A joint operation
Investigations are ongoing.
As we applaud the find, we are still left wondering, how come these massive finds are not resulting in further investigations and the arrest of the people at both the points of origin and entry.
Sure we want to remove the guns from the streets but I am convinced that whoever sent those weapons sent them to someone.
And whoever those weapons were sent to, that person or those persons wanted to get their hands on those weapons.
What then, is stopping the police from following through on these investigations and bringing them to the appropriate conclusion?
We are also left to wonder at the amounts of weapons and ammunition being discovered pouring into this tiny Island, what quantities are actually getting through undetected.
To what purpose are these weapons and ammunition being sent and received into the Island and who are the players behind it.
Is it political, or intended to enhance the lotto-scam?
We do not know because the police department seems incapable of mounting the appropriate sting operations and coördinating with their American counterparts for assisting on their end.
Where are the Police Investigators.…isn’t that what all of the really smart people from the UWI now in the JCF loaded down with degrees were supposed to bring to the JCF?
Or are corruption and incompetence too rampant to allow for serious investigations to proceed which would ensure that these trans-national criminals behind bars for good?