Jamaica’s Police Commissioner has suc­cumbed to pub­lic pres­sure and has final­ly bro­ken his silence in the mat­ter in the mur­der of 17 years old Kingston College stu­dent Khajeel Mais.
Young Mais a pas­sen­ger in a taxi-cab, on his way to a fete at anoth­er High School, lost his life when the cab in which he was a pas­sen­ger was involved in an acci­dent, the cab alleged­ly rear end­ed a lux­u­ry BMW-x6 sport util­i­ty vehicle.
Reports are that the dri­ver of the BMW emerged from his vehi­cle gun in hand, and com­menced to fire on the cab,the dri­ver real­iz­ing that he was being shot at, turned his cab around and fled in the oppo­site direction.
He lat­er real­ized that his young pas­sen­ger was dead, a bul­let to the head, the cab dri­ver escaped phys­i­cal injury.
The state­ment from the Commissioner yes­ter­day defend­ing his Department’s han­dling of this mat­ter was an intel­li­gent, well thought con­cise and delib­er­ate Thesis on Policy and pro­ce­dure, A state­ment I would have been proud of, if the cir­cum­stances of its deliv­ery were different,.
However, despite all of what Mister Ellington has explained he still has not giv­en a plau­si­ble rea­son for the fact that to date the name of the sus­pect has not been released.
We can under­stand the expla­na­tion he gave regard­ing the fact that the sus­pect is a cit­i­zen of the United States and the poten­tial prob­lems releas­ing his name could have caused,we get that, how­ev­er the sus­pect by the Commissioner’s own admis­sion is back in the Country, and in his cus­tody, by all indi­ca­tions the sus­pect will be charged crim­i­nal­ly with the death of young mis­ter Mais,if this is cor­rect, whether he will face an Identification Parade or not there is no log­i­cal rea­son for the pub­lic to be kept in the dark as to his identity.
And while we are at it let’s hope that the JCF is not build­ing a case on the evi­dence gleaned from a poten­tial ID Parade alone.
The Commissioner , despite his expla­na­tions knows ful­ly well that the deci­sion he and the oth­er prin­ci­pals he named made to keep the pub­lic in the dark is one that is disingenuous,and does noth­ing to engen­der trust or respect for an Agency floun­der­ing from lack of both.
When all is said and done the charges made by the pub­lic about a per­ceived dou­ble stan­dard in the Police han­dling of this case still stands , when all the plat­i­tudes are peeled back, what we are left with is noth­ing more than smoke and mirrors.
How say you?
mike beckles