They Simply Cannot Say Michelle Obama Inspires Them.….

Michelle Obama the Princeton educated classy first lady went through hell when her husband Barack Hussein Obama announced as a candidate for the presidency of the United States in 2008.

Michelle was char­ac­ter­ized as a Terrorist and as Barack Obama’s Baby Ma-ma. She was depict­ed as an afro wear­ing rev­o­lu­tion­ary with a rifle on her back in the New Yorker mag­a­zine. Then pres­i­den­tial can­di­date, Illinois US Senator Barack Obama was por­trayed as an unpa­tri­ot­ic Muslim who could not be trust­ed with the Presidency.
Since then Barack Obama has won two pres­i­den­tial elec­tions saved America from finan­cial col­lapse and restored Americas image abroad.
He did it with blan­ket , wall to wall oppo­si­tion from Republicans.

Front and cen­ter of the dem­a­goguery against President Obama is the man run­ning for the pres­i­den­cy on the repub­li­can side Donald Trump. Trump is one of the peo­ple who came up with the birther issue which seeks to de-legit­imize Barack Obama’s can­di­da­cy and ulti­mate­ly his presidency.
Fittingly, the President has dis­missed the goofy orange faced repub­li­can as a car­ni­val bark­er unwor­thy of seri­ous consideration.

There is so much we can say about the way the Obama’s have ran their pres­i­den­cy with­out a sin­gle scan­dal, the first pres­i­den­cy in ages ever to do so.
There is so much to be said about their two beau­ti­ful well round­ed daugh­ters who grew up in front our eyes.
We could talk about the poise , grace, class, and intel­lect with which Michelle Obama has con­duct­ed her­self as first lady. Yet we can also high­light the vit­ri­olic hatred which has been direct­ed at her and her fam­i­ly all because of the col­or of her skin.

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Michelle Obama is cer­tain­ly a strong beau­ti­ful woman wor­thy of being copied. So it’s no won­der that Donald Trump’s wife would look up to our first lady and seek to pull from her speech parts of which she believed.
That’s not a prob­lem . The prob­lem is that they hate us so much that even when they are caught steal­ing from us they refuse to admit that they stole. That their hand is caught in the cook­ie-jar and is at risk, they dou­ble down and deny .
Because they can­not admit that they learn from us.

Even as they stood on their con­ven­tion stage and say peo­ple of col­or have not cre­at­ed any­thing last­ing, they were in the process of steal­ing from us .
How typ­i­cal is that ?