Tavis Smiley Ambushed

Tavis Smiley Tavis Smiley

tavis smiley

Tavis Smiley
Tavis Smiley

Tavis Smiley talk-show host, author, lib­er­al commentator,entrepreneur,advocate, and phil­an­thropist have turned some heads in some of the crit­i­cisms he lev­eled at pres­i­dent Obama. In a pre­vi­ous blog, we point­ed to com­ments he and Princeton pro­fes­sor Cornell West made ‚argu­ing that the pres­i­dent has not done enough for the black com­mu­ni­ty. these these blogs take a dif­fer­ent view. Mister Obama is President of all America, he does not have the lux­u­ry of engag­ing in parochial pol­i­tics. The prob­lems of the black com­mu­ni­ty are beyond the scale, and capa­bil­i­ty of any one pres­i­dent. Unemployment has always been high­er in the black com­mu­ni­ty that in the white, Jewish, or Asian com­mu­ni­ty, these are issues no one can pin on any one President, Republican, or Democrat. We under­stand there may have been unre­al­is­tic expec­ta­tions in some sec­tions of the black com­mu­ni­ty regard­ing what is expect­ed from pres­i­dent Obama. What we do know is that the President can­not imme­di­ate­ly change the fact that many young black peo­ple are drop­ping out of school, some from the ele­men­tary lev­el , some for no rea­son but to hang out on street corners.

Smiley and West
Smiley and West

No pres­i­dent will be able to bring these peo­ple into the work­force unless they get edu­cat­ed. This President is still strug­gling with a slug­gish Economy and and intran­si­gent Republican Opposition deter­mined to block him at every turn. I salute Tavis Smiley, pro­fes­sor West and any oth­er per­son, black, white, brown, or yel­low who seek to high­light the plight of black peo­ple in this coun­try. We do our small part to lend our voic­es to the cho­rus beg­ging for a change in the way the black com­mu­ni­ty is treat­ed .We how­ev­er under­stand that the change we seek will not be found in Government or from any­one else but our­selves. We must make fun­da­men­tal change in the way we pick our part­ners, cou­ples must talk about mon­ey, edu­ca­tion reli­gion, whether they want chil­dren, and if yes, how many.

Irrespective of their pol­i­tics American pres­i­dents have always enact­ed their agen­da, even Richard Nixon who resigned before he was impeached . President Obama has seri­ous prob­lems, not only with his detrac­tors in the Republican par­ty , but from some with­in his own par­ty, they refuse to stand up and defend him against the assault lev­eled against him from the first day of his pres­i­den­cy. It is incom­pre­hen­si­ble to me that any­one, least of all any black per­son with a brain, would crit­i­cize this pres­i­dent about him not car­ing enough , in light of what he was hand­ed day one of his term. We expect that from the blacks who hate them­selves, we expect that from blacks who feel they need to fit into what­ev­er sit­u­a­tion they are in because of edu­ca­tion, mon­ey , or any oth­er vehi­cle of upward mobility.We get that, we are not sur­prised by those, they have always been with us, they were called house n****** back in the day, not sure what the accept­able ver­nac­u­lar is for them these days. We do not expect that from con­sci­en­tious black peo­ple with a sense of his­to­ry . No black per­son Republican or Democrat should feel com­fort­able after wit­ness­ing what has been done to this President. This is in no way an indict­ment on the decent white peo­ple who helped to make Barack Obama President of these United States. As it was dur­ing the under­ground rail-road, Jim Crow, and with the Freedom-Riders , decent white peo­ple have been involved in the fight for equal­i­ty and jus­tice. One must be care­ful where they go and with whom we asso­ciate, this is why Tavis Smiley was lit­er­al­ly ambushed on Fox News chan­nel. Smiley obvi­ous­ly look­ing for what­ev­er pub­lic­i­ty he could get for his doc­u­men­tary was on Hannity. The snivel­ing lit­tle racist who nev­er miss­es a oppor­tu­ni­ty to attempt to demean the President.

The lit­tle turd wast­ed no time going after the pres­i­dent in his sig­na­ture squeaky lit­tle pig­gy voice quote.

Sean Hannity
Sean Hannity

I felt the rhetoric got insane dur­ing the Bush years. I try and crit­i­cize the pres­i­dent on sub­stance. I have a philo­soph­i­cal dif­fer­ent vision I think we should low­er tax­es, stim­u­late eco­nom­ic growth be strong in the war on ter­ror, Here’s the deal. When you see Jimmy Hoffa call tea par­ty mem­bers ‘sons of bitch­es,’ and ‘we’re at war with them,’ or Maxine Waters say­ing that they can go straight to hell or Andre Carson say­ing that tea par­ty mem­bers, con­ser­v­a­tives in this coun­try want black peo­ple hang­ing from trees, I take per­son­al offense at that. (Obama) lec­tured the coun­try on civil­i­ty. (Obama’s) been miss­ing in action and total­ly silent and the answer is, ‘We’re not gonna be the speech police now.’ But when it came to Sarah Palin, they were the speech police. Hypocritical?”

Yes, on both sides… This for me is across the board,” Smiley said. He added that he was “so moved” when the coun­try “came togeth­er in a uni­fied way” after the Giffords shoot­ing. “We’re not a civ­il enough society.”

Without detail­ing the entire inter­view on this blog , repulsed as I am, Hannity con­tin­ued to attack the pres­i­dent and oth­er blacks like Congress-woman Maxine Walters, Congress-man Carson, trade Unionist Jimmy Hoffa and every­one with a view oth­er than his racist twist­ed out­look. Tavis Smiley went into the lion’s den , tech­ni­cal­ly he han­dled him­self well, but the dam­age was done, any crit­i­cism of pres­i­dent Obama is fuel to their racial fire, as the pres­i­dent has said that entire net­work , is anti Obama , throw in the New York Post, Wall Street Journal and oth­er Murdoch medi­ums it seem Tavis Smiley will have much more to say about pres­i­dent Obama. I will wait to see how soon Michelle Malkin,Michelle Bachman, Rush Limbaugh, and the oth­er race-baiters will appear on[ BET] black enter­tain­ment television..