Recent Wikileaks cables report­ed on, in Jamaica’s Daily Gleaner ‚sug­gest­ed that 84 Jamaican Nationals have been put on US ter­ror watch list.

All over social media peo­ple are putting their two cents in , mak­ing their voic­es heard , inter­est­ing­ly, most Jamaicans seem to think that the US ter­ror watch list, is a wide net, that scoops up fish, crabs, as well as old boots, there is valid­i­ty to such argu­ments, Congressmen, busi­ness­men and even babies have been blocked from board­ing air­planes because they were sup­pos­ed­ly on a watch list of sorts, right here in the United States.

It would seem that if one does not live in the United States , or does­n’t wish to trav­el there, they should not care what the Americans think. At least those are some of the sen­ti­ments on social media. The legit­i­ma­cy of those argu­ments I will not address here today , but let’s look at what the ram­i­fi­ca­tions are for Jamaica.

Two of Jamaica’s most noto­ri­ous crim­i­nal Gangs the Clans man and One order Gangs are affil­i­at­ed with the two major Political Parties in Jamaica . Last May things came to a head when mem­bers of the Security Forces stormed the Garrison of Tivoli gar­dens the redoubt of Christopher (dudus) Coke who was want­ed by the Americans on alleged Drug and Gun run­ning charges .

When the dust cleared over 70 peo­ple from that com­mu­ni­ty lost their lives, as well as a mem­bers of the Security Forces . One of the Cops who paid the ulti­mate price was a pop­u­lar Police Sargeant Wayne, Henriques ‚both the JCF and JDF were left mourn­ing their dead col­leagues who paid the ulti­mate price in defense of Jamaica.

Harkening back to the report of pos­si­ble links of Jamaicans with ter­ror­ism, the actu­al rea­son I decid­ed to write this blog .

Jamaicans run a great risk of not see­ing the for­est for the trees, irre­spec­tive of whether one like the United States is imma­te­r­i­al , Jamaicans fail to look at this bit of infor­ma­tion with fear and tre­pidi­tion at their per­il. Trinidad a Caribbean neigh­bour has Radical Muslims who have demon­strat­ed that they will use any resource at their dis­pos­al to achieve their polit­i­cal or reli­gious goal​.It is there­fore not beyond the pale to imag­ine that if Jamaican Terrorists have access to explo­sives and oth­er means of mass destruc­tion they are apt to use them and with dev­as­ta­tion consequences.

This brings us to the most recent ter­ror tac­tics that gangs have employed in recent times, that of decap­i­tat­ing their vic­tims, to some who fol­low events around the world this is a favourite method used by Taliban and Al-que­da Terrorists to send a mes­sage to their ene­mies, this strat­e­gy is designed to dri­ve fear and instill ter­ror into the hearts of dis­senters, ( wel­come to jam­rock) This heinous method of killing has been vis­it­ed on three mem­bers of the com­mu­ni­ty of Lauriston out­side Spanish Town.

On July 18th a 62-year-old farmer Austin George was found dead in a pool of blood in his home ‚neigh­bours had called the Police when they became sus­pi­cious after observ­ing cer­tain things that seemed out-of-place, the method of killing was report­ed­ly the same , he was alleged­ly shot, and his throat slashed.

I have no infor­ma­tion on whether these killings are relat­ed, what seem to be a com­mon thread how­ev­er is the method of killing.!

Is it ritualistic?

Is it designed to instill terror ?

Or are the crim­i­nals run­ning out of bullets?

As a for­mer street cop I am inclined to not take Jamaican crim­i­nals for grant­ed , but I am also not going to give them too much cred­it either.

Law enforce­ment has been slight­ly bet­ter since Coke’s empire was toppled,this is not to sug­gest that he was the only leader of a crim­i­nal empire there ‚far from it , in fact there are still a sig­nif­i­cant hard-core clique of crim­i­nals affil­i­at­ed and sup­port­ed by peo­ple in high places in Jamaica .

I am aware that Jamaican crim­i­nals are blood thirsty dement­ed demons, but I find it inter­est­ing that they would resort to throat cut­ting just to make a point, I believe we are wit­ness­ing some­thing impor­tant here , and I think bul­lets are becom­ing scarce , hence the beheadings.

I have been shout­ing for years to all who will lis­ten that what we have been see­ing play out on the streets of Kingston, Spanish Town, and oth­er killing fields ‚were not sim­ple acts of crim­i­nal­i­ty, but inher­ent­ly, a more sin­is­ter pat­tern of Criminality called Terror.

Under Percival Patterson’s stew­ard­ship Jamaica dete­ri­o­rat­ed to a place most Jamaicans liv­ing abroad are skep­ti­cal to vis­it, and cer­tain­ly will nev­er retire to.Through sys­tem­at­ic incompetence,and gross neglect the Island’s secu­ri­ty forces were reduced to what they were in the 1970’s under the stew­ard­ship of his men­tor Michael Manley.The secu­ri­ty forces were there in name only.Criminals were allowed to run ram­pant , all sec­tors of pub­lic life became con­t­a­m­i­nat­ed with cor­rup­tion, The Americans in the afore­men­tioned cables ‚allud­ed to this lack of will on the part of Patterson to do any­thing about the ram­pant crim­i­nal­i­ty and cor­rup­tion that was engulf­ing the country.

We now know that Patterson was too busy feath­er­ing his nest to care about what was hap­pen­ing. Most peo­ple in oth­er parts of the world would laugh if they knew these men have titles of hon­ourable and most honourable.Information from the Constabulary revealed that not a sin­gle Detective was trained for over ten years ‚under the stew­ard­ship of Percival James Patterson and his pro­tegé, Portia Simpson Miller.The total free pass giv­en to small time crooks has yield­ed dev­as­tat­ing con­se­quences for Jamaica. Other fac­tors impact­ed what was hap­pen­ing on the ground in Jamaica, America was deport­ing peo­ple back to Jamaica as if there were no tomor­row, and con­tin­ue to do so, some sea­soned and dan­ger­ous crim­i­nals, as well as oth­ers who did noth­ing to deserve depor­ta­tion. Either way they all need to eat.

One deter­rent to crime, is the like­li­hood of get­ting caught. In Jamaica the like­li­hood of get­ting caught , or ever appre­hend­ed for a crime is rather slim. October 1991 I walked away from law enforce­ment , at that time we had a clear up rate of over 70 % in all major crimes, in the 20 years since I left, the JCF by its own admis­sion, only clears up about 7% per­cent of all major crimes . Seven,of that clear up rate the con­vic­tion rate is next to nill . Those who wring their hands and won­der how we got to what is now hap­pen­ing , need look no fur­ther than this para­graph for answers.

Not being held account­able for crimes embold­ened crim­i­nals who have more than enough sup­port from all quarters .

Politicians,dance hall,human rights,clergy,non gov­ern­men­tal Organizations, moth­ers girl­friends and the media to a less­er extent, the lat­ter through either fear, or incom­pe­tence, allowed itself to become pas­sive cheer­lead­ers to the carnage.

The Don cul­ture deliv­ered votes ‚the crim­i­nals in the Parliament kept the Police at bay. The Police large­ly start­ed to care less ‚and many became involved in despi­ca­ble forms of crim­i­nal­i­ty, unimag­in­able to ever asso­ciate with law enforce­ment officers.Outside groups like Amnesty International and their local pro­tegé Jamaicans for jus­tice con­tin­ue to use sub­tle coer­cion to desta­bi­lize the coun­try through a sys­tem­at­ic cam­paign of attack against the mem­bers of the secu­ri­ty forces, as the streets con­tin­ue to run red with the blood of inno­cent adults and children.

The European Union has made funds avail­able to Jamaicans for Justice. Under the guise of human rights, the local groups have led a sus­tained and con­cert­ed cru­sade against the secu­ri­ty forces , sup­port­ed by some with­in the JLP Administration and the entire oppo­si­tion party. 

One would think that the way for­ward would be through a sys­tem­at­ic build­ing up of the capa­bil­i­ties of the law enforce­ment appa­ra­tus, and the jus­tice sys­tem, allow­ing for the time­ly and ade­quate dis­pen­sa­tion of jus­tice. This in tan­dem with mod­ern­iza­tion of the coun­try’s infra­struc­ture and com­mu­ni­ty devel­ope­ment, that would put peo­ple to work, expand the econ­o­my, and reduce crime, which encour­ages invest­ments which in turn cre­ates more jobs.

In a coun­try of 2.7 mil­lion peo­ple we con­tin­ue to lose almost 2’000 to homi­cide annu­al­ly, oth­ers to migra­tion and it seem that the inno­cent are stuck with nowhere to go , pover­ty, igno­rance , illiteracy,hopelessness, and a rapa­cious oppor­tunis­tic polit­i­cal class that prey on their dis­ad­van­taged state.

If we do not begin to seri­ous­ly take a no-non­sense approach, that includes prison with­out parole,and deal­ing with it as a mil­i­tary mat­ter, with a mil­i­tary solu­tion ‚yes a mil­i­tary solu­tion !!, there will be no future for our coun­try ‚there are no real vic­to­ries with­out sac­ri­fice, the soon­er we as a peo­ple real­ize that the rule of law must be adhered to, and that those who defy the major­i­ty’s desire to live in a civ­i­lized way will be removed one way or anoth­er from soci­ety, the bet­ter our chances will be for a halt on the pre­cip­i­tous slide we are in.

The bleed­ing heart crim­i­nal sup­port­ing char­la­tans at Jamaicans for jus­tice who show up like ambu­lance chas­ing lawyers ‚sniff­ing around at every shoot­ing involv­ing police , look­ing for rel­e­vance, must be made to under­stand that we as a nation will not allow a lob­by group to decide when it comes to our safe­ty and secu­ri­ty, Patterson and Simpson Miller offered our coun­try up on the altar of polit­i­cal expe­di­en­cy, allow­ing crim­i­nal rights to take cen­ter stage over the rights of law-abid­ing cit­i­zens, Cops who do their jobs erad­i­cat­ing ter­ror­ists from the coun­try are side­line and demo­nized ‚so that Jamaicans for jus­tice and Carolyn Gomes can receive for­eign funds and a nation­al award, on the blood of war­riors like Wayne Henriques,and all the oth­er cops and mem­bers of our nations military.

This week our coun­try has come full cir­cle we now see the trend of behead­ing take cen­ter stage. Out of shame , and fear of a back­lash, the crim­i­nal serv­ing group, Jamaicans for jus­tice, has come out in con­dem­na­tion against the grue­some behead­ings, this is what peo­ple like myself and oth­ers have been say­ing for years,” when you sup­port them they get emboldened” .

Carolyn Gomes this is now your baby, you and the talk­ing heads on tele­vi­sion, and the idlers who offer noth­ing but hot air like Perkins and oth­ers , this is your baby.

mike beck­les:

have your say:
