The Political Right Is Driven By Hatred Of Multiculturalism

The Arts, Culture, Music, Science, Inclusion, Equality, Those are the things the ene­mies of progress hate, the things we saw in the nation’s cap­i­tal on January 20th. The com­ing togeth­er of American mul­ti­cul­tur­al­is­m’s beau­ti­ful quilt is real­ly what dri­ves the racist polit­i­cal right mad.
It makes them so mad they rage-tweet, and they riot, they kill cops in a blood-lust rage-filled quest to get to law­mak­ers and even their very own vice pres­i­dent and his family.
As the media nib­ble around the edges seek­ing to pla­cate, see­ing to nuance, seek­ing to give def­er­ence to white nation­al­ists, inde­pen­dent voic­es like this writer strive to shine a light on the true rea­son they hate.

They hate because of what we wit­nessed on January 20th, Native Americans, African-Americans, White Americans, Asian-Americans, Hispanic Americans, Pacif-Islanders, Americans all, com­ing togeth­er in a beau­ti­ful cor­nu­copia to cel­e­brate the unique idea of Americanism.
Perhaps the great­est evi­dence of my claim, is out­go­ing Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s tweet, on the American Taxpayers account, quote; “Woke-ism, mul­ti­cul­tur­al­ism, all the ‑isms — they’re not who America is. They dis­tort our glo­ri­ous found­ing and what this coun­try is all about. Our ene­mies stoke these divi­sions because they know they make us weak­er.
That shock­ing racist tweet from an arro­gant twit who abused his pow­er as sec­re­tary of state, used his office for polit­i­cal pur­pos­es in ser­vice to Donald Trump’s crimes, may best be garbaged by a line in the elo­quent Amanda Gorman’s poem. “We’ve seen a force that would shat­ter our nation, rather than share it.”

It goes with­out say­ing, even though we have banged those drums for years, the sin­gle great­est fear that dri­ves those who now call them­selves Republicans, is the fear that America is grad­u­al­ly mov­ing away from Race-based phi­los­o­phy, to one that embraces the quilt of mul­ti-cul­tur­al­ism over the tyran­ny of white supremacy.
The dan­ger they pose to the repub­lic will be an ongo­ing threat. It is fanned and fed by talk radio, right-wing tele­vi­sion, and social media plat­forms that oper­ate as round the clock gaslighters against the con­cept of truth.
The wound­ed snake we wit­nessed on January 6th is only the begin­ning of what is like­ly to come. Pompeo’s igno­rant yet trans­par­ent tweet is a win­dow into the soul of what this Trumpian move­ment is about.
Whether it is über arro­gant Mike Pompeo, or the two US sen­a­tors Raphael Cruz and Josh Hawley, who paint­ed them­selves into a cor­ner, they are all jock­ey­ing for the white suprema­cist base that Trump man­aged to gal­va­nize over the last sev­er­al years.

Pompeo’s tweet runs against every grain of how the world real­ly works; a riv­er run­ning down­stream gets big­ger and more pow­er­ful as more streams, and trib­u­taries dump out into its south­ward jour­ney. It’s pow­er; it’s might, rivals only by the mighty ocean into whose arms it final­ly surrenders.
The hatred and his­tor­i­cal dis­tor­tions that the likes of Mike Pompeo and his ilk rep­re­sent must be shout­ed down as we shout down Donald Trump’s 1619 racist depic­tion of America. We must for­ev­er con­demn, ridicule, and rel­e­gate to the dust­bin of his­to­ry, their putrid lies, and fal­si­fi­ca­tion of America’s true history.
Lies can­not over­come the truth. Hatred can­not over­shad­ow love, and dark­ness will nev­er drown out the light.





Mike writes for thinkers.
Mike Beckles is a for­mer Police Detective, busi­ness­man, free­lance writer, a black achiev­er hon­oree, and pub­lish­er of the blog mike​beck​les​.com. 
