Still Room For Prayer

download (11)Following on pre­vi­ous blogs I have writ­ten on this sub­ject I felt com­pelled to ask that we pray for our President , and the Country. Yesterday the Republican Governor of Texas Rick Perry con­vened a Pray-off in his States. The gov­er­nor invit­ed Ministers and oth­ers to pray for our Nation. As a believ­er myself I would not be at lib­er­ty , nei­ther would I want to ques­tion the sin­cer­i­ty of the Governor’s actions,Conversely as Christians we should under­stand the need for prayer in our dai­ly lives, not just when things appear not to be going the way we want them to ‚but as a con­stant line of com­mu­ni­ca­tion with God Almighty , our Creator.

One can­not pur­port to pray to God for his inter­ven­tion whilst at the same time har­bor­ing hate and resent­ment in their heart toward others.This we must all under­stand as God’s chil­dren, irre­spec­tive of what we call him , or even whether we believe or not.Even our broth­ers and sis­ters who do not believe in a God will agree that hate is a cor­ro­sive destruc­tive force that eats at one’s abil­i­ty to excel the way one nor­mal­ly would. I ask that we pray for our President in light of this obvi­ous and appar­ent all out assault on him, by some who pre­tend to be patri­ot­ic Americans. They have stat­ed their desire to see him fail, even if America fails. It bog­gles the mind that any­one could be so inher­ent­ly evil to the point of want­i­ng the pres­i­dent to fail sim­ply based on the col­or of his skin. How heavy must that bur­den of hate be? What could cause the human mind to be that degen­er­a­tive toward anoth­er, based on any­thing , least of all, that per­son­’s race. Not hav­ing wit­nessed Slavery, not hav­ing wit­nessed Jim Crow ‚not hav­ing expe­ri­enced cross burn­ing on my front lawn , I might have been desen­si­tized to the deep under­cur­rent of racism that sim­mers in America, bare­ly beneath the sur­face. Some of what we have wit­nessed since the cam­paign heat­ed up between Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, has been some of the most vit­ri­olic bile imag­in­able. Even then, all of the eye-pop­ping dis­grace­ful behav­ior we wit­nessed in those pri­maries , pales in com­par­i­son to what we are now see­ing hap­pen­ing in America.

I imag­ined it would be hard for the agents of hate to live with a black President. I was pre­pared, and still am, for more of the dis­grace­ful, shame­ful, dis­plays in words and deeds. What I wor­ry about is whether our President imag­ined it, or is pre­pared for it. No President deserves to be treat­ed with such dis­re­spect. God com­mand­ed us to be respect­ful of our lead­ers, per­son­al­ly I dis­agreed with 99.9% of President Bush’s poli­cies , yet I prayed for God’s guid­ance over him dur­ing his time in Office: he was our president.

The down­grade of America’s cred­it rat­ing was a cyn­i­cal, dia­bol­i­cal, and plain evil act by Republicans, I spoke about it before it hap­pened in pre­vi­ous blogs. They want­ed this to be a scar­let let­ter to be hung around the pres­i­den­t’s neck, some open­ly called for the coun­try to default on its debt, know­ing full well that a default meant down­grade . The chap­ter on the con­se­quences to the econ­o­my and those of us who are strug­gling is yet to be writ­ten. What is obvi­ous is that the repub­li­can par­ty, dri­ven by ide­o­log­i­cal intol­er­ance did not care whether peo­ple lost their homes, jobs,or whether inter­est rates on their mort­gages would trend upward cre­at­ing more down­ward pres­sure on an econ­o­my that alter­na­tive­ly need­ed a pres­sure valve.

President Obama,I ask that you get down on your knees and ask God for guid­ance, in the morn­ings and at night before you go to sleep, as David King of Israel did before you. Do not wor­ry about the ene­mies round about you, God will con­fuse them .

As it is writ­ten in Romans:Chp.8 V 28: And we know that all things work togeth­er for good to them that love God, to them who are called accord­ing to his purpose.

V31 What shall we say then to these things ? If God be for us who can be against us?

We pray for you Mr. President. We pray for those who hate you. We pray for our Country.We pray the love of God on all of our broth­ers and sis­ters who are find­ing it hard to make ends meet in these try­ing times, not just here in this coun­try but all over the world.

America has been here before, she has seen much worse and has bounced back big­ger bet­ter , stronger , and she will again.

mike beck­les:

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