Segregation Forever Redux…

Fifteen(15) year-old Minnijean Trickey sur­round­ed by a group of white heck­lers September 1957,as she tried to attend class­es at Central High School in Little Rock Arkansas , home state of US sen­a­tor Tom Cotton.

Brown v Board of Education, the land­mark 1954 supreme court rul­ing that seg­re­gat­ed schools were uncon­sti­tu­tion­al, should have meant she and fel­low pupils could take their places at Central High. But Governor Orval Faubus of Arkansas, in the deep south, remained defi­ant and used the nation­al guard to block their enroll­ment. The African American chil­dren were left in lim­bo for three weeks.[adapt­ed]
Three weeks lat­er, on 25 September, the group braved a hos­tile white crowd, climbed the school steps, and were escort­ed to class by US army troops. They became known and revered as the Little Rock Nine.

The cas­es or white racism can be found spread out across social media plat­forms, in news­pa­pers, on tele­vi­sion, in some his­to­ry books, on web­sites, and even on pod­casts.
They are so myr­i­ad and volu­mi­nous that we are almost numb to them.
Specific instances of it are so egre­gious that they stoke much of the anger that we have seen across the coun­try cul­mi­nat­ing in vio­lent street protests.
There was nev­er any ques­tion about racism in America, the world under­stands the promise of America but it is not delu­sion­al about the past and present of America.
What makes America’s racism so intran­si­gent is that it is Government pol­i­cy, enforced by police.

Vivian Juanita Malone Jones reg­is­ter­ing to attend class­es . Vivian was one of the first two black stu­dents to enroll at the University of Alabama in 1963, and in 1965 became the uni­ver­si­ty’s first black graduate.

Contrary to what you may have heard about racism in America, that some­how the gov­ern­ment is work­ing tire­less­ly to erad­i­cate this ugly and igno­rant scourge from itself, it is not true.
Racism is cod­i­fied in lit­er­al­ly every law passed at every lev­el in America.
It is val­i­dat­ed and where nec­es­sary brought back by the high­est court in the coun­try. (See Shelby Alabama Vs Holder). (See cit­i­zens unit­ed).
It is not like there is a set of laws that are being dis­man­tled ever so slow­ly, with hope for a brighter future.
Many younger white peo­ple are mor­bid­ly racist, misog­y­nis­tic, and Islamophobic as their old­er coun­ter­parts, even as many are enlight­ened and brave in fight­ing against injus­tices in a sys­tem they did not help to cre­ate.
Arkansas Republican US Senator Tom Cotton, and Florida Republican Representative Matt Gaetz are two that imme­di­ate­ly comes to mind.
It is no great won­der then, that the vast major­i­ty of cas­es of racism in America, some­how has police play­ing some part in the whole affair.
American police see them­selves as enforcers of the social con­struct in its orig­i­nal intent.
They envis­age them­selves as the last line of defense between an endan­gered frag­ile white America and an imag­i­nary invad­ing horde of black and brown, less­er humans, who are deter­mined to tear down the cas­tle walls.

September 11th 1956 African-American stu­dents being escort­ed from Sturgis High School in Wisconsin by armed National Guardsmen.

As the most rec­og­niz­able face of racism in America, the inco­her­ent, inar­tic­u­late Donald Trump, made the case on Wednesday, August 12th in Texas:
You know the sub­urbs, peo­ple fight all of their lives to get into the sub­urbs and have a beau­ti­ful home,” Trump said dur­ing a talk in Midland, Texas. “There will be no more low-income hous­ing forced into the sub­urbs. … It’s been going on for years. I’ve seen con­flict for years. It’s been hell for sub­ur­bia.
This from the guy who was sued by the Federal gov­ern­ment years ago for refus­ing to allow Black peo­ple access to his build­ings. This is also the guy who want­ed the inno­cent Central Park five exe­cut­ed, and still refus­es to acknowl­edge their inno­cence today.
The guy who said that vio­lent racists in Chorletsville were ‘good peo­ple”.
Yes the same one who has thou­sands of chil­dren locked away in cages.
Oh my. I mean, it’s not even a dog whis­tle any­more,Sen. Chris Murphy (D‑Conn.) wrote on Twitter. “Our President is now a proud, vocal seg­re­ga­tion­ist.”

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As Black Lives Matter activists march, and as peo­ple of all col­or took to the streets to demand fun­da­men­tal change in the way police oper­ate in America, the fun­da­men­tal­ist right who are the defend­ers of white suprema­cy will not go will­ing­ly.
They have had well over four hun­dred years to entrench heir roots deep into the nation­al con­scious­ness.
Someone said, “a hit dog holler”, the bla­tant racism you see and hear will get a lot worse before any­thing gets bet­ter.
They are not even pre­tend­ing that they care to hide the unimag­in­able racist attacks they lev­el at peo­ple of col­or, and why should they?
Trump is their leader and they believe that he will be in office for­ev­er, giv­ing legit­i­ma­cy to their most base instincts.

U.S. Marshals escort­ing Ruby Bridges, one of the first African Americans stu­dents to attend a white school. 

One sergeant of police in Colorado Springs tried to hide behind pseu­do­nyms
while encour­ag­ing peo­ple and his col­leagues to kill all of the pro­test­ers block­ing thor­ough­fares.
it was not a one-time error in judg­ment, he made the same com­ments in more than one social media posts which was even­tu­al­ly inves­ti­gat­ed and we are told he was, get this.….….….……suspended for five days.
Sergeant Keith Wrede made the com­ments on June 30. The first com­ment was made in response to a live stream of a Black Lives Matter protest where demon­stra­tors blocked an inter­state for over an hour.
Here is the kick­er.…..
CSPD Chief Vince Niski wrote a let­ter to the pub­lic Monday express­ing his sol­i­dar­i­ty with those out­raged by Wrede’s online behav­ior — call­ing his com­ments “unpro­fes­sion­al, dis­taste­ful, and not reflec­tive of our depart­ment” — but also defend­ing his deci­sion not to fire him.
Here it is peo­ple.….…
While his state­ments were harm­ful and rep­re­hen­si­ble, I can­not deprive the com­mu­ni­ty of a good police offi­cer and his ser­vices because of an iso­lat­ed inci­dent of an error in judg­ment.”

Attempting to block inte­gra­tion at the University of Alabama, Governor of Alabama George Wallacestands at the door of Foster Auditorium while being con­front­ed by US Deputy Attorney General Nicholas Katzenbach.

I hope you did not miss the part about a “good police offi­cer and his ser­vices”. It lined right up with Donald Trump’s char­ac­ter­i­za­tion of vio­lent racist in Chorletsville, ‘as good peo­ple’.
So a demon­stra­bly men­tal­ly-deranged, socio­path­ic, wannabe, mass-mur­der­er, is deemed to be a good offi­cer and is allowed to con­tin­ue wear­ing a badge and gun, to dis­pense his brand of law enforce­ment on peo­ple of col­or in Colorado Springs Colorado.
Based on these irrefutable facts, it is impor­tant that Black peo­ple under­stand, that when white peo­ple talk about good police offi­cers, their idea of good cops does not com­port with their idea of what that may look like.
Considering of course that the vast major­i­ty of African-Americans have nev­er been exposed to any­thing that could be char­ac­ter­ized fac­tu­al­ly, as good policing.

U.S. Attorney General Robert Kennedy, broth­er of the President, chose not to meet this chal­lenge with a court test by arrest­ing the Governor. Instead, the Federal Government turned again to the use of troops.
A few hours after being turned away by the Governor, the fed­er­al author­i­ties returned — this time backed by troops.
The seg­re­ga­tion­ist gov­er­nor stood down

Mike Beckles is a for­mer police Detective cor­po­ral, busi­ness­man, free­lance writer,
he is a black achiev­er hon­oree, and pub­lish­er of the blog chatt​-​a​-box​.com. 
He’s also a con­trib­u­tor to sev­er­al web­sites.
You may sub­scribe to his blogs free of charge, or sub­scribe to his Youtube chan­nel @chatt-a-box, for the lat­est pod­cast all free to you of course.