They Are Easily Identified…

There is a cer­tain unmis­tak­able look to them, even though there are oth­ers who wear suits, or look dif­fer­ent­ly, but are just as tox­ic. They range from old­er to mid­dle-aged and even younger, they are some­times tat­tooed and wear sleeve­less shirts.
They gen­er­al­ly have some para­pher­na­lia on their cloth­ing that mim­ics the col­ors of the American flag.
They are usu­al­ly loud, obnox­ious, pro­fuse­ly igno­rant, and there­fore very dan­ger­ous­ly vio­lent.
Many of them are avid motor­cy­clists, they gen­er­al­ly have long rap sheets, oth­ers, not so much, because, despite their lives of crime, the sys­tem ignores them and tar­gets inno­cent Blacks instead.
They pre­tend to be the most patri­ot­ic Americans by the para­pher­na­lia with which they adorn them­selves, and from their mil­i­tary ser­vice, even though not all of them served in the mil­i­tary.
They vote straight Republican, (as you may know they hate the Democratic par­ty for sign­ing the civ­il and vot­ing rights acts into law). They are the least of Americans based on their sup­port for the con­fed­er­a­cy and Naziism, two ide­olo­gies that real Americans rose up against and defeated.

Confederate General Gen. Braxton Bragg, for whom one of the Army’s largest bases, (Fort Bragg) out­side Fayetteville, North Carolina was named.
These men were, by def­i­n­i­tion, trai­tors who had con­duct­ed war against the United States,” said Newcity, deputy direc­tor for Slavic, Eurasian, and East European Studies at Duke University.
Nevertheless, there is a whole slew of mil­i­tary bases scat­tered around the coun­try named after these trai­tors, at the same time, there are count­less stat­ues and edi­fices that have been con­struct­ed, not just in the South but all across the coun­try, com­mem­o­rat­ing these trai­tors who took up arms against America and were ulti­mate­ly defeated.

Today they copy the look of the past, and their intent is the same. Un-American, vio­lent, deter­mined to use all means avail­able to them to cre­ate a white eth­no­log­i­cal state.
The prob­lem for Americans not with this tox­ic ide­ol­o­gy, is that when the gov­ern­ment finds com­mon cause with these crim­i­nals there is rea­son to be scared for the future of the coun­try.
When they are parts of the police depart­ments and occu­py all lev­els of gov­ern­ment all the way to the very top, it is time to break the glass and grab the hose.
Many are active mem­bers of the sundry vio­lent mili­tia groups oper­at­ing across the coun­try. They have mur­dered inno­cent Americans, using guns, bombs, auto­mo­biles, and oth­er weapon­ry, yet there seems to be a gen­er­al sense of tol­er­ance for their crimes.
It is any­one’s guess whether the fed­er­al gov­ern­ment has a full appre­ci­a­tion of the threat they pose or even cares to know.
They pre­tend to sup­port the Police, but their sup­port for law enforce­ment only goes to the extent that law enforce­ment acts as a tool of oppres­sion against black peo­ple. And yes, many police offi­cers are mem­bers of those vio­lent hate groups. 

Don't assume the militias at the Charlottesville rally were white ...

The shock­ing real­i­ty is that despite the crimes these white suprema­cists groups com­mit, and despite the exis­ten­tial threat they rep­re­sent as far as the gov­ern­ment is con­cerned, it is busi­ness as usu­al.
America’s code­pen­dent, weird rela­tion­ship with the far-right ide­olo­gies that embrace Nazism and the for­mer con­fed­er­a­cy, must be viewed with­in the frame­work of those forces endgame, which as I said before is the cre­ation of a white eth­nos­tate, and the con­tin­u­a­tion of white suprema­cy.
So, though there may be those who do not nec­es­sar­i­ly embrace Nazism or even the for­mer Confederacy, the fact that these neo-Nazi, fas­cist groups embrace the idea of con­tin­ued white priv­i­lege, they give them tac­it sup­port, or at the very least, they remain silent about them. 

Understanding that brings the sup­port white peo­ple gives to police into sharp­er focus.
There are more whites mur­dered by vio­lent out of con­trol police, how­ev­er, based on Black’s numer­ic rep­re­sen­ta­tion in the pop­u­la­tion, they are killed at a more alarm­ing rate than any oth­er group.
Under nor­mal cir­cum­stances, white peo­ple would be up in arms over the unlaw­ful killing of their own peo­ple. Police depart­ments would have been abol­ished, defund­ed, and new and more cit­i­zen-cen­tric mea­sures put in place to deal with com­mu­ni­ty demands.
Because police are killing Blacks at the rate they are, and because it serves cer­tain racists ends, then those white peo­ple, (usu­al­ly men) who end up dead at the hands of police, are accept­ed as col­lat­er­al damage.

Regardless of what you are told, American polic­ing came out of slave patrols. Slaveholders did not care how bru­tal­ly run­away slaves were treat­ed when they were caught by the rag­tag mur­der­ers who made up those slave-patrols.
They want­ed them beat­en and muti­lat­ed so bad­ly that no oth­er slave would ever dare con­sid­er run­ning away in the future. Nevertheless, they were still prop­er­ty, and so giv­en the choice of keep­ing them alive or hav­ing them killed, they would rather have the egre­gious­ly muti­lat­ed run­aways alive to con­tin­ue work­ing their plan­ta­tions than dead.
In the process of recap­tur­ing a run­away, the mur­der­ing scum some­times killed them, but the plan­ta­tion own­ers were not about to hold them account­able even though he had lost his prop­er­ty.
The fact that run­aways were caught, and killed was les­son enough to scare the oth­ers, bring­ing them in alive was the icing on the cake.
The plan­ta­tion men­tal­i­ty still per­vades American soci­ety today.
Sure, the police may kill some black peo­ple in ways that raise eye­brows, but the larg­er strat­e­gy of using police to keep blacks in their place is what’s impor­tant, so we sup­port our police”.

Mike Beckles is a for­mer police Detective cor­po­ral, busi­ness­man, free­lance writer,
he is a black achiev­er hon­oree, and pub­lish­er of the blog chatt​-​a​-box​.com. 
He’s also a con­trib­u­tor to sev­er­al web­sites.
You may sub­scribe to his blogs free of charge, or sub­scribe to his Youtube chan­nel @chatt-a-box, for the lat­est pod­cast all free to you of course.
