Tesha Guilty : Penalty The Equivalent Of A Single US $, Legislators Should Hang Their Heads In Shame, But They Have No Shame.…

In the fight for safer com­mu­ni­ties in which to live and raise our fam­i­lies some peo­ple do the utmost , even plac­ing their own lives on the line while oth­ers go about their busi­ness as if the hard won gains of safe com­mu­ni­ties occur in the abstract.

Those of us who have placed our lives on the line under­stand that the minute we relent, the minute we take our eyes off the ball those who would do harm fill the spaces of peace and tran­quil­i­ty with mur­der and mayhem.

As a for­mer cop who left the depart­ment many years ago and does­n’t even live in my coun­try of birth any­more, I still feel a deep oblig­a­tion to do what I can to lessen, if not end the fright­en­ing loss of life which occur in this tiny pearl of a nation daily.

Those who look on strug­gle to under­stand how a small nation with such smart , kind and jovial peo­ple who oper­ate under the mantra “one love” can kill so many of their own coun­try­men with such cal­lous disregard?+

For years since I left law enforce­ment after a decade of ser­vice I have been sound­ing the alarm at the struc­tur­al imped­i­ments to the rule of law which exist, and Government’s con­tin­ued cre­ation of more impediments.

On occa­sion I have writ­ten about the Political lead­er­ship’s explic­it and implic­it actions which have not only made it impos­si­ble for law enforce­ment offi­cers to do their jobs effec­tive­ly, but have made the effort of going out and mak­ing arrests not worthwhile.

I have spo­ken at length to the fact that these mis­cre­ants who pass for lead­ers in both polit­i­cal par­ties sit around and bang on the old desks in Gordon house and hurl mind­less insults at each other,and engage in sense­less ban­ter rather than get down to doing the peo­ple’s business.
I have argued for years that the penal­ties for crimes are one of the dri­ving forces behind the mas­sive increase in vio­lent and oth­er crimes.

Simply put, the old adage that “crime does not pay” should be changed to “crime does not pay , unless you are in Jamaica”.
This was brought to the fore in real terms yes­ter­day in a court­room in Kingston in which reput­ed Klansman Boss and accused mass mur­der­er Tesha Miller was con­vict­ed of mak­ing a false dec­la­ra­tion to Jamaican Immigration officials.
In lay­man’s terms he gave them an incor­rect name!


Miller was sen­tenced to a fine of J$100 the max­i­mum allowed under the statute.
Trial Judge Sanchia Burrell said she found the max­i­mum penal­ty under the act embar­rass­ing and objectionable.
Yes , I get that but this is not some­thing new ‚these penal­ties have been there for­ev­er, they were writ­ten into law decades ago when $100 was a lot of money.
Yet the lazy good for noth­ing imbe­ciles on both sides of the polit­i­cal divide did noth­ing to fix these ridicu­lous laws.

I find the avail­able sen­tence objec­tion­able,” she point­ed out while indi­cat­ing that the sen­tence did not reflect the seri­ous­ness of the offence nor the effort and resources that were put in by the police in mak­ing an arrest and she would have liked if it was more impressive.(observer)

According to reports peo­ple in the court­room were aghast at the minus­cule max­i­mum penal­ty allowed under the law.
To which the judge retort­ed “Write to the per­sons you vot­ed for and tell them to have a con­ver­sa­tion about the fine, but we are not going to dis­cuss it here.”

In order to under­stand the out­rage at the penal­ty allowed for this mur­der­ing thug who thumbs his nose at the process , one has to first under­stand the val­ue of J$100 today .
At cur­rent trad­ing , the sen­tence of J$100 amounts to less than US 1.00.
Please allow that to sink in when you curse the Police, incom­pe­tent though they are .
Think about that when you decide to cozy up to, and make excus­es for these peo­ple who are tasked with devel­op­ing legislation.
Think about that when you won­der about the crime rate in our country..

There are some who say we can’t place every­thing at the feet of the politi­cians, I disagree.
Jamaican Politicians are the most craven despi­ca­ble life forms imag­in­able , they cre­at­ed this mess.
Rather than see them for what they tru­ly are many make excus­es for them.
Even in the days when the FBI was a fledg­ling Agency flail­ing away at the Mafia, Elliot Ness was able to get gang­sters like Alphonse Capone on Tax evasion.
It’s 2017 and all the Jamaican Government allows for a men­ace to soci­ety like Tesha Miller is a penal­ty of a sin­gle dollar.

And they crit­i­cize me for speak­ing out about their abject incompetence.

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