The Catholic Bishops Utter Arrogance:

President Obama stepped to the podi­um this morn­ing and did what any­one would expect the cap­tain of the ship to do, take charge, he did that. The pres­i­dent came with a work­able com­pro­mise to the recent flare up which is real­ly an issue about con­tra­cep­tion, an issue Germaine to wom­en’s health , but which has been hijacked and esca­lat­ed by des­per­ate repub­li­cans and made to be about reli­gious free­doms and the catholic church in light of an ever improv­ing econ­o­my. Republicans are des­per­ate for an issue as their search for a pres­i­den­tial can­di­date swing like a pen­du­lum from one unsa­vory char­ac­ter to anoth­er. they are pre­pared to throw any­thing onto the wall and see what sticks.

At the cen­ter of the debate is an admin­is­tra­tion pol­i­cy which would have the catholic church pro­vide con­tra­cep­tive cov­er­age for women they employ. The catholic church oper­ates many col­leges, Universities and oth­er busi­ness, many women who are employed by them aren’t even catholics, yet the Catholic church main­tains that the pol­i­cy would force them to pay for some­thing that they are opposed to. In essence the catholic church wants women who are in their employ to pay for their own con­tra­cep­tives even if they are not catholics, and mind you these women would receive these very same ben­e­fits if they were employed to a non reli­gious employer.

So while repub­li­cans froth­ing at the mouth on this issue, try to make it some­thing it isn’t, the pres­i­dent offered a com­mon sense com­pro­mise which moves the respon­si­bil­i­ty from the catholic church to the Insurance com­pa­nies. The details are yet to be assessed but this seem to be a way for every­one to be hap­py , right ?.….….….….….….….……Well not so fast Timothy Dolan had this to say.

Cardinal-designate Timothy Dolan and Barack Obama(get­ty images)

While there may be an open­ness to respond to some of our con­cerns, we reserve judg­ment on the details until we have them,” Cardinal-des­ig­nate and Conference pres­i­dent Timothy Dolan said. “Today’s deci­sion to revise how indi­vid­u­als obtain ser­vices that are moral­ly objec­tion­able to reli­gious enti­ties and peo­ple of faith is a first step in the right direc­tion,” he added. “We hope to work with the Administration to guar­an­tee that Americans’ con­sciences and our reli­gious free­dom are not harmed by these regulations.”

Appearing on CBS This Morning on Thursday, Dolan called the ini­tial deci­sion “a ter­ri­bly mis­guid­ed judg­ment.” He said Wednesday that “the fed­er­al gov­ern­ment should do what it’s tra­di­tion­al­ly done since July 4, 1776, name­ly back out of intrud­ing into the inter­nal life of a church.“cbsnews​.com.

Ok in my esti­ma­tion the pres­i­dent of the United States should not have called this guy , this pres­i­dent has acqui­esced to too many peo­ple he should not defer to, who the hell does this guy Dolan think he is ? I find the lat­ter part of his arro­gant pompous state­ment rather offen­sive, Quote: The fed­er­al gov­ern­ment should do what it’s tra­di­tion­al­ly done since July 4th 1776 name­ly back out of intrud­ing into the inter­nal life of a church.

Is this the same catholic church that has turned a blind eye to the pedophiles with­in its ranks who prey on lit­tle boys rap­ing and sodom­iz­ing them , effec­tive­ly destroy­ing their lives? Is the gov­ern­ment sup­posed to stay out of an insti­tu­tion which shuf­fles the same pedophiles from parish to parish with­out doing any­thing tan­gi­ble about their crimes? Dolan has some nerve!!

If Timothy Dolan wants to wait on his han­dlers in the repub­li­can par­ty to tell him how to han­dle this over­ture by the pres­i­dent I under­stand that, but please spare us the pom­pos­i­ty. No one wants to hear a lec­ture from the catholic church.

Those of us with an ounce of decen­cy long stopped lis­ten­ing to you Pharisees.