The Jamaican Police up to the time of this post still has not released the name of the shoot­er in their cus­tody accused of killing 17 years old school­boy Khajeel Mais in an appar­ent case of road rage gone ter­ri­bly wrong .
Young Mais, an inno­cent vic­tim, rid­ing in the back of a Cab to a fête at a high School, became the vic­tim of a ter­ri­ble case of road rage when the cab in which he was a pas­sen­ger alleged­ly ran into the back of a BMW-x6 sport util­i­ty vehicle.
Its is alleged that the dri­ver of the sport util­i­ty vehi­cle emerged from the vehi­cle fir­ing at the cab, the cab dri­ver it is report­ed turned his cab around and head­ed in the oppo­site direc­tion ‚with the x6 dri­ver still firing.
It is the trag­ic tale of how a promis­ing young life was snuffed out in a sense­less act of total madness.
The Police for their part has stead­fast­ly refused to name the shoot­er, even though it is report­ed he fled the Island for the United States, has since returned to the Country ‚and from their own account, is in custody.
This case has gen­er­at­ed wide­spread out­cry, and cor­rect­ly so, there are also accu­sa­tions of cov­er up and cor­rup­tion lev­eled at the Police in the way they have han­dled this case, in a man­ner that is incon­sis­tent with their (modus operan­di )mode of oper­a­tion, sim­ply put ‚the police have a duty to inform the pub­lic of the progress, of the case, they work for the pub­lic, and the rea­sons giv­en by sev­er­al per­sons with­in the Department includ­ing the Commissioner sim­ply does not add up.
We are well aware that there are cir­cum­stances that pre­vent the Police from divulging every­thing they know ‚we are also aware there are ways to keep the Public apprised with­out jeop­ar­diz­ing the case.
The Police has by their actions, shift­ed some of the pub­lic’s anger from the sus­pect onto them­selves, some­thing the Department can ill afford to do.
How say you.?


  1. This is such a sad sto­ry and it must be one of them why they do not want to release the name.

    Congratulations, Michael

  2. It is well known that the indi­vid­ual name is Patrick Powell. The prob­lem is very few peo­ple know who this low key indi­vid­ual is. It is report­ed that he is a Contractor/​Developer, a US Citizen, in his thir­ties, owns a “Jet, involve in the Entertainment Industry, etc., etc. I won­der what oth­er activ­i­ties is he involved in and why is it very lit­tle infor­ma­tion about him is read­i­ly available.

    • Jeff, thanks to you for your vis­it , do encour­age your friends to vis­it this new meet­ing place , let us use this medi­um to see if we can share ideas and make a change, keep writ­ing, and always leave a comment,speak your mind.

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