Trump’s Problems Will Supersede His Desire To Run Again…

Yesterday I teased out a prelude to what I would be writing about today; I took the liberty to posit that Donald J Trump will not be competing for the presidency again, even though he will continue to pretend to be a major player in the Republican party in the future.

Separate and apart from the poten­tial legal entan­gle­ment that Donald Trump may be fac­ing in Georgia and New York, there is still a lot we don’t know that may come out of the jus­tice depart­ment after a new DOJ head is sworn in and all the evi­dence that William Barr sup­pressed is looked at with a crit­i­cal eye.
From all indi­ca­tions, Trump’s prop­er­ties are not doing well finan­cial­ly; in fact, some reports indi­cate some of his prop­er­ties are bleed­ing cash pro­fuse­ly. Many of the sweet deals that Trump had, for exam­ple, with New York City, have dried up as the de Blasio Administration has stopped doing busi­ness with Trump.
Trump will find it dif­fi­cult to find banks will­ing to do busi­ness with him going for­ward, and those that did are try­ing des­per­ate­ly to extri­cate them­selves from him.
In the hun­dreds of mil­lions of dol­lars that will become due in the next year or two, Trump has mas­sive loans. Those loans were per­son­al­ly guar­an­teed. Donald Trump is no longer in office, and so Banks will be less hes­i­tant about going after him and his prop­er­ties to retrieve their money.

Soon enough, there will be an avalanche of law­suits fac­ing Trump, and he will find him­self fend­ing them off left, right, and cen­ter. The Fulton County District Attorney had indi­cat­ed that she had opened a probe to deter­mine whether Donald Trump broke Georgia’s elec­tion laws when he called the Secretary of State demand­ing that he find him the votes he need­ed to over­turn the results in that state and declare him the winner.
In New York, Trump is under probe for poten­tial tax law vio­la­tions; there are alle­ga­tions that Donald Trump inflat­ed his assets’ val­ue to secure bet­ter loans.
Additionally, Trump faces poten­tial felony charges for the insur­rec­tion he insti­gat­ed on January 6th. He also faces legal jeop­ardy for defama­tion for his lying attacks on the Dominion, the mak­er of vot­ing machines used only in one coun­ty in California.

Conventional wis­dom would sug­gest that Trump would like­ly seek elec­tive office to get the pow­er posi­tion back to ward off some of the legal chal­lenges he faces. However, it was the same ele­va­tion to the pow­er posi­tion that exposed him to all of the legal woes he now faces.
The poten­tial chal­lenges he faces may have had some­thing to do with his refusal to relin­quish pow­er after los­ing the 2020 elections.
It was always my view that he want­ed to remain in office at all costs, hop­ing that most of those legal obsta­cles would dis­ap­pear based on the statute of lim­i­ta­tions laws. Donald Trump, the [win­ner] (sic), man­aged to lose the pres­i­den­cy, the US House & the US Senate, all in the space of a four-year term. As evi­denced in his sen­ate floor dia­tribe after he vot­ed to acquit him of his crimes, Mitch McConnell’s pal­pa­ble anger at him speaks volumes.
The idea that Donald Trump is a win­ner is a real­i­ty only to those with their heads buried deep in the sands of unreality.
The num­ber one ques­tion for Trump is whether to run and not make it fur­ther than the Republican pri­maries and be round­ly repu­di­at­ed again?
For the Republican par­ty itself, the par­ty also has to self-exam­ine; Republican vot­ers are flee­ing the par­ty in droves, as report­ed by Republican offi­cials across the coun­try, includ­ing in crit­i­cal states for the Republicans like Georgia and Arizona.

Probably the most sig­nif­i­cant blow to Donald Trump is that he has been de-plat­formed by Twitter and Facebook. Twitter has per­ma­nent­ly banned him.
Without the abil­i­ty to sow dis­cord and dem­a­gog­ic lies using social media, Donald Trump is noth­ing. Trump was nev­er about any­thing sub­stan­tive; his entire life from child­hood to the present day has been one big lie. Without the estab­lished plat­forms from which to spout lies and hatred, Donald Trump is an insignif­i­cant troll that has been a colos­sal failure.
I believe that giv­en a few months, the bit­ter taste of Donald Trump will begin to fade from our col­lec­tive psy­che and none too soon.




Mike Beckles is a for­mer Police Detective, busi­ness­man, free­lance writer, a black achiev­er hon­oree, and pub­lish­er of the blog mike​beck​les​.com. 
