Trump Does Not Hold Republicans To Ransom, They Need Him To Galvanize Hate In America…

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Donald Trump’s sup­posed hold on the repub­li­can par­ty is only as strong as long as he remains a viable can­di­date to run for office again as a pres­i­den­tial candidate.
It makes sense that as the Republican pres­i­dent who was able to turn out the most votes ever, Republican office­hold­ers would be ter­ri­fied of his abil­i­ty to run his own lack­eys to the right of them. Nevertheless, that the­o­ry bears some examining.
Sure an argu­ment can be made about his abil­i­ty to play king­mak­er still, even if he is con­vict­ed and is ren­dered unable to hold fed­er­al office ever again.
That idea pre­sup­pos­es that Trump ever did any­thing unless he can grift from it. It is a stretch to believe that Donald Trump would extend him­self in any effort that would not include the perks of liv­ing in the white house, fly­ing air force one, and enjoy­ing the trap­pings of pow­er the pres­i­den­cy affords.
It is almost a sure­ty that Donald Trump would have no inter­est in pol­i­tics out­side of the pos­si­bil­i­ty of enrich­ing him­self.
Here’s a nov­el idea; Senate Republicans can rid them­selves of him once and for all if every Republican Senator votes to con­vict Trump in the upcom­ing sen­ate trials.

UNITED STATES — JANUARY 6: Trump sup­port­ers take over the Capitol steps on Wednesday, Jan. 6, 2021, as Congress works to cer­ti­fy the elec­toral col­lege votes. (Photo By Bill Clark/CQ-Roll Call, Inc via Getty Images)

It is alleged that some of them were opposed to what he was doing to the coun­try while he was in the white house. I did not believe any of that argu­ment put forth by the main­stream media.
Donald Trump com­mit­ted crimes against the coun­try when he decid­ed to use aid to Ukraine to lever­age oppo­si­tion research data on Joe Biden.
Republican Senators saw the full extent of Trump’s crimes, not just in the Ukraine mat­ter but in the still undis­closed Russian col­lu­sion matter.
Republican Senators knew the extent of Trump’s crimes, and if they did not, they did not deserve to be in the posi­tions of pow­er they are.
They had the oppor­tu­ni­ty to uphold the oaths they took to uphold the Constitution. They did not, only Senator Mitt Romney of Utah vot­ed to con­vict the clear­ly crim­i­nal Donald Trump, they all chose polit­i­cal expe­di­en­cy over their oblig­a­tions to the constitution.

What’s the harm to Republicans if Senators respect their oaths to the Constitution and vote to con­vict a pres­i­dent that tried to over­throw the gov­ern­ment and install him­self pres­i­dent for life?
Are Republican vot­ers going to pri­ma­ry all 50 sen­a­tors? Is that what the servile US Republican Senator from South Carolina means will destroy the par­ty if they push Donald Trump out?
Yes, that is the fear; they fear that Donald Trump would encour­age his MAGA army not to sup­port elect­ed offi­cials who do not bow down to him, there­by split­ting the Republican par­ty apart.
And so folks like Lindsay Graham would rather sup­port a despot­ic lying sedi­tion­ist that cede pow­er to the oth­er par­ty while his par­ty rebuilds free from the stench of Trump.
Even if Trump had enough clout to man­age a pri­ma­ry against the Republican sen­a­tors fac­ing the elec­torate in 22, there is zero evi­dence that the lack­eys he sup­ports could mount a cred­i­ble chal­lenge to those sen­a­tors anyway.

Donald Trump’s name would be in those elec­tions, hav­ing backed those right-wing alter­na­tives even though his name would not be on the bal­lots, and so, if and when they fail, it would be Trump who fails, again. It will be the final death blow to the lie being per­pet­u­at­ed about his sup­posed stran­gle­hold on the party.
Donald Trump lost the house, the sen­ate, the white house; let us not for­get that he could not save Loffler and Perdue in Georgia, a for­mer­ly ruby-red state, even though he cam­paigned for them.
All in all, Donald Trump is a los­er who could not make it, so he faked it, and now the world sees him for the big fat los­er he is.
Republican Senators can do two things right in the upcom­ing impeach­ment trials.
♦ Vote to con­vict a crim­i­nal who stirred up race hatred in the coun­try, incit­ed trai­tors to the coun­try to over­throw the Government on his behalf, result­ing in police offi­cers’ death.
♦ Vote to con­vict, there­by ensur­ing that he can no longer hold Federal office ever again, remov­ing what­ev­er hold he may have on the party.
♦ Or for­ev­er be iden­ti­fied as sup­port­ers of QAnon con­spir­a­cy the­o­ries, lies, dis­in­for­ma­tion, and being the par­ty that sup­port­ed and val­i­dat­ed an attempt to over­throw the American democracy.
In this sec­ond impeach­ment tri­al, Republican Senators have a sec­ond oppor­tu­ni­ty to get it right, once and for all, they have the oppor­tu­ni­ty to send a clear and unequiv­o­cal mes­sage to Donald Trump and his insur­rec­tion­ist sup­port­ers, take back their par­ty, of for­ev­er bear the stain and the stench for pos­ter­i­ty, as the men and women who sup­port­ed Donald Trump’s attacks on America.
Republicans in the House have already demon­strat­ed that they are ful­ly a QAnon cau­cus. The Senate’s vote on Trump’s sec­ond impeach­ment will con­firm for the world that the Republican par­ty is ful­ly the QAnon polit­i­cal party.
It fol­lows that this par­ty should nev­er be trust­ed with polit­i­cal pow­er, ever again.





Mike Beckles is a for­mer Police Detective, busi­ness­man, free­lance writer, a black achiev­er hon­oree, and pub­lish­er of the blog mike​beck​les​.com. 
