The Similarities Of The Nurenberg And Trump Rallies, Their Messages, & Iconography…

Trump Waves to Million MAGA March Supporters
A group head­ing to a Trump ral­ly, are you start­ing to get the picture?

The Nurnberg Nazi Rallies were mas­sive events held in 1923, 1927 & 1929; after that, annu­al­ly, from 1933 through 1938.
According to [Brittinaca], the ral­lies were pro­pa­gan­da events staged to rein­force par­ty enthu­si­asm and show­case the pow­er of National Socialism, not just to Germany but also to the rest of the world.
The ral­lies were staged in loca­tions that high­light­ed quaint medieval sites; they were replete with loud music, lots of ban­ners, goose steps, human swasti­ka for­ma­tions, torch­light pro­ces­sions, bon­fires, and mag­nif­i­cent fireworks.
It is report­ed that Adolph Hitler and oth­er lead­ers deliv­ered lengthy ora­tions, build­ings were dec­o­rat­ed with enor­mous flags and nazi insignia.
The ral­lies’ cli­max was a solemn cer­e­mo­ny in which new flags were touched in the Blufahne (blood ban­ner a tat­tered stan­dard said to have been steeped in the blood of those killed in Hitler’s abortive Beer-Hall-Putsch of November 8 – 9, 1923.
A Putsch is a German word mean­ing [push], used to mean, an attempt to over­throw a gov­ern­ment by force.

CPAC stage was designed exact­ly like a Nazi oth­a­la rune, one of many ancient European sym­bols that Nazis adopt­ed to “recon­struct a myth­ic ‘Aryan’ past,” ceil­ing dec­o­ra­tions also depict­ed a nazi symbol.
CPAC STAGE USES NAZI SYMBOL? "Having... - Occupy Democrats | Facebook
Judge for yourselves.

At the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), which con­clud­ed on Sunday, February 28th, 2021, it was dif­fi­cult to tell the dif­fer­ence between CPAC and one of Hitler’s Nurenberg rallies.
CPAC did not spare any expense in mak­ing its loy­al­ties to Donald Trump known. At the Conference held at the Hyatt Regency in Orlando, it was a mod­ern-day Nurenberg.
In response to the firestorm on social media sur­round­ing the nazi sym­bol­ism, Hyatt Hotels Corporation called the sym­bols of hate “abhor­rent.
The web­site Themarysue​.com exclaimed; CPAC atten­dees going all-in on white suprema­cy and Nazism, from their talk­ing points, speak­ers, and actions down to the very design of their main stage at the Hyatt Regency.
Hyatt said all aspects of con­fer­ence logis­tics, includ­ing the stage design, were man­aged by the American Conservative Union, which orga­nized the conference.

Matt Schlapp is chair­man of CPAC, so we know the respon­si­ble par­ties are, for the full-blown Nazi extravaganza.
In response to the out­rage, Schlapp did not apol­o­gize or make changes to the stage-design, even though he had ample time to make changes before the con­fer­ence got underway.
Instead, Schlapp, lashed out argu­ing that what we observed with our own eyes was fake news, that CPAC has Jewish atten­dees and Speakers.
By that def­i­n­i­tion, Jews are the only peo­ple offend­ed by offen­sive Fascistic imagery.
The com­par­isons were “out­ra­geous and slan­der­ous,” Matt Schlapp, American Conservative Union chair, said in a Twitter post on Saturday. He added the orga­ni­za­tion had a “long-stand­ing com­mit­ment to the Jewish com­mu­ni­ty” and that the con­fer­ence fea­tured sev­er­al Jewish speakers.

A gold­en image of Donald Trump was also on dis­play at the conference.

After the sto­ry became viral and sev­er­al peo­ple called for a boy­cott of Hyatt, the com­pa­ny issued a state­ment that said,” With CPAC’s denial of any inten­tion­al con­nec­tion to hate sym­bols and our con­cerns over the safe­ty of guests and col­leagues in what could have been a dis­rup­tive sit­u­a­tion, we allowed the event to con­tin­ue,” Hyatt said late on Sunday.
Even so, the Hyatt lashed out at CPAC atten­dees for con­tin­ued hos­til­i­ty to their work­ers, whom they refer to as “col­leagues.”
Colleagues occa­sion­al­ly faced hos­til­i­ty from atten­dees” at the con­fer­ence when atten­dees were remind­ed to wear masks and social dis­tance. Hyatt also said it was “extreme­ly dis­ap­point­ed by the dis­re­spect many indi­vid­u­als involved in the event showed to our col­leagues.”
In its state­ment on Sunday, Hyatt said: “We take the con­cern raised about the prospect of sym­bols of hate being includ­ed in the stage design at CPAC 2021 very seri­ous­ly as all such sym­bols are abhor­rent and unequiv­o­cal­ly counter to our val­ues as a com­pa­ny.”

Trump s not known to be a read­er of the writ­ten word; in fact, he has borne the brunt of late-night come­di­ans’ attack as a man who can­not read.
In an arti­cle in the Atlantic, dat­ed January 5, 2018, Brendan Graham wrote, “Ironically, it was the pub­li­ca­tion of a book this week that crys­tal­lized the real­i­ty of how lit­tle Donald Trump reads. While, like many of the ten­den­cies described in Michael Wolff’s Fire and Fury, Trump’s indif­fer­ence to the print­ed word has been appar­ent for some time, the depth and impli­ca­tions of Trump’s strong pref­er­ence for oral com­mu­ni­ca­tion over the writ­ten word demand clos­er examination.
“He didn’t process infor­ma­tion in any con­ven­tion­al sense,” Wolff writes. “He didn’t read. He didn’t real­ly even skim. Some believed that for all prac­ti­cal pur­pos­es, he was no more than semi-­lit­erate.”
So much for that busi­ness degree from that pres­ti­gious col­lege in Pennsylvania. I guess, dad­dy paid for his name to be slapped onto one of those.
Some of his detrac­tors have argued that he has read the “Art Of the Deal,” a screed writ­ten about him, and not by him.
Others have stead­fast­ly insist­ed that Trump’s favorite book, (not sure if one can have a favorite out of a sum of one) is a book of Adolph Hitler’s speech­es, ‘My New Order.’

From 2017: How Germany handles monuments from Nazi and communist eras | OpinionHow Hitler's Rise to Power Explains Why Republicans Accept Donald Trump

According to a 1990 Vanity Fair inter­view, Ivana Trump once told her lawyer Michael Kennedy that Donald Trump, kept a book of Hitler’s speech­es near his bed.
This leads us to con­clude that Donald Trump may not be a vora­cious or pro­lif­ic read­er, but he may actu­al­ly read what he wants.
There is lit­tle doubt that the poli­cies that Trump espous­es and the iconog­ra­phy he uses at his ral­lies are direct­ly copied from Hitler’s rallies.
Please make no mis­take about the fact that the iron­clad sup­port that Trump enjoys from the peo­ple who sup­port him is direct­ly derived from real­iz­ing that Donald Trump is a white suprema­cist in words and deeds.
From his Muslim ban, chil­dren in cages, immi­gra­tion pol­i­cy, derid­ing and dis­parag­ing of black women, dis­re­spect of black ath­letes, racism toward China a‑la label­ing the CODID-19 virus (the Chinese virus), dis­re­gard for the Palestinian peo­ple to the ben­e­fit of Israeli Jews, refer­ring to African and Caribbean coun­tries as shit­hole coun­tries, the list goes on and on.
Donald Trump has demon­strat­ed that what he craves is a white eth­nos­tate, or at the very least, whites hold­ing all of the pow­er, every­one else rel­e­gat­ed to second-class,and not allowed to vote.
Donald Trump made light of Joe Biden’s can­di­da­cy; he even went as far as to joke that if Joe Biden won the elec­tions, he would leave the coun­try; we are still await­ing that respite.
However, his ven­om was reserved for the Woman on the tick­et, not a white woman, but a woman of African-Jamaican and Indian descent. He told his Nuremberg-like crowds that he was not opposed to a woman President; he was mak­ing sure that ‘Kamala’ was not that woman.
Surely Kamala Harris’s resume’ far exceeds any­thing that DonaldTrump could ever hope to accom­plish, so what could be his issue with this immi­nent­ly qual­i­fied woman.….…..
.……of color?

The con­sol­i­da­tion of the Republican par­ty around Donald Trump, and the par­ty’s even­tu­al mor­ph­ing into what has now become the Trump par­ty, could only have hap­pened because of white resent­ment and griev­ances at the pow­er of the minor­i­ty vote.
According to some media reports, Republicans in states where they con­trol the leg­is­la­tures have writ­ten over a hun­dred vot­er-sup­pres­sion bills and have already passed some.
In Georgia, in which they lost two run-offs Senate elec­tions, they are going all out to reverse black vot­er par­tic­i­pa­tion in the process.
Of course, this is aid­ed and abet­ted by the Republican major­i­ty on the Supreme Court, due to its own evis­cer­a­tion of sec­tions of the 1965 vot­ing rights act.
The John Roberts court con­tin­ues to whit­tle away at the vot­ing rights act,making vot­ing for some minor­i­ty groups a near impos­si­bil­i­ty. No one should be sur­prised by John Roberts, as a young Reagan admin­is­tra­tion lawyer John Roberts was aggres­sive­ly anti-vot­ing rights, even to the polit­i­cal right of Ronald Reagan. Even so ‚John Roberts may very well be the most lib­er­al of the Republican cabal on the high­est court.

In a bril­liant book titled “the sum of what Racism cost every­one and how we can pros­per togeth­er,” Heather McGhee wrote; Near the begin­ning of the cen­tu­ry, pub­lic pools could be found in many urban areas across the coun­try, but that all changed as cities moved to deseg­re­gate those swim­ming areas. Cities closed their pools rather than com­mit to desegregation.
Built in 1919, the Fairground Park pool in St. Louis, Missouri, was the largest in the coun­try and prob­a­bly the world, with a sandy beach, an elab­o­rate div­ing board, and a report­ed capac­i­ty of ten thou­sand swim­mers. When a new city admin­is­tra­tion changed the park’s pol­i­cy in 1949 to allow Black swim­mers, the first inte­grat­ed swim end­ed in blood­shed. On June 21, two hun­dred white res­i­dents sur­round­ed the pool with “bats, clubs, bricks, and knives” to men­ace the first thir­ty or so Black swim­mers. Over the course of the day, a white mob that grew to five thou­sand attacked every Black per­son in sight around the Fairground Park. After the Fairground Park Riot, as it was known, the city returned to a seg­re­ga­tion pol­i­cy using pub­lic safe­ty as a jus­ti­fi­ca­tion, but a suc­cess­ful NAACP law­suit reopened the pool to all St. Louisans the fol­low­ing sum­mer. On the first day of inte­grat­ed swim­ming, July 19, 1950, only sev­en white swim­mers at­tended, join­ing three brave Black swim­mers under two hun­dred white pro­test­ers’ shouts. That first inte­grat­ed sum­mer, Fairground logged just 10,000 swims — down from 313,000 the pre­vi­ous sum­mer. The city closed the pool for good six years lat­er. Racial hatred led to St. Louis drain­ing one of the most prized pub­lic pools in the world.

Even when they are not com­pet­ing for jobs because they failed to earn the edu­ca­tion or skills-sets required to have those jobs or oppor­tu­ni­ties, many would rather not see any­one but peo­ple who look like them hav­ing those jobs.
Whether these posi­tions are in Government, or the pri­vate sec­tor, their reac­tion is the same.
Even with an abun­dance that would ensure that all Americans have enough, they would rather starve along with those they do not like.
That is what’s behind this Trumpmania, griev­ances, & resent­ment. It was griev­ances that pro­pelled Adolph Hitler to pow­er; it was his fas­cist ten­den­cies that plunged the world into the sec­ond world war in 1939.
America seems to be intent on a fascis­tic con­fla­gra­tion, one that is bound to engulf the nation at great per­il to the rest of the world.
And it’s all because a group of peo­ple would rather drain the pool than share it even though every­one paid to build it, some more than oth­ers. After all, they gave every­thing, they gave their blood, even their lives.




Mike Beckles is a for­mer Police Detective, busi­ness­man, free­lance writer, black achiev­er hon­oree, and cre­ator of the blog mike​beck​les​.com.