The Trade-off For The Peace And Social Order They Crave Should And Must Come At The Cost Of Social Justice.

Freddie Gray, arrested by Baltimore police on April 12, died a week later of a severed spinal cord.
Freddie Gray, arrest­ed by Baltimore police on April 12, died a week lat­er of a sev­ered spinal cord.

Do not enter­tain peo­ple white nor black uncle Toms who appear on tele­vi­sion and oth­er media demand­ing that you con­demn dam­age to property.
When they con­demn Police mur­der and abuse and help us stamp it out, then and only then should we lis­ten to their concerns.
When we say black lives mat­ter we must make it absolute­ly clear that we will no longer tol­er­ate or allow them to deval­ue the life of our peo­ple while they ask us to mul­ti­ply and respect the val­ue of their property.
The trade-off for the peace and social order they crave should and must come at the cost of social justice.
There should be no peace until there is jus­tice and respect for all Americans.
In case after case we see police use undue and exces­sive force, kills some­one and exer­cise bla­tant dis­re­gard for that per­son­’s right to life.

In fact the actions of these cops in many cas­es are so aggra­vat­ing that it is stun­ning that any per­son look­ing at the evi­dence would not be nau­se­at­ed and disgusted.
They mur­der peo­ple then after shoot­ing them down they do not lift a fin­ger to admin­is­ter aid to the person.
They then fal­si­fy reports delib­er­ate­ly lying that they admin­is­tered life sav­ing assis­tance to the victims.
In case after case the sys­tem does not hold them account­able for their thug­gery and mur­der­ous behavior.

A video shows Officer Michael Slager, who is white, fir­ing eight shots at 50-year-old Walter Scott as Scott has his back to him and is run­ning away. Scott, who was unarmed, was struck five times. They then lied that they admin­is­tered aid to the dying Scott.
Eric Courtney Harris was killed by 73-year-old Tulsa, Oklahoma, “reserve deputy” police offi­cer Bob Bates. Bates yells, “I shot him! I’m sor­ry.” Meanwhile, Harris is cry­ing, “He shot me! He shot me, man. Oh my God. I’m los­ing my breath.” “Fuck your breath!” a cop responds. “Shut the fuck up!” “You should­n’t have fuck­ing ran!” his col­league adds as they hold Harris down. Harris died about an hour lat­er at a near­by hospital.
Neither of the sav­ages who held Bates down and killed him after he was shot has been arrested.

These are the sav­ages who patrol America’s streets and exact vengeance in the name of law enforcement.
These are mod­ern day Slave patrols.
One of the most absurd state­ment I’ve heard is that Freddie Gray injured him­self , this is the most pre­pos­ter­ous thing imag­in­able and you guessed it , it is being advanced by the media.
No doubt those nar­ra­tives were plant­ed by the Baltimore Police , ful­ly con­ver­sant that the media would gob­ble it up loop it until it gets woven into the nar­ra­tive which even­tu­al­ly then becomes fact.
Of course one guest who is a med­ical doc­tor stren­u­ous­ly debunked that myth, argu­ing that cops sev­ered the spine of Freddy Gray, plain and simple.

It is frus­trat­ing but under­stand­able though, that a peo­ple lead­er­less, and clue­less to what they deserve will con­tin­u­al­ly be used , abused and mur­dered because those who wield pow­er, know they will not stand up and defend themselves.