Tesha Miller Deported, Police Issue Warning

DEPUTY Commissioner of Police Glenmore Hinds yes­ter­day warned alleged Klansman gang boss Tesha Miller that no act of crim­i­nal­i­ty will be tol­er­at­ed by him or oth­er mem­bers of the Jamaica Constabulary Force (JCF).

The senior law­man made the state­ment in light of Miller’s return to the island yes­ter­day after being deport­ed from the United States where he spent two years behind bars on a charge of ille­gal entry. He was processed yes­ter­day at the JCF’s Mobile Reserve and released.

Reports last year that he would have been released ear­ly trig­gered anx­i­ety among res­i­dents in Spanish Town and the wider St Catherine, as there was an intense bat­tle at the time for lead­er­ship of the Klansman gang.

We are aware that there have been some chal­lenges to his lead­er­ship while he was abroad. We are also aware that as a result of the intra-gang strug­gle we have expe­ri­enced a num­ber of mur­ders in St Catherine North and its envi­rons. We are resolved to ensur­ing that any­one involved in the com­mit­ting of any crime on behalf of any­one, that we will inves­ti­gate, get the evi­dence; and put those per­sons in jail so that they can in fact face the courts and answer to the alle­ga­tions made against them or evi­dence that we have gath­ered against them,”.

The senior cop said a strong mes­sage was being sent to Miller, mem­bers of the gang, and his rivals that the police are res­olute in ensur­ing that Spanish Town and the wider Jamaica remain calm, and that no form of crim­i­nal­i­ty by any gang mem­ber in Spanish Town or any­where else in the coun­try will be tolerated.

We are resolved to lever­age what­ev­er leg­is­la­tion we have to ensure that these crim­i­nals behave them­selves and begin to recog­nise that there should not be any ben­e­fit from crim­i­nal activ­i­ty,” Hinds insisted.

Hinds also appealed to Miller to refrain from par­tic­i­pat­ing in any act of reprisal as a result of the death of his broth­er while he was locked away. Miller’s broth­er was shot dead last April by unknown assailants on the Spanish Town Bypass in St Catherine.

I will appeal to him… that any­body relat­ed to him who has been killed, we urge him to co-oper­ate as best he can if he has evi­dence. There is only one body charged with inves­ti­gat­ing crimes in Jamaica and that is the Jamaica Constabulary Force, so we’re ask­ing him to allow us to do our job. How he can help us? Provide infor­ma­tion if he has it and use his influ­ence to help us to get the evi­dence to ensure that we can arrest those involved in his brother’s killing,” said Hinds.

Miller fled to the United States after he was freed of gun and rob­bery charges by the Court of Appeal in March 2013.

He was sen­tenced in the High Court Division of the Gun Court to sev­en years’ impris­on­ment for ille­gal pos­ses­sion of a firearm and 15 years for rob­bery with aggra­va­tion, which led to him fil­ing the appeal.

In June 2010, Miller, also called ‘Rat’, was acquit­ted of the 2004 gun mur­der of John Haughton in the Home Circuit Court because of insuf­fi­cient evidence.

Months before, Miller was freed of the triple mur­ders of Oraine Jackson, Jeffery Johnson and Nicole Allen in Braeton, St Catherine, in January 2005.
See sto­ry here : Tesha Miller deport­ed, police issue warning