These Killings Are Murder,stop Lying To Yourselves.….

Michel Slager
Michael Slager

Nothing gets my blood boil­ing than to hear peo­ple on National tele­vi­sion pars­ing and ratio­nal­iz­ing away murder.
Murder is mur­der, to the white peo­ple who seek to blow smoke up peo­ples prover­bial ass stop already.
Not all black peo­ple are stu­pid. You defend mur­der because it’s not your unarmed loved ones who are being gunned down in cold blood.
Lets cut to the chase, when you go on tele­vi­sion to talk about law enforce­ment as if you are the sole author­i­ty on how the laws are to be enforced you make your­selves look stupid.
We are well aware a lot of you are quite con­tent with police mur­der­ing peo­ple of color.
It’s with the same cal­lous dis­patch with which many of you speak about bomb­ing oth­er coun­tries, so we do under­stand that as long as you are not affect­ed by the killings it, quite kosher.

  • Now that I have said my piece lets look at some sim­ple rules that police are sup­posed to abide by .
    You do not use lethal force[fire at a flee­ing per­son] unless the per­son pos­es a threat to your life as an offi­cer or that of anoth­er person.
  • This means if the flee­ing sus­pect has a gun and is fir­ing at the offi­cer while run­ning away the offi­cer is jus­ti­fied in using lethal force to neu­tral­ize the threat.[take the sus­pect out.
  • An offi­cer may also use lethal force if a flee­ing sus­pect pos­es immi­nent threat to the life of another.even though the sus­pect may not be armed, if the sus­pect is run­ning away with a child and has expressed an intent to harm the child , an offi­cer is jus­ti­fied in using lethal force.
  • I Believe by now most peo­ple have seen the bru­tal and cal­lous slay­ing of 50-year-old Walter Scott by 33-year-old South Carolina cop Michael Slager.
  • Walter Scott laying face down , and handcuffed with 5 bullets in him.
    Walter Scott lay­ing face down , and hand­cuffed with 5 bul­lets in him.

There is no way to jus­ti­fy what we saw in that video, yet there are peo­ple try­ing their darnedest to make you believe that some­thing may have tran­spired in the gap between the dash-cam video and mis­ter Santana’s cell-phone video.
I am here to tell you that whether some­thing occurred or not , what­ev­er it is, at the time when Michael Slager dis­charged his weapon 8 times hit­ting Walter Scott 5 times, Walter Scott was run­ning away.
Walter Scott posed absolute­ly no threat to the armed police offi­cer or any­one else.
That is the rea­son his depart­ment quick­ly fired him and he is sit­ting in a jail cell on mur­der charges.

Michael Brown shot several times lay face down , like a dog in the street for hours
Michael Brown shot sev­er­al times lay face down , like a dog in the street for hours

Slager’s Department knows when offi­cers may jus­ti­fi­ably shoot some­one and they know when they can­not legal­ly do so.
This was a bad shoot­ing. Not only is it bad it came at a time when there is increased scruti­ny of police use of dead­ly force across the coun­try, in the wake of the killing of sev­er­al unarmed men large­ly African-American.
I don’t know whether Michael Slager is a racist, that is not my argument.
There are African-Americans who say the stop was for a friv­o­lous infrac­tion I disagree .

The stop was sup­pos­ed­ly about a bro­ken tail light on a Mercedes auto­mo­bile that Walter Scott was driving.
Police have a right and a respon­si­bil­i­ty to police our streets.
They use minor traf­fic infrac­tions such as bro­ken tail lights to tamp down on more seri­ous offences.

Of course Mister Scott sup­pos­ed­ly did not have the papers for the car.
An offi­cer nev­er knows whats going to hap­pen when he/​she ini­ti­ates a traf­fic stop.

Traffic stops for what appear to be minor infrac­tions some­times yield great law-enforce­ment rewards.
What upsets peo­ple of col­or is when police abuse the pow­er to make those traf­fic stops. Using that pow­er to intim­i­date and harass, or tar­get them for tax revenue.
During the stop Officer Slager was pret­ty cour­te­ous, so was mis­ter Scott. Of course none of that mat­ter anymore.
There was no jus­ti­fi­ca­tion for the mas­sive esca­la­tion which end­ed in the death of Walter Scott.

Khijame Powell killed unnecessarily by st Louis police.Yes you may be legally justified to kill, but are you morally justified?
Khijame Powell
killed unnec­es­sar­i­ly by st Louis police.Yes you may be legal­ly jus­ti­fied to kill, but are you moral­ly justified?

Nothing to the con­trary they tell you is any­thing but blow­ing smoke up your behind. It was mur­der plain and simple.
Slager may be a racist, he may not be a racist, the prob­lem with police is the cul­tur­al dis­re­spect they have for black people.
Walter Scott is a vic­tim and Michael Slager may very well be a vic­tim of that cul­tur­al dis­re­spect as well.
Michael Slager would nev­er pull the trig­ger at a 50 year ‑old white male run­ning away , in which case he would not be sit­ting in a jail cell today.
The entire sys­tem is on tri­al, police offi­cers are not held account­able in America. There is a cult-like wor­ship of cops which cre­ates the impres­sion that they can do no wrong.
I too believe in the rule of law.
I spent a good part of my life enforc­ing laws. I have spent my entire life observ­ing and obey­ing laws.
With that said, when the laws are applied uneven­ly or used as a tool of oppres­sion of any of our cit­i­zens then the entire rule of law becomes a lie, and a fraud.
The unde­ni­able truth of it all is that police kill because they get away with it more often than not.
This lack of account­abil­i­ty cre­ates more killings by those we hire to pro­tect us.
Unfortunately for us, the peo­ple we hire to pro­tect us are becom­ing the peo­ple who pose the great­est exis­ten­tial threat to us.

No I will not offer a sub-text about the great work offi­cers do and the risk they take !
I will leave that to the uncon­scionable police apol­o­gists whose inter­ests are served by the elim­i­na­tion of the feared black man.
Every police offi­cer takes the oath of his/​her free will.
That includ­ed me when I signed up as a young recruit in 1982.
I removed a lot of guns from the streets I was also instru­men­tal in help­ing to secure the incar­cer­a­tion of seri­ous felons dur­ing my stint.
I have been shot at on many occa­sions. I did the job in one of the world’s tough­est cities, Kingston Jamaica.
Oh by the way I was also shot in the line of duty.
None of my life expe­ri­ences taught me that the wan­ton waste of life we are wit­ness­ing by police today in America is justified.
Don’t buy it for one minute.
The ACLU in a recent report , details that for the month of January 2015 Cops across the United States killed over 100 people.
That’s aver­age of 1’200 peo­ple annu­al­ly. https://​mike​beck​les​.com/​o​v​e​r​-​1​0​0​-​p​e​o​p​l​e​-​w​e​r​e​-​k​i​l​l​e​d​-​b​y​-​p​o​l​i​c​e​-​i​n​-​m​a​r​c​h​-​h​o​w​-​m​a​n​y​-​m​o​r​e​-​w​i​l​l​-​i​t​-​t​a​ke/

The advent of video and cell­phone cam­eras have opened a win­dow to what peo­ple have com­plained about all along.

States are large­ly com­fort­able with the police as fear­some enforcers, after all they are pre­cious lit­tle more than tax-col­lec­tors. They keep the peas­ants in check and fill cof­fers with enforce­ment rev­enue, large­ly on the backs of the poor­est and those least able to afford it.
What’s not to like ?
When was the last time you heard a Governor vig­or­ous­ly speak out in defense of cit­i­zens who are vic­tims of police abuse?

Even when they are forced to respond to the atroc­i­ties hap­pen­ing in their states their reac­tion is more def­er­ence to police than empa­thy to the vic­tims of their brutish aggression.
Cruise down any high­way on a sun­ny day police cruis­ers every­where in bush­es or have motorists pulled over, some­times at great dan­ger to the pub­lic because of where they chose to pull motorists over.
Some still actu­al­ly believe they are there for their pro​tec​tion​.By the way In have a bridge for sale. 

Cruise down the same high­way on a rainy day and you are hard pressed to see a sin­gle squad car.
If you have a fend­er-ben­der you are like­ly to be told that there are not enough offi­cers and those who on duty are already attend­ing to accidents.
The truth is they put them out there to col­lect rev­enue when it’s sun­ny, you are on your own when it rains.
These police killings occur because white peo­ple want it to . They have no prob­lem with white cops killing black men, they nev­er did.
Until the guns are trained on their sons they do not see a problem.
You know how it is “those peo­ple must be contained”?
They were pret­ty cool with the Klan-lynch­ings , they are cool with the cop-lynchings.
The only thing changed are the uniforms.

See also: https://​mike​beck​les​.com/​p​o​l​i​c​e​-​b​r​u​t​a​l​i​t​y​-​i​s​-​t​y​r​a​n​ny/