Tip Of The Day..

Upon approach­ing your car, look to make sure no one is hid­ing in or around the vehi­cle, espe­cial­ly in the back seat. Check your tires for flats. Keep win­dows rolled up, except for a small open­ing for ven­ti­la­tion and keep the doors locked at all times.

Keep valu­ables secured in the trunk, not lying on the seat next to you. Put your purse on the floor of your car. Plan your route before you leave. Displaying a map will send a mes­sage that you’re unfa­mil­iar with the area.

Old Cast Iron Bridge, St. Catherine — Erected in 1801.

When stopped in traf­fic, always leave enough space between your car and the one in front of you. This will allow you to pass eas­i­ly, if neces­sary. Keep your car well main­tained and the gas tank at least half full to avoid get­ting stranded.

Should you sus­pect that you are being fol­lowed, make sev­er­al turns down active streets. If the vehi­cle con­tin­ues to fol­low, head for the near­est police sta­tion, fire house, or open store. Avoid
dri­ving to your home. If some­one attempts to force you off the road, remain calm and blow your horn con­tin­u­ous­ly to attract atten­tion. If forced off the road, stop, put your car in reverse and back away.