The Weapons Keep Pouring In

A joint oper­a­tion today between the Jamaica Constabulary Force and the Customs depart­ment at a con­tain­er ter­mi­nal result­ed in the seizure of 20 firearms, includ­ing four(4) High pow­ered Rifles, One sub machine gun, nine pis­tols six revolvers and 791 rounds of assort­ed ammunition.

Investigations are ongo­ing.
As we applaud the find, we are still left won­der­ing, how come these mas­sive finds are not result­ing in fur­ther inves­ti­ga­tions and the arrest of the peo­ple at both the points of ori­gin and entry.
Sure we want to remove the guns from the streets but I am con­vinced that who­ev­er sent those weapons sent them to some­one.
And who­ev­er those weapons were sent to, that per­son or those per­sons want­ed to get their hands on those weapons.
What then, is stop­ping the police from fol­low­ing through on these inves­ti­ga­tions and bring­ing them to the appro­pri­ate conclusion?

We are also left to won­der at the amounts of weapons and ammu­ni­tion being dis­cov­ered pour­ing into this tiny Island, what quan­ti­ties are actu­al­ly get­ting through unde­tect­ed.
To what pur­pose are these weapons and ammu­ni­tion being sent and received into the Island and who are the play­ers behind it.
Is it polit­i­cal, or intend­ed to enhance the lot­to-scam?
We do not know because the police depart­ment seems inca­pable of mount­ing the appro­pri­ate sting oper­a­tions and coör­di­nat­ing with their American coun­ter­parts for assist­ing on their end.
Where are the Police Investigators.…isn’t that what all of the real­ly smart peo­ple from the UWI now in the JCF loaded down with degrees were sup­posed to bring to the JCF?
Or are cor­rup­tion and incom­pe­tence too ram­pant to allow for seri­ous inves­ti­ga­tions to pro­ceed which would ensure that these trans-nation­al crim­i­nals behind bars for good?