Terrence Williams Has Dedicated Elitist Cabal In The Media Spreading Disinformation On INDECOM’s Behalf

An act of Parliament !

How many times have you heard that line?
It is a statement used to impress upon others the validity of the action being discussed, if the action came out of that legislative body.
It’s also used by certain interests to bludgeon others into accepting actions of the Parliament even though those actions may be demonstrably flawed.


In the tor­tured 7 year his­to­ry since the INDECOM Act became law we have heard that term used almost dai­ly, “it is an act of par­lia­ment”, giv­ing God like sacro­cance to the par­lia­ment, as if that fun­da­men­tal­ly flawed body can­not pro­duce some­thing inher­ent­ly flawed.
And there­in lies the prob­lem , “it is an act of par­lia­ment” has become the buffer being used by sup­port­ers of the flawed and dan­ger­ous law , none more so than Terrence Williams the Commissioner of that body, and the lit­tle mon­grel dogs who pop­u­late the air­waves seek­ing to make a name for themselves.
The very fact that Terrence Williams is opposed to over­sight or review, is enough to cause Jamaicans to won­der why is he so reluc­tant to have the very body which autho­rized the law review it .

The law was not made for Terrence Williams!
Or was it ?
Terrence Williams work for the Jamaican tax-pay­ers and as such must be sub­ject to the dic­tates and scruti­ny of those elect­ed to act on behalf of the people.
Prime Minister Andrew Holness a few days ago issued a state­ment stat­ing that the INDECOM Act needs review in light of recent com­plaints from law enforcement.
However I believe that Holness could­n’t care less what the secu­ri­ty forces think , he sees the dead bod­ies pil­ing up,(sometimes sev­en in a sin­gle day) on his watch and he is start­ing to panic.


There was nev­er a prob­lem with the cre­ation of a pro­fes­sion­al over­sight body to over­see the actions of the secu­ri­ty forces.
That is an absolute­ly nec­es­sary require­ment , even with law enforce­ment engag­ing in best prac­tices , much less the lev­el of cor­rup­tion and crim­i­nal activ­i­ties in which mem­bers of the secu­ri­ty forces engage.

With that said we must be clear-eyed that INDECOM was cob­bled togeth­er with­out input from the secu­ri­ty forces , and as such the law end­ed up becom­ing a huge Albatross around the necks of law abid­ing Jamaicans and hav­ing a resul­tant degen­er­a­tive effect on crime.
Despite our most base instincts to default to anti-police hatred , it behoove the soci­ety to acknowl­edge that with­out the police there is no society.
Flawed though the Jamaican secu­ri­ty forces are, there is no Jamaica with­out them.

From the begin­ning the INDECOM Commissioner adopt­ed a stance that he was not going to do what the law empow­ered him to do he would take on a more activist role a‑la JFJFAST , PMI etc.
Instead of inves­ti­gat­ing and charg­ing or absolv­ing , Williams joined anti-police ‚anti law ‑enforce­ment lob­by groups and engaged in a sys­tem­at­ic pat­tern of mis­in­for­ma­tion and dem­a­goguery against the nation’s law enforce­ment agencies.

Since being giv­en the job as head of INDECOM Williams has engaged in (1)A scorched earth pol­i­cy which is evi­denced in his rapa­cious and insa­tiable appetite for more power.
(2) A liti­gious path seek­ing that pow­er. (3) defama­tion and dem­a­goguery of those with whom he dis­agrees, includ­ing the Director Of Public Prosecution, the police Military and Corrections depart­ments (4) a vis­cer­al ral­ly­ing of Elitist forces in the print and elec­tron­ic media to wage cam­paigns against those who choos­es not to bow to him.

It is impor­tant that as a soci­ety, [what’s left of it] , the deci­sion mak­ers under­stand that despite their con­tin­ued sub­ver­sive behav­ior they have a coun­try to live in because of the Police and Military.
That coun­try is not in exis­tence because emp­ty head­ed mouth­pieces like Nationwide Radio’s Cliff Hughes one of Williams’ media ally blovi­ate about the virtues of INDECOM .

It is not unusu­al that lit­tle “grung gads”[sic] like Hughes get to sit in air con­di­tioned stu­dios and make grand pro­nounce­ments about INDECOM’s significance.
No one is argu­ing against over­sight for the agen­cies INDECOM pro­vides over­sight, . In fact the police are vin­di­cat­ed in the vast major­i­ty of times INDECOM investigates.
The prob­lem is Terrence Williams , Hamish Campbell and the crime enhance­ment tool the INDECOM Act has become.
Much more needs to be done about Hughes and oth­ers who offer sup­port and suc­cor to crim­i­nals, using their perch­es in the society.
In 2013 Cliff Hughes found him­self answer­ing to charges he defamed for­mer PM Percival James Patterson.
Obviously the M$12.5 Cliff Hughes was ordered to pay for­mer Prime Minister PJ Patterson has not served as a deter­rent to his lying defam­a­to­ry lips.

Under Examination from Counsel KD Knight Hughes was asked about his knowl­edge of Mr. Patterson’s char­ac­ter and whether the for­mer Prime Minister would have done some­thing illegal.
The flam­ing liar Cliff Hughes replied “No! Emphatically, no!”

The claim was relat­ed to a new item aired on NNN in 2009, con­cern­ing an inci­dent at the Norman Manley International Airport involv­ing a Digicel char­ter flight which arrived from Cuba with Patterson.


♦On that basis the Police , mil­i­tary and Corrections Departments must use the pow­er of their dol­lar, and what­ev­er lever­age they have to ensure that they do not sup­port adver­tis­ers who place ads on Nationwide Radio , giv­en the lev­el of dem­a­goguery which comes from that entity.

♦ They should answer no 119 call in real time, which comes from Cliff Hughes, any mem­ber of his fam­i­ly ‚or any per­son with whom he is associated.
Sure they have a duty to respond, but as police offi­cers they must know how to arrive late do the paper­work and go home.
Let them call INDECOM for help.

Until The Prime Minister Fires Terrence Williams He Is Responsible For Every Innocent Life Lost To Marauding Criminals ..

The Jamaican peo­ple have a choice to make . Do they allow a few blovi­at­ing fools to sit and grand­stand while their loved ones are being slaugh­tered, or do they take action and remove from the equa­tion those who place them­selves square­ly in defense of criminals?

The police will have to stand up for them­selves ‚like police across the globe do stand up for themselves.
The time has passed when lit­tle runts like Hughes are allowed to defame entire entities.
Tarring the entire police force , using the defam­a­to­ry lies of ille­gal plant­i­ng of guns ille­gal killings with­out the ben­e­fit of evi­dence must not be allowed to continue.

The Prime Minister was final­ly forced to acknowl­edge that the INDECOM Act needs review. Whether he was forced to acknowl­edge what most intel­li­gent peo­ple already knew, or the increas­ing num­ber of dead bod­ies forced that state­ment we may nev­er know.
What we do know is that the first order of busi­ness must be to fire Terence Willams and get rid of the ran­cor, nar­cis­sism and bad blood .

Neither Jamaicans For Justice nor their pro­tégée Terrence Williams gets to decide whether INDECOM gets reviewed.
If Williams does not like it he is free to go join a law firm, start one of his own or mow some­one’s lawn for all I care.
If the Administration refus­es to do what it must we will mil­i­tate for the removal of the Government…

The dirty cops who con­tin­ue to drag the name of the JCF in the mud must also be on notice .
This medi­um will sup­port every effort to weed you out from among the good men and women who want to do a good job.
Not only will we sup­port your removal, we will sup­port your pros­e­cu­tion and imprisonment.
One way or anoth­er we will bring this mon­ster under control.

One thought on “Terrence Williams Has Dedicated Elitist Cabal In The Media Spreading Disinformation On INDECOM’s Behalf

  1. Men like Cliff Hughes is a crim­i­nal apol­o­gist, and now he is beat­ing drums against the mur­der­ers in Jamaica. 

    Cliff Hughes is the same man every year who read out the names of the gun­men the police killed the year before and nev­er the names of those who are killed by the gunmen. 

    To the illit­er­ate, crim­i­nal mind­ed, sup­port­ers, and bene­fac­tors of crim­i­nal­i­ty in Jamaica. If you don’t think that “INDECOM” is not a con­tribut­ing fac­tor to an esca­la­tion in the crim­i­nals unleash­ing their wrath on the Jamaican peo­ple by dis­play­ing a “Hollywood Style mur­der” last week in Montego Bay, St. James.
    These guys used two-car to block the path of the oth­er car with the known gang­ster in broad daylight.

    My ques­tion to those who are mys­ti­fied, sur­prised, and in dis­be­lief about the new lev­el of deprav­i­ty, and brazen­ness by the crim­i­nals. Before “Indecom” came into the oper­a­tion of law enforce­ment and their pri­ma­ry jobs are to pro­tect the crim­i­nals and per­se­cute the police. In the his­to­ry of Jamaica, have this killing ever hap­pen in Jamaica until last week? 

    Jamaica is a criminal’s par­adise in the Caribbean Sea!

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