Trump’s Second Impeachment Another Iteration Of Harm Republicans Will Inflict On The Nation…

In an arti­cle pub­lished today, I laid out how Republicans can purge them­selves of Donald Trump if they wish to.
I did so because I want­ed thinkers who are not polit­i­cal junkies like I am to under­stand bet­ter the ram­i­fi­ca­tions and nuances of how pol­i­tics work out­side of what the pun­dits tell you.

The strat­e­gy I out­lined is designed to inform, not change the way Republican US Senators view their oblig­a­tions to the Constitution. They will not be swayed from nar­row par­ti­san­ship enough to be both­ered by pesky minu­tia like fideli­ty to the constitution.
Not when they can offer feal­ty, def­er­ence, rev­er­ence, and slav­ish devo­tion to Donald Trump.
If the smug look on Lindsay Graham’s stu­pid face, the nau­sea one feels at watch­ing the snivel­ing lit­tle Marco Rubio defend Trump, or the total loathing one feels at watch­ing the idi­ot­ic Rand Paul try to jus­ti­fy Trump’s trea­son are any­thing to go by, one should expect noth­ing after the tri­al, but anoth­er iter­a­tion of Trump hold­ing up a news­pa­per head­lined, “Trump acquit­ted.”

Andrew Johnson

Only three [pres­i­dents were ever impeached, of the 46 men who have held the office. One guy thought that his acquit­tal was a license to go on a crime spree. Democratic House pros­e­cu­tors said acquit­ting Trump would lead to a Trump crime spree, they were right. Maine Republican Senator Susan Collins retort­ed,” Trump had learned his les­son,” there goes Collins’s rep­u­ta­tion, to the extent she had any left.
Collins’s state­ment was an admis­sion that Trump was guilty, but Republicans do not believe that Republican Senators should con­vict a Republican president.
So yeah, “we know he is guilty, but we believe that in this case impeach­ment is the pun­ish­ment; there is no need for any oth­er remedy.”
Only that Trump learned no les­son; he saw his acquit­tal as a license to com­mit more crimes, and com­mit more crimes he did.

(1) Andrew Jackson, the 17th President of the United States (1865−1869), an old-fash­ioned south­ern Jacksonian Democrat of pro­nounced states’ rights views. Johnson replaced the assas­si­nat­ed Abraham Lincoln. His lenient Reconstruction poli­cies toward the South embit­tered the Radical Republicans in Congress and led to his polit­i­cal down­fall and his impeach­ment, though he was acquitted.

Richard Millhouse Nixon

(2) Richard Nixon would have been impeached, and poten­tial­ly con­vict­ed for his role in the Watergate scan­dal. Nixon resigned before he could be impeached.

Bill Clinton

(3) William (Bill) Jefferson Clinton, 42nd President of the United States. In 1998, as a result of per­son­al indis­cre­tions with a young woman White House intern, Clinton was the sec­ond U.S. pres­i­dent to be impeached by the House of Representatives. He was tried in the Senate and found not guilty of the charges brought against him.
This was a sham impeach­ment that nev­er should have happened.

Donald Trump

(4) Donald John Trump impeached for with­hold­ing aid to Ukraine to get polit­i­cal dirt on Joe Biden, whom he believed would be a for­mi­da­ble oppo­nent against him. The Republican Senate acquit­ted him despite the moun­tain of cred­i­ble evidence.
Nevertheless, Trump was sound­ly beat­en by Joe Biden in the pres­i­den­tial elec­tions held in 2020.
This impeach­ment should have result­ed in the con­vic­tion of Donald Trump and his expul­sion from the presidency.

Mandatory Credit: Photo by Evan Vucci/​AP/​Shutterstock (10358411u)

(5) Donald John Trump was impeached a sec­ond time for “incite­ment of insur­rec­tion” one week after the January 6 riots. Donald Trump should have been kicked out of the pres­i­den­cy the first time he was impeached, was spared by a Republican-con­trolled Senate that places feal­ty to the most cor­rupt man ever to occu­py the pres­i­den­cy, and per­haps the most cor­rupt to ever hold polit­i­cal office in the United States, over their oblig­a­tions to the constitution.
Senate Republicans will not con­vict this crim­i­nal; it will be just one more iter­a­tion of the dam­age this Republican par­ty is will­ing to inflict on the American nation.
Another Criminal Republican President, Richard Nixon, who orches­trat­ed a felony break-in of the Democratic Campaign Headquarters and stole doc­u­ments to fur­ther his ends, resigned before being kicked out of the presidency.
A few Republican Senators told Richard Nixon that it was time to leave because the votes were there to remove him.
Sounds famil­iar? It seems that the pat­tern of Republican pres­i­dents com­mit­ting felonies to win elec­tions is noth­ing new; nev­er­the­less, back then, a few of them had the char­ac­ter to remem­ber their oaths. The Russian col­lu­sion that has not been ful­ly inves­ti­gat­ed was one more attempt by Republicans to com­mit crimes to win the presidency.
Even to Nixon, (tricky Dick), who infa­mous­ly remarked, “I am no crook,” the stain of being impeached and con­vict­ed was not some­thing he craved.
It is almost a guar­an­tee that the shame­less, char­ac­ter­less, Donald Trump will find a way to spin the shame of impeach­ment, not once but twice, into a thing of honor.
And like the hap­less fol­low­ers of the naked Emperor, the Republicans in the Senate & House will trot behind him pre­tend­ing not to see the shame of the naked King.
What losers!!!





Mike Beckles is a for­mer Police Detective, busi­ness­man, free­lance writer, a black achiev­er hon­oree, and pub­lish­er of the blog mike​beck​les​.com.