The Implosion Of Herman Caine:

My com­ments are not sci­en­tif­ic ‚and should be viewed with­in the sim­ple prism of an ordi­nary per­son with a pletho­ra of opin­ions and noth­ing more. My com­ments are sup­port­ed by data where prac­ti­ca­ble , but should not be con­fused with any­thing sci­en­tif­ic or sophis­ti­cat­ed. I am not a trained Journalist and as such my state­ments must be assim­i­lat­ed in the organ­ic con­text in which they were intended.

On October 12th 2011 I post­ed a blog about black con­ser­vatism in America as I saw it from my lay perspective.

The post was titled Black Republicanism in America, I made the bold state­ment then that Herman Caine Former God father piaz­za CEO would not be the Republican Nominee for pres­i­dent. My state­ments were bold ‚because oth­er than the nar­ra­tive I laid out in that post I had no inside infor­ma­tion that would oth­er­wise cause me to come to that conclusion.

Herman Caine Rick Perry Mitt Romney

For those who are not reg­u­lar read­ers of my blogs this would be a good time to go back to that blog and acquaint your­selves with the com­ments in that post. I was real­ly angry at Caine for run­ning around the coun­try dis­re­spect­ing hard-work­ing Americans who are find­ing it hard to find work or make ends meet. Caine stat­ed with­out equiv­o­ca­tion that it was no one’s fault but their own,referring to out of work Americans. This rep­re­sent­ed ‚at least to me the most arro­gant ‚ego­ma­ni­a­cal dis­re­spect that could be heaped on the mid­dle class in this coun­try. This rep­re­sent­ed what has become com­mon-place behav­ior for those on the extreme right in their rapa­cious dis­dain for the mid­dle class.

Herman Caine strut­ted around mak­ing grand state­ments about things he did not take time to acquaint him­self with. He stout­ly declared he would not be the fla­vor of the month when his poll num­bers start­ed head­ing north,and those of Michelle Bachman were rapid­ly head­ing toward the south pole. It would have served mis­ter Caine well had he availed him­self to the fact that China test­ed their first nuclear device from as far back as the 1960’s . It would have been use­ful if Caine knew that China’s econ­o­my is intrin­si­cal­ly tied to ours and it is in their inter­est to have us as a trad­ing part­ner, rather than an ene­my. Caine would have been well served had he known that the Chinese have made no move despite their humon­gous army and mil­i­tary might ‚to extend their geo­graph­i­cal bor­ders mil­i­tar­i­ly. Mister Caine would have been well served had he under­stood that send­ing war­ships to the Persian gulf to agi­tate a war with Iran is a bad idea for world peace , and serves no use­ful pur­pose but to fur­ther the finan­cial inter­est of the super rich and the mil­i­tary indus­tri­al com­plex. MisterCaine would have been well served had he not demon­strat­ed con­tempt for his race and the tra­vails we have endured, sim­ply because he has accom­plished some finan­cial stability.

It is no sur­prise then that as I pre­dict­ed that Caine was des­tined for fail­ure, that the inevitable implo­sion of Herman Caine has began.I have heard a lot of adjec­tives used to describe Caine usu­al­ly flow­ery ones from the patron­iz­ing whack jobs on the right . They most­ly refer to him as a smart like­able guy,ok ‚I am not about to say whether he is like­able or not, I have nev­er met the guy, I have read that he attend­ed col­lege and did pret­ty well for him­self as a busi­ness man, but smart?

How smart could Caine be if as head of God fathers piaz­za he was accused of sex­u­al­ly harass­ing female sub­or­di­nates ‚the case was settled,he’s run­ning for pres­i­dent of the United States and (1) did not expect the sto­ry to come out , and (2) did not have a pre­pared response? Did some­one say he was a smart guy? I beg to differ!

Newt Gingrich Charles Krauthammer

Come on Herman which is it ?you went from not know­ing about any sex­u­al harass­ment,to hav­ing a vague rec­ol­lec­tion of an incident,to there was one instant where you were stand­ing next to a woman and you said to her “you are about the same height as my wife” to you know of no pay out, to know­ing that a pay­out was made , but you hoped it was­n’t much , to it was just the equiv­a­lent of a few months salary, which is it? Sexual harass­ment claims are a com­mon occur­rence in the work-place some are true , some are fab­ri­cat­ed for mon­e­tary rea​sons​.It is under­stand­able that under all cir­cum­stances if an alle­ga­tion was made that in the inter­est of the com­pa­ny the mat­ter would have been set­tled, whether Caine was guilty or not, there is no win­ning when one gets accused of these kinds of charges. I have no knowl­edge of mis­ter Caine’s guilt or innocence,but I under­stand his desire to keep the inci­dent out of the pub­lic’s domain,in the inter­est of his fam­i­ly and his campaign.

But here is a nov­el idea , how about when asked about the issue, Caine had looked into the cam­era and said to the reporter, “Yes as head of the restau­rant asso­ci­a­tion of America there were alle­ga­tions of sex­u­al harass­ment made against me by low­er lev­el staff mem­bers of the com­pa­ny ‚these kinds of things hap­pen ever day and com­pa­nies have devised ways to deal with them, one such way to deal with them is to offer the accusers some mon­ey to make the mat­ter go away,one may argue it is extor­tion , but when you have a rep­u­ta­tion to uphold you do not want to get bogged down in a messy court case to clear your name, it’s the nature of the beast”.

Mister Caine the smart busi­ness-man/politi­cian did not do this, he pro­ceed­ed to deny and obfus­cate. Charles Krauthhammer not­ed con­ser­v­a­tive icon stat­ed that Caine seemed to be wing­ing it, in ref­er­ence to non­sen­si­cal answers Caine has been giv­ing on the stump to sim­ple ques­tions. And of course faced with the bub­bling caul­dron of a scan­dal that this mat­ter has now inevitably mor­phed into, Krauthammer could not resist ask­ing the bonan­za ques­tion of Caine on (Fox mis­in­for­ma­tion) quote ” Do you believe that race has any­thing to do with this see­ing you are a black con­ser­v­a­tive)? Caine’s response floored me, Quote “Yes I think so but I have no evi­dence to sup­port my belief”. Really ?.…..Ok, so how does race plays into this as far as Caine is con­cerned ? First one would have to assume that the infor­ma­tion was leaked by some­one white, who has an inter­est in see­ing Caine destroyed, sure­ly Democrats would sure­ly like to see Herman Caine matched up against Barack Obama, so that rules out the democrats.This brings us back to the present class of repub­li­can clowns , Caine’s friends. Caine has now blamed a staffer in Rick Perry’s cam­paign who worked on a pre­vi­ous cam­paign of his , Caine stat­ed emphat­i­cal­ly that it had to be that staffer who leaked the infor­ma­tion as he had con­fid­ed that infor­ma­tion to him when he was in his employ. Needless to say that for­mer staffer appeared on nation­al tele­vi­sion and debunked the notion that Caine ever told him any such thing ‚which made it impos­si­ble for him to be the source of the leak, Perry also denied that he had any knowl­edge of the alle­ga­tions of sex­u­al harass­ment in Herman Caine’s past.

These devel­op­ments have revealed Caine to be either pet­ty , a liar or both. If as he claims, Caine told that for­mer staffer of the alle­ga­tions against him when he was in his employ, how could he tell reporters he had no knowl­edge of any alle­ga­tions of sex­u­al har­ras­ment against him? This has led me to say some­thing I take no plea­sure in say­ing, Herman Caine has proven him­self to be a liar. Herman Caine has fall­en on his own sword faster that even I had imag­ined, this is kar­ma per­son­i­fied. I believed he would fiz­zle, and trust me fiz­zle he will, I just nev­er thought it would be as a result of any­thing in his past, I tru­ly believed he would be for­got­ten soon, as a result of the fact that the present ver­sion of what obtains for the repub­li­can par­ty, behold­en hook line and sinker to the ultra right, and mired in a ide­o­log­i­cal puri­ty search, are unhap­py with the stan­dard-bear­er Mitt Romney, and are as a result search­ing for an alter­na­tive. Hence their brief romance with Bachman , Perry and now Caine. I’m not opposed to Herman Caine sole­ly because of his pol­i­tics . I am opposed by his pol­i­tics, but I am more revolt­ed by his crass elit­ist dis­re­gard and dis­re­spect for the mid­dle class. He has demon­strat­ed a brand of craven dis­dain, attrib­ut­able only to the present day repub­li­can par­ty, and their fel­low sup­port­ers on the fringe right, who believe, “I made it, damn every­body else”.

One would have thought some­one like Herman Caine, a prod­uct of mid­dle America of African American Ancestry, who wit­nessed his par­ents toil to send him and his broth­er to good schools so that they can expe­ri­ence the American dream, would have a greater appre­ci­a­tion for the work­ing class . Caine has art­ful­ly removed the lynch­ings , Jim crow, Bull O’Connor dogs and cops, seg­re­gat­ed water foun­tains restau­rants and oth­er ameni­ties, sep­a­rate but equal,and all of the trav­es­ty and shame vis­it­ed on black Americans, effec­tive­ly eras­ing those atroc­i­ties from African-American his­to­ry as if they nev­er hap­pened or con­tin­ue to hap­pen. Yet he has the temer­i­ty and gall to attribute his present trou­bles to racism. This is the same Caine who said he saw no racism at tea par­ty ral­lies, some of which were lit­tle more that glo­ri­fied Klan ral­lies.

Herman Caine can­not be allowed to have it both ways, he has dis­re­spect­ed the black com­mu­ni­ty, but wants to claim racism where none exists. Herman Caine the nov­el­ty, has no more use for the black com­mu­ni­ty than Clarence Thomas does. A pres­i­dent Caine would be a dis­as­ter for the black com­mu­ni­ty, As such our com­mu­ni­ty should not allow him to hide behind us, using us as cov­er to accom­plish the goals of the far right, goals that do not line up with our aspi­ra­tions. As a mat­ter of fact his goals and aspi­ra­tions do not line up with the 99% of work­ing peo­ple in this country.