dent inves­ti­ga­tor whose duty is to get to the truth, to do due dili­gence on behalf of the public.
Attorney-General Cameron’s state­ments imme­di­ate­ly drew crit­i­cism, con­dem­na­tion, and ridicule at the time.
Without assum­ing too much from the sequence of events, Attorney-General Cameron appears to be act­ing on behalf of the cops who killed Ms. Taylor rather than in the inter­est of justice.
Judge for your­selves from the video below whether Attorney General Daniel Cameron appeared to be an inde­pen­dent inves­ti­ga­tor or whether he is a bought and paid-tool for the Louisville police.

YouTube player

According to fresh Reporting from NBCA grand juror who heard evi­dence in the Breonna Taylor probe said Tuesday that the grand jury didn’t agree that her death was jus­ti­fied, a dis­clo­sure that came after a Kentucky judge ordered records in the pro­ceed­ings released to show if “pub­licly elect­ed offi­cials are being honest.”
In a state­ment, “Grand Juror #1,” as lawyer Kevin Glogower has iden­ti­fied the per­son, said that the only charge pre­sent­ed dur­ing the pro­ceed­ings was wan­ton endan­ger­ment.

Daniel Cameron want­ed no charges against the offi­cers, so he pre­sent­ed no indictable evi­dence to the grand jury.
In essence, Daniel Cameron used up the time, pur­port­ing to be run­ning an inves­ti­ga­tion, sup­pos­ed­ly hop­ing for ten­sions to die down, then pre­sent­ed a bogus case for indict­ment on minor endan­ger­ment charges against Hankinson.

A pic­ture is some­times worth a thou­sand words..

The report­ing detailed that In a state­ment, the grand juror said that homi­cide laws were not explained dur­ing the pro­ceed­ings, even though the pan­el asked about them.
“Questions were asked about the addi­tion­al charges„ and the grand jury was told there would be none because the pros­e­cu­tors didn’t feel they could make them stick,” the state­ment said. “The grand jury didn’t agree that cer­tain actions were jus­ti­fied, nor did it decide the indict­ment should be the only charges in the Breonna Taylor case.”
The grand juror added that self-defense and jus­ti­fi­ca­tion laws were not explained either.
Cameron has said that he dis­agrees with the Judge’s rul­ing but will not appeal it. Grand juries are closed events; they act on what­ev­er infor­ma­tion pros­e­cu­tors give to them to consider.
African-Americans have always com­plained that pros­e­cu­tors use the grand jury process to pro­tect killer cops from being brought to justice.
We saw that on full dis­play after NYPD thugs mur­dered Erica Garner in broad day­light on camera.

Cameron argues that as a spe­cial pros­e­cu­tor, he decid­ed to ask for an indict­ment on charges that could be proven under Kentucky law. Adding that„ he remained con­fi­dent in the pre­sen­ta­tion made to the grand jury.
The fact is that Cameron’s argu­ments sound plau­si­ble enough; nev­er­the­less, much of what he told the pub­lic in the video above is at odds with what the grand juror has been saying.
Whether or not Daniel Cameron’s state­ments are true that he could not prove a sin­gle charge against the offi­cers who killed Ms. Taylor is open to spec­u­la­tion and may even be true.
However, at the same time„ all across America„ peo­ple of col­or con­tin­ue to suf­fer at the hands of cor­rupt police, pros­e­cu­tors„ judges, and an entire sys­tem that con­tin­ues to coa­lesce in per­pet­u­at­ing the can­cer of injus­tice, rob­bing the peo­ple of their rights, dig­ni­ty, and their very existence.


Mike Beckles is a for­mer Police Detective, busi­ness­man, free­lance writer, black achiev­er hon­oree, and cre­ator of the blog mike​beck​les​.com.
