TRUMP,s Federal Immigration Ban Shot Down By Federal Court In Washington State…

Stunning News ..
A Federal Judge in Washington State has just ruled that tRUMP’s exe­cut­ing order ban­ning immi­grants from 7 coun­tries is no longer in order.
This means that this mat­ter will now go to a Federal appeals court to be stayed, upheld, of nullified.
Sources whom have spo­ken to Customs and Border Patrol have said those agen­cies have said as of now things are back to the sta­tus quo , they will obey the order..
It is like­ly that this will even­tu­al­ly go to the supreme court which has only 8 mem­bers at this time as a result of Republicans refusal to even give a hear­ing to for­mer President Obama’s nom­i­nee Merrick Garland.