A Culture Of The Police Bway..

Our coun­try need a men­tal makeover.
There is too much tol­er­ance for misconduct.
Too much empa­thy for wrong.
Too much ratio­nal­iz­ing for wrongdoers.
Too much” it’s not a big deal”, to social disorder.
I watched this atti­tude devel­op as a kid.
I watched it take on a life of its own to the point the peo­ple who enforce our laws became the enemy.

They were labeled Babylon, a term coined by mis­guid­ed Rastafarians who are still fight­ing a war , their ene­my still undefined.
But Rastafarians were not the problem,they sim­ply coined the term.
The term Babylon became a pejo­ra­tive , a term of deri­sion and dis­re­spect for those who upheld the laws , for the Rastafarians the term was intend­ed for a wider sys­tem of injus­tice as they saw it.
For the soci­ety look­ing for scape­goats the term was appose. Society latched onto it and made it a scar­let let­ter of dis­dain for the Police.

So they demo­nized our law enforcement,and placed on them blame for every mal­a­dy which ailed the society.
Because the peo­ple who make the deci­sions are above reproach .[sic]
Beyond being held respon­si­ble for the cor­rup­tion , crimes and inequities they engage in.
They blamed the Police for every stu­pid igno­rant choice they ever made at the vot­ing booth, rather than hold the peo­ple they vot­ed for responsible.
The soci­ety sowed blame ‚dis­re­spect, hate, their every dis­ap­point­ment is pinned on the police.
The chil­dren grow up learn­ing to be dis­re­spect­ful of the Police bway , fire bun pan baby­lon .
While their par­ents curt­sied and pros­trat­ed them­selves at the feet of the so called big man the politi­cian.
The filthy decep­tive , thiev­ing scum­bags who give guns to their sons to kill their neigh­bor’s sons.
Shockingly they now feign won­der at the bla­tant dis­re­spect their young peo­ple have, not just for the rule of law, or our offi­cers, but for every soci­etal norm their par­ents valued.

Clovis car­toon

Are the police to be blamed for some of the things which ails them ?
Yes , you bet !
But the police as a group, have giv­en much more in sweat,blood , and sac­ri­fice than any oth­er group of Jamaicans .Period !!!
Why won­der at the whirl­wind of anar­chy now?
You cul­ti­vat­ed and nur­tured it.
The ene­mies of the peo­ple ‚ene­mies of the state, they sit safe­ly in Gordon House and that makes me angry.
I have nev­er seen a sin­gle one of those scum­bags lying in the streets dead , blood ooz­ing from their heads.
I have nev­er seen any of them left to die in one of the Island’s shit­ty Hospitals like Detective Sergeant Lynch was ‚after he was shot chas­ing crim­i­nals who had mur­dered innocents.
Sergeant Lynch had very chance to sur­vive but his life was worth noth­ing to his civil­ian boss­es who sent him out to pro­tect and serve.
A headache, and they are off to Miami or new York for treatment.

My batch-mate Detective Sergeant Cowan too was shot and injured by men in the Rema Area years ago.
He too had all the chance in the world to sur­vive , but the gov­ern­ment did not think his life was worth sav­ing either, so he too died from his injuries.
The list of brave and not so brave Police Officers and our col­leagues in the Military who made the ulti­mate sac­ri­fice to our coun­try is endless.
Yet the nation’s ille­git­i­mate lead­ers have no idea how many .
Neither do they care.
And they have no inten­tion of stop­ping it.


Carolyn Gomes

Rather than side with our nations war­riors who risk life and limb to bend the arc of crime in our country,this band of mis­cre­ants sided with a bunch of elit­ists and arranged to fur­ther erode trust and con­fi­dence in our law enforce­ment by cre­at­ing and putting in place an agency dia­met­ri­cal­ly opposed to police.
One seen as a dear friend to mur­der­ers and gang­land oper­a­tives, INDECOM was born.

Well known street cop Renetto Adams spoke in-art­ful­ly about this years ago .
He said Jamaica would pay dear­ly for it’s sup­port for criminals.
His words have boomeranged with marks­man-like accu­ra­cy and alacrity.

Like moles , the Elitists are bur­rowed into the infra­struc­ture of the society.
They sit on boards , they are on the bench , the are in the legal fraternity.
They are in Ministries and Institutions of high­er learn­ing, they are everywhere.
Some got their because of their hatred. ani­mus and dis­dain for the police.
Just ask the media about that ‚for decades they dom­i­nat­ed the mes­sag­ing because they con­trolled the megaphone..
People were told to stone police sta­tions as a means to air their displeasure.
Police offi­cers were degrad­ed to jankru on nation­al tele­vi­sion, for dar­ing to stop and ques­tion a crack head news­cast­er, out buy­ing drugs in Barbican late at night.

So don’t shed your damn croc­o­dile tears now that your chil­dren are killing inno­cent peo­ple, includ­ing police offi­cers left right and center .
You taught them to do the things they are doing.
Stop act­ing damn sur­prised, you refused to place the blame where the blame real­ly belonged.
You took the dis­re­spect which should have been placed on Manley , Seaga, Patterson,Portia, Golding , Holness and the band of crim­i­nals around them and you dumped your anger on the police.

Deal with the mess you cre­at­ed, you pre­tend­ed that our coun­try can be policed the way devel­oped coun­tries are.
In the mean­time the politi­cians are safe with their police details.
They must think you are real­ly stupid.


One thought on “A Culture Of The Police Bway..

  1. Rastafarians were at one time reg­u­lar­ly bru­tal­ized by police and there­fore they right­ly earned being called “Babylon”. If the police were not bru­tal­iz­ing peo­ple there would not be the need for a Dr. Gomes.

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