Police Brutality Is Tyranny

Yes it is
Yes it is

Thousands , maybe mil­lions col­lec­tive­ly, march hand in hand dai­ly across America. They march in sol­i­dar­i­ty with the unarmed, killed by Agents of the states. The bod­ies are many, the ages diverse. Their col­or the only thing which binds them together.
I want to talk a lit­tle about the role states play in these deaths, but before I do I want to take a sec­ond to address a com­mon dis­claimer I hear from many who speak on this issue. Some black, some white , some cop, some not.


Civil Rights groups, church­es, NGO’s and a pletho­ra of oth­er inter­est­ed par­ties have done much work in com­bat­ing vio­lence in the black com­mu­ni­ty. Communities and indi­vid­u­als have done heavy lift­ing toward remov­ing the scourge of drug-deal­ing, drug-addic­tion, and oth­er vices which lead to vio­lence. Activists and Organizations like the Urban league , National Action Network, NAACP, and oth­ers are heav­i­ly invest­ed in com­bat­ing crime in urban centers.
Much more is required in deal­ing with the prob­lem of teenage preg­nan­cy , mass-incar­cer­a­tion of black male, gang affil­i­a­tion and violence.
With that said, black peo­ple com­mit­ted to chang­ing police aggres­sion toward them do not need a lec­ture from any­one, black, white or

Police abuse will not stop because states do not want it to stop
Police abuse will not stop because states do not want it to stop

pur­ple, cop, or not on black on black vio­lence. Blacks have a duty to fig­ure out their prob­lems, what­ev­er they are. What our com­mu­ni­ty does not need is to pay police Officers to kill our children.
Police offi­cers are employed and paid to inves­ti­gate crimes. When black crim­i­nals com­mit crimes they are arrest­ed and incar­cer­at­ed. In more instances than I care to dis­cuss, blacks are incar­cer­at­ed and exe­cut­ed even when they are inno­cent of the crimes they are accused of com­mit­ting. America’s pris­ons are brim­ming with black and brown men , over 65% of those locked up in America’s pris­ons are black and brown. Despite on a per-capi­ta whites com­mit more crimes than they do.

It is this dis­par­i­ty that has peo­ple of con­science up in arms about the con­tin­ued injus­tice in America. A spe­cial word of advise to the igno­rant blacks who par­rot the talk­ing points of igno­rant racist whites on this issue, go read a book, do some research before you open your stu­pid mouths or make moron­ic Youtube videos. You are stu­pid and you look stupid.
Go research what 400 years of Slavery, Chain-Gang, Jim-Crow,separate but equal, and exist­ing insti­tu­tion­al­ized racism has done to peo­ple of African ancestry. 

The Drone
The Drone

In a Bee colony the Queen lays eggs , mil­lions of them, this ensures that the specie con­tin­ue to exist.
Worker Bees gath­er pollen into the pollen bas­kets on their back legs, to car­ry back to the hive where it is used as food for the devel­op­ing brood. Pollen car­ried on their bod­ies may be car­ried to anoth­er flower where a small por­tion can rub off onto thepis­til, result­ing in cross pol­li­na­tion. Almost all of civ­i­liza­tion’s food sup­ply (maize is a note­wor­thy excep­tion) depends great­ly on crop pol­li­na­tion by hon­ey bees, whether direct­ly eat­en or used as for­age crops for ani­mals that pro­duce milk and meat. Nectar is sucked up through the pro­boscis, mixed with enzymes in the stom­ach, and car­ried back to the hive, where it is stored in wax cells and evap­o­rat­ed into hon­ey.
Drones, fig­u­ra­tive sense of ‘idler’ or ‘lazy work­er’, as male bees make no hon­ey, which is some­times giv­en as a folk ety­mol­o­gy of the word ‘drone’ itself.[Wikipedia]
In the great scheme of things there are those who do and there are those who don’t, at least the drones have the good sense to mate with the Queen. For you blacks who have no con­tri­bu­tion to make, even as you ben­e­fit from the strug­gles and sac­ri­fice of oth­ers, do every­one a favor and shut your stu­pid mouths.

This was supposed to be fixed 50 years ago
This was sup­posed to be fixed 50 years ago

Cops abuse and kill because States and munic­i­pal­i­ties want them to. Police are peo­ple, good peo­ple in many cas­es. Give the best guy/​girl a gun, badge , and unfet­tered pow­er and no need to account and you got a real prob­lem on your hands, their atti­tudes change, all of a sud­den the very peo­ple they are sworn to serve and pro­tect becomes their ene­my. Unworthy of respect, they become the big man, Gods even.
It’s not about the need for sup­port and some lee­way to do what we ask them to do . As we have seen over and over again states make extra effort to ensure when they kill they are not held accountable.
They kill as Agents of the state. They kill on behalf of the states. Eric Garner was mur­dered for what must have been the most infin­i­tes­i­mal white col­lar crime. Even if he was sell­ing un-taxed cig­a­rettes ‚(not proven) who was the vic­tim? Who was hurt?
I’ll tell you who, the State of New York was hurt. They are so des­per­ate for the few un-recov­ered pen­nies, it took sev­er­al well paid Thugs to kill Garner over those pennies.

States Legislators, Governors and oth­er offi­cials are heav­i­ly behold­en to Police Departments . Never mind what they say in pub­lic, cops know whose side they are on. Governors, Legislators and Mayors are large­ly white Caucasian male., The women they are more testos­terone laden than their male coun­ter­parts. Police abuse is going nowhere fast.
Anthony Baez was choked to death by Francis Livoti a tough-guy cop with mul­ti­ple com­plaints against him. Baez’s crime was a non-crime. His foot­ball struck a NYPD patrol car.
In sen­tenc­ing Livoti Judge Scheindlin issued a broad attack on the depart­men­t’s han­dling of Mr. Livoti’s case, and said that she had refrained from impos­ing an even greater sen­tence because the depart­ment shared some respon­si­bil­i­ty in Mr. Baez’s death. ”The Police

Same problems 50 years later, things must change once and for all
Same prob­lems 50 years lat­er, things must change once and for all

Department did Mr. Livoti and the peo­ple of this city a grave injus­tice when it per­mit­ted Mr. Livoti to remain on active patrol know­ing of his propen­si­ty toward vio­lence,” Judge Scheindlin said. ”There is no doubt in my mind that the depart­ment knew, or should have known, that Mr. Livoti was dan­ger­ous.” She said that nine ear­li­er police bru­tal­i­ty com­plaints against Mr. Livoti should have been enough ”to alert those in charge to the fact that Mr. Livoti should be off the streets, if not off the force.”
Francis Livoti was a pro­tégée and one of the poster child of Rudolph Giuliani’s dis­dain and dis­re­spect for black and brown res­i­dents of New York City. Anthony Baez and many oth­ers paid with their lives.

”The Police Department let him remain on the streets, know­ing that one day a real tragedy would occur,” she said.

State pro­ce­dures make it dif­fi­cult for cops to face a court of law. If police offi­cers do not have to face courts of law to account for their actions they become the law. They act that way, they say they are the law. Not enforcers of the law.
As black America and oth­ers take to the streets to protest , it is impor­tant to note that even as racism and dis­re­spect dri­ves many deci­sions police make to pull the trig­ger or oth­er­wise abuse blacks, they also do the same to whites.
It is impor­tant that whites rec­og­nize that even though police may be some­what less quick on the trig­ger on poor whites than they do peo­ple of col­or now. It is becom­ing more and more obvi­ous that pret­ty soon drunk with unmit­i­gat­ed pow­er they too will be killed with equal alacrity.
The peo­ple who draft leg­is­la­tion and those who sign them into laws are mere cor­po­rate tools. They are picked and placed by cor­po­rate oli­garchs to car­ry out their dictates.
Those dic­tates do not line up with that of the 99%..
Prisons have to be filled, cor­po­rate pup­peteers who run them are suing states because they are sup­pos­ed­ly los­ing mon­ey from too many emp­ty jail cells. Look around you , yes you , in your state they will be build­ing more pris­ons, while they close schools.
We are all in this togeth­er, black, white, yel­low brown, the soon­er we rec­og­nize this the better.
