Trump Appointed Judge Further Restrict A Woman’s Right To Choose.(Podcast Inside)

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On Friday, a Trump-appoint­ed Federal Judge in the state of Texas, Matthew Kacsmarryk, halt­ed the Food &Drug Administration’s approval of the Abortion pill mifepristone.
The deci­sion was expect­ed for weeks, and so was the deci­sion hand­ed down by the right winger. Following in line with the deci­sion of the right-wingers on the Supreme Court who struck down the almost five decades old Rove V Wade deci­sion that legal­ized a wom­an’s right to choose on Friday, June 24, 2022.

In this fight in which the Republican par­ty and its caved-welling sup­port­ers believe they have a right to dic­tate to peo­ple what to do with their own bod­ies, among oth­er things, I have an idea.
The major­i­ty of the American peo­ple believe that Roe V Wade was improp­er­ly struck down. Yet, the right-wing cabal on the Supreme Court upend­ed almost five decades of prece­dent most Americans alive have enjoyed.
This was the unelect­ed body tak­ing away rights, some­thing the court should be restor­ing to the American people.
That said, how about the women who love dic­ta­tor­ship live in the red states where white men get to con­trol their bod­ies, deter­mine how they spend the wealth their fathers leave them as it was in times past and con­trol all aspects of their lives?
Oh, and while we are at it, how about they are not allowed into Democratic-run states for any reason?
I believe most peo­ple liv­ing in California, Colorado, New York, New Jersey, Washington State, and oth­er Democrat-run states would have no prob­lem not vis­it­ing those red states, now ver­i­ta­ble mini dictatorships.
Sounds unreasonable?
Well, so is the idea of a group of peo­ple in the minor­i­ty deter­min­ing how the major­i­ty live their lives.