Tip Of The Day..

We con­tin­ue to speak to the Jamaican Police about exe­cut­ing safe arrests , par­tic­u­lar­ly in light of mount­ing evi­dence of prop­er pro­to­cols not being followed.

♦So the first order of busi­ness in exe­cut­ing an arrest is speed.
Once an offend­er is told in sharp , clear and con­cise lan­guage that he/​she is under arrest , the next com­mand must be , turn around and place your hands behind your back.
The rea­son for order­ing the offend­er to turn away from you the offi­cer, and place his/​her harm behind the back, is to mit­i­gate poten­tial harm to you the officer.
It also gives a clear indi­ca­tion right away to you the offi­cer whether this offend­er intends to resist arrest or not.

♦ The next step is to move swift­ly and decid­ed­ly to the offend­er and place him in hand­cuffs , always with hands cuffed behind the back.
If the offend­er is bel­liger­ent , argu­men­ta­tive , and non-com­pli­ant, officer/​s must bring the offend­er to the ground and exe­cute the arrest as swift­ly as possible .
♦In exe­cut­ing an arrest there should be no cir­cum­stances in which an offi­cer or two strug­gles with effect­ing an arrest while anoth­er offi­cer is stand­ing around like a casu­al observer.
In the event that hap­pens the depart­ment should forth­with send that offi­cer back for retrain­ing ‚or he or she should be dis­missed from the service.

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Bystanders who inter­venes , obstructs, goads or oth­er­wise inter­feres with an arrest must forth­with be placed under arrest and charged for obstruct­ing Governmental Administration or Assisting the prin­ci­pal in resist­ing arrest depend­ing on the statute.

(1) Where police fail to fol­low estab­lished guide­lines in effect­ing safe arrests in Jamaica, and (2) the United States where some Police offi­cers use the arrest process to exact revenge and ret­ri­bu­tion on arrestees for myr­i­ad reasons.
I believe there is a ami­ca­ble mid­dle ground .
As I said in a pre­vi­ous arti­cle, when an offend­er is told to turn away from the arrest­ing offi­cer and place his hands behind the back of his head, it gives the arrest­ing offi­cer a chance to find out to a cer­tain degree whether the offend­er intends to resist,
(unless that offend­er decides to play Possum) .
In which case the offi­cer is trained to deal with that situation.
There is a mid­dle ground which does not always have to include either polar oppo­sites if exe­cut­ed correctly.
There is a grey area between Rambo brutes and incom­pe­tent wimps.